Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 801 The Great Sun Python

Chapter 801 The Great Sun Python

Jian Fengyun's finger pointed out and lightly touched the light curtain.

The power of law with the fire attribute emerged from the finger, and when it touched the light curtain, the light curtain suddenly vibrated.It's like encountering a familiar breath, very excited.


With a soft sound, the red light curtain automatically opened a gap, which became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a hole that could accommodate one person.

If this scene was seen by Xia Houyu and others before, they would be extremely shocked, because it only took three breaths for Jian Fengyun to enter the light curtain, and both the speed and the way of entering were stronger than Lin Ru just now. Breaking the formation is much easier.

The figure in white disappeared, and the light curtain was restored, as if nothing had happened.


And Xia Houyu and others, after entering the Eight Treasures Pagoda, immediately started searching around.

The interior of the Eight Treasures Pagoda seems to have been hollowed out, and there are caves all there.

These caves are about every 30 meters, and most of them have been looted by the ancestors, leaving nothing behind.

"In every cave, there are traces of treasures, and all the treasures in these caves were taken away by others!" Xia Houyu said unwillingly, and walked out of another cave with resentment.

"I'm afraid you weren't even born when they took this treasure away, so why are you so angry?" Zi Linru smiled at the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen some incredible scene.

"Hmph!" Xia Houyu snorted, but didn't speak.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xia Houyu's eyes lit up.

In front of him, there is an ancient cave. The entrance of the cave is open, but it is filled with darkness, which cannot be seen clearly by the naked eye and cannot be sensed by the soul.

However, although the cave is open, there is a red light curtain flowing outside the darkness.

The light curtain was filled with the power of flames, crackling and burning.

"There are definitely treasures in this cave!"

Xia Houyu was overjoyed, and the dragon-hunting plate in his hand glowed again, pointing directly at the cave in front of him.

He remembered what his master said, but if there is a light curtain outside the cave, the treasure inside must have not been obtained.

However, as the remains of the gods were opened again and again, these caves were still not broken and looted. It is enough to see that it is not easy to get treasures from this cave.

"I want to see, what kind of cave is this, it can stop me!"

Xia Houyu showed arrogance on his face. In his opinion, the small light curtain of flames in front of him was just a small formation, which couldn't stop him at all.

While speaking, Xia Houyu stepped forward, the golden law flowing and condensing on her body.


But just when Xia Houyu was about to forcibly blast away the flame light curtain, a roar suddenly came from the front.

It was just a roar, but when Xia Houyu heard it, her face changed drastically, and an astonishing sense of crisis rose from her heart.


A flame flashed past, and only a flame could be seen rushing out of the dark cave.

Xiahouyu's soul power felt a huge sense of crisis, and immediately retreated, but the speed of the fire shadow was too fast, only a muffled bang was heard, and Xiahouyu's figure was directly blasted out, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

On his chest, the golden clothes had been ripped apart, and there was a scorched wound bleeding on it, and scarlet blood kept gushing out from the wound.


Everyone around was startled, and the ten or so strong men who followed Xia Houyu hurried over, helped Xia Houyu up, protected him in front, and exited the range of the cave.

And after they exited the range, the Hokage did not attack anymore, but turned into a red light and slowly retracted into the cave.

"My God, what is this fiery red light bar?"

"It looks like a tongue. Look at the end of the red strip. It's in the shape of a pair of scissors. It's very similar to the tongue of a boa constrictor monster!"

"You say it like that!"

"My God, the tongue that can injure Xia Houyu, the monsters in this cave are absolutely extraordinary!"

Everyone was stunned, exclaimed, and then discussed.

The red tongue was not withdrawn fast, and everyone could observe it in detail.

"It's the Great Sun Python!"

The tongue of fire was retracted, and the red light on the tongue slightly illuminated the dark cave, and at this moment, Zi Linru saw the true face of the master of the fire in the eyes of Zi Linru.

It is about ten meters long, with a dark red color all over its body, a huge snake head swallowing snake letters, and a little hot air emanating from its ferocious bloody mouth.

"It's not the Great Sun Heavenly Python, it's just the blood left behind by the Great Sun Heavenly Python." Beside Zi Linru, an old man in a purple robe shook his head and said, "I've seen it in ancient books. The Sun Heavenly Python is an ancient fierce beast, capable of competing with the ancient Golden Crow, if it is really the Great Sun Heavenly Python, the blow just now is enough to pierce Xia Houyu's chest."

"Whether it's the big sun python or not, if it can hurt me, it's definitely not an ordinary monster." Xia Houyu's expression was a little gloomy. He is the top genius of Shenge. The descendants were hurt.

"Step aside!"

Xia Houyu pushed away more than a dozen strong men beside him, intending to attack the descendants of the Great Sun Python.

"Young Master, you can't." One of the senior experts said: "This cave has not been broken for a long time, there must be a reason, besides, the descendant of the big sun python can hurt you with a single blow." , don't be reckless."

"I was careless just now, otherwise this beast deserves to hurt me?" Xia Houyu snorted coldly. He was extremely domineering by nature, and he also practiced the kung fu of Shenge Zhigang Zhiyang, which would affect his heart and nature, absolutely intolerable I was beaten back by a monster in public.

Almost at the same time, Xia Houyu's figure suddenly disappeared, the golden law in his hand condensed, and he punched towards the light curtain above the cave.

With a loud bang, the light curtain was shattered directly, and almost at the moment the light curtain shattered, the tongue of flame swept out again.

"Hmph, you're the one I've been waiting for!" Xia Houyu snorted coldly, and a cold look appeared on his face.

I saw a dagger with imperial power suddenly appeared in Xia Houyu's hand.

A golden light surged on the dagger blade, and it struck the tongue of flame in an instant.

There was a sound of gold and iron colliding when the emperor-level dagger collided with the flame tongue.

The next moment, there was a roar of pain from the python in the cave.

The tongue of flame quickly retracted.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Xia Houyu's mouth twitched into a sneer, and said, "I want to go back even though I'm here, dreaming!"

As soon as the words fell, the god-level dagger blades in his hands disappeared instantly, and he changed into a pair of emperor-level gloves, and bombarded together fiercely, clamping the flame tongue attack.
(End of this chapter)

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