Chapter 111 Divorce (2)
When everyone heard it, they had different expressions, and the children looked at the adults with confused eyes.

"Let's go!" Fang Jia immediately stood up and responded positively, changing the lifeless look just now.

Xu Langyu frowned, pulled him and yelled softly, "Sit down, why are you so excited!" Fang Jia looked at everyone, then sat down reluctantly and honestly, muttering: "It's hard to even say a word these days. under control."

Xu Langyu immediately glared at him, and then he made a playful gesture of sealing his mouth, but obviously, the news made him feel much better.

"Leave again?" Hu's mother was a little reluctant. This place is not very good, there are good people and food, why do you want to leave?The thoughts of the elderly always want to find a place to settle down, not to drift away.

Hu's father shook his head and said to her, "Listen to the child." If he hadn't stopped his daughter at the beginning, he might have died if he stayed in City I or City T. It shows that his daughter has grown up and has grown up. She has her own opinion, she must have her own reasons for saying this.

Hu Yue and Dongdong had no idea, they went wherever Hu Jun said they wanted to go.

The two brothers Xiaoxia and Xiaoqiu had just grown up together, so naturally they didn't have any constructive suggestions, so they sat and listened obediently.

Wei Tian naturally followed Xu Langyu, while Sun Aixia and Qi Yiyi followed Qi Zhejun.

The most critical two people have already had their own opinions.

"I also agree to go." Qi Zhejun nodded. In fact, he has already taken the embryonic form of this idea, but he is somewhat nostalgic for life in the countryside, so leisurely and comfortable, not as intense and tense as in the city, where he spends his days fighting zombies and eating. Running around desperately, but also worrying about the safety of the family.


Xu Langyu saw that both Hu Jun and Qi Zhejun wanted to leave, so he understood and explained to everyone, "Actually, the village chief doesn't want us to stay in the village any longer."

"How is it possible? We obviously work for them and work hard. If it weren't for you, this village would have been over!" Hu Yue immediately retorted in surprise, all of this is obvious to all, why would he not want the Hu family to stay here?

Xu Langyu shook his head, and continued: "Or, I don't want all of us to stay here."

After the words, everyone is even more puzzled, what does this mean?
"It is precisely because we have contributed too much that it has led to today. What a village chief is is the leader of the villagers. He obtained his current status by virtue of his supernatural powers, but since our arrival, the power in his hands has been divided. "

"But we are people with a foreign surname, and we will not surpass him no matter what." Xiao Xia shook her head and retorted. The discrimination against people with a foreign surname in this village is very serious. Hold on, it's obvious.

Xu Langyu nodded, and looked at Xiao Xia in agreement. Although this child is young, he is unusually mature and has an extremely sensitive thinking ability. ?"

What does this have to do with Uncle Zhao's family?
"Uncle Zhao's family has an earth-type ability, which coincides with the village head's ability, and Zhao Daming is a person with power abilities, and Uncle Zhao himself is a native of the village, so the village head naturally feels threatened. .”

"That has nothing to do with us." They are them and we are us.

"It doesn't matter, Cuizhou can swallow his anger for more than ten years, and wait for the village party secretary to escape before turning himself into a real village head. After years of hard work, he just enjoyed it for a few days, but the fruits of victory may be taken away. Do you think he will be willing? Is it? Although we have no contact with Uncle Zhao's family, but by doing so, he expresses that he wants to take the power of the village into his own hands, and we are doing coolies for him. That's why we can live together in peace. By the time of the Spring Festival, of course, part of the reason is that his power has declined. But at the beginning of the new year, he arranged shifts, and deliberately arranged Zhao Daming and Zhao Erming unreasonably, in order to make the Zhao family's voice decline, and make people feel that they are with them. One is death, unconsciously lowering their prestige. Second, it is also driving us apart."

"Divorce?" Everyone was taken aback, this little village chief can still play tricks?
Xu Langyu nodded cautiously and continued to explain: "Of course the people in the village know that we are not a family, but several families are pieced together. Hu Jun and I are in the same water department, so there will naturally be comparisons between the same department, especially every time we go on a mission. One move, one water and one ice, will naturally be used to compare the attack power. If one is not good, it will cause resentment and split the relationship. And Jiajia and Wei Tian have been queued in a dangerous team for a long time, not only for the Zhao family When there is a conflict, it will also cause irritability and disgust towards the supernatural beings under the same roof. Look, isn't Jiajia like this now?" Xu Langyu pointed at Fang Jia with his big hand.

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, and he was so frightened that he quickly waved his hands to retort, "Don't slander me, I'm angry that I'm useless!"

Xu Langyu smiled clearly: "Now I feel that I am useless, and gradually I will envy others, and gradually become jealous."

Fang Jia's face turned ugly when he heard that. In fact, he was a little envious of other people's abilities, and complained that his own ability's fire element was so useless. If he had the thunder element or the ice element, he might not be looked down upon by others. , say something like that.

To put it bluntly, his self-esteem has been severely wounded, which is why he is depressed.

Seeing that he had figured it out, Xu Langyu turned his head and continued, "I guess, this Cuizhou should take advantage of the opportunity of doing the mission to find out what Brother Qi said." After speaking, he turned his head to look at Qi Zhejun.

Qi Zhejun nodded in admiration and said, "I didn't expect Brother Xu's analysis to be so comprehensive. Yes, I have indeed been mobilized by him many times."

He didn't hide it at all, and said it openly, ignoring his wife's surprised eyes and continued: "He told me many times that he was going to organize a small team to go out and test my intentions. He also said that so many It is not safe for people to live together, so I am willing to open a small courtyard for me."

Everyone's hearts were suddenly raised. After living together for so long, their feelings gradually deepened, and they were unwilling to separate, especially Sun Aixia and Qi Yiyi, one felt the warmth of home, the other had a playmate, and they were unwilling to leave Back to the icy cold days.

Seeing everyone's nervous expressions, he laughed and said, "How could I possibly agree, so I kept perfunctory, trying to find a chance to leave here, but I didn't expect Miss Jun to open my mouth before I opened my mouth."

Upon hearing this, Sun Aixia was the first to let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately she did not agree, in fact, she also understood her husband's character and would not break his promise.

"In this way, Cuizhou intends to drive us away, drive away Uncle Zhao's house, and occupy the village?" Fang Jia tentatively asked, is this a small village?

"Why not?" Xu Langyu smiled. It seemed that everyone still didn't understand the importance of the village. "From last year's harvest, it can be seen that the food is not as good as it is every year. What is there to eat in a base without food? It must be Let the status of the rural areas with land be improved. Before long, the government may come to the countryside to collect grain and occupy the management group here, which is equivalent to having a bargaining chip with the government. personnel."

(End of this chapter)

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