Chapter 123 Cement Factory (2)
Cheng Feng watched him twist and turn, and smiled, and bald-headed, he saw his white teeth and scolded, "What are you laughing, I don't know, I thought the dentures came out by themselves!"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng was not annoyed, but pointed to his head and said, "With a light bulb as big as you, I can be seen no matter how dark it is!"

When everyone heard this, they all burst into laughter and agreed: "Your forehead is really bright."

Even Hu Jun couldn't help laughing, it's really so, it's shining brightly under the moonlight.

"Okay, dare to laugh at me, don't think that I dare not do anything to you because you are the captain, if you have the guts to go back and fight alone!" The bald head was so pulled that he invited him to fight.

"Why, you forgot about the daytime battle? Team Cheng will take care of you!" Upon hearing this, someone in the team poked the sore spot of his bald head, and he was ashamed of the daytime battle with Hu Juan.

"Go, let's play." The bald head waved his hand, it seemed that he would never get rid of this stain, hey, why did he get so hot-headed and invite a fight back then?Had he known it was him, he wouldn't have committed the crime!
Cheng Feng chuckled, stopped the two of them talking, and just said: "Okay, go to sleep, go to sleep, you have to work tomorrow, don't be wiped out by zombies before you finish yawning."

Survive is king!Everyone stopped talking and went to sleep honestly.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was bright, and we basically arrived at the destination according to the scheduled time. We encountered some zombies along the way, but they were not too bad. If you can rush through the car, you can rush.

One day's time to explore and search is not too tight.

After Cheng Feng went to pick up the task, he came back and said, "Let's not go to the cement factory, let's go around the neighborhood." The cement factory was built in a small town, and everyone in the town worked in the factory. This factory supported the people here, and some small shops in residential areas came into being.

"What are you hanging around, aren't you here to move cement?" Someone cursed, what are you looking at in this place where the birds don't shit?
Cheng Feng's face tensed, and he said seriously: "This is the task of the superior, and you must obey it!"

When everyone saw that his face had changed, they honestly stopped talking. Cheng Feng was recognized as the best among all the supernatural captains.

Whether it’s harmless jokes or teasing him, he never gets angry, and he doesn’t look superior on weekdays. Instead, he plays with everyone, and doing tasks is to strive for the best interests of everyone. Many abilities Everyone envied following such a captain.

However, this does not mean that he is easy to bully. On the contrary, when encountering real tasks, he is a surprisingly cautious and serious person. He does not allow the team members to be careless. Be vigilant and stay safe.

Now that he has entered the strict captain mode, naturally no one dares to touch him again, everyone tenses up, even the most lively bald head becomes uncharacteristically serious, and Hu Juan and Wei Tian are no exception.

A group of 30 people moved forward slowly, without any gags in the middle, or chatting and joking and the joy in the car, there is a world of difference.

Hu Jun didn't think he nodded. This is the attitude he should have for doing the task, and his affection for Cheng Feng, the captain, doubled.

"Be careful!" The person who opened the way suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, and the remaining 29 immediately stopped, looking around vigilantly, looking for problems.

It was early summer and May, and the air was no longer as clear as before, and there was silence everywhere, without a single sound, and no one knew what was going on.

The man didn't drop his hand for a long time, so no one moved.

Hu Jun only knew that this person was very good at finding the way, but he didn't know what kind of supernatural power it was, and felt a little strange.

He suddenly ran a few steps and rushed into a small shop, followed by the others without asking any questions. When the last person rushed in, he saw a zombie walking outside.

This zombie is a bit surprising at first glance. Although the clothes are dirty, they are relatively neat. The skin ulceration is not serious. It can be seen that it is a middle-aged man. His walking is not as crooked as other zombies, but he is also a bit staggering. Staggering, but the speed is extremely slow, and it feels a bit like walking on the street.

When passing by the small shop, it stopped suddenly, twisted its neck, and turned towards the shop stiffly. A pair of dull red eyes did not focus on anything. After a while, it tilted its neck to one side, and finally turned around slowly. Go, seems to intend to leave.

It is not difficult for 30 supernatural beings to kill a zombie, but their mission is to investigate, not to fight. We have to hide together, and we have already formed a tacit understanding after doing a lot of tasks together.

Seeing such a strange zombie, everyone was naturally a little surprised. Seeing it go, they were about to stand up. Who would have thought that it had just taken two steps, but it fell back and stared at the shop again, as if it could see Bring out a zombie beauty and have a perfect date with it.

After watching it for 5 minutes, everyone was speechless. Could it be that this store belongs to this zombie?Looking at it for so long, you are not tired, you are not tired, we squatting people are tired, please go quickly.

The zombie suddenly walked a few steps towards the door of the store. Its whole body was lying on the glass door, as if looking for something through the glass. If it was a human, it would not be strange, but when a zombie did this, the scene was so strange that it could not be described. People feel hairy.

This kind of weird zombie is really incapable of accepting it.

As if they had seen enough, the zombie slammed away from the glass and roared, the voice was hoarse but extremely sharp.

"No, it's calling its companions!" Cheng Feng finally spoke, but this opening shocked everyone, calling for companions!The only zombies with this ability are zombies with supernatural powers. Naturally, they have seen supernatural zombies, but they have only heard of this roar and never seen it. It is said that zombies with such skills are equivalent to the type of human supernatural power II.

When the bald head heard it, he immediately said: "Fight it!" He pretended to rush out to a showdown.

Cheng Feng stopped him who was impulsive, and his mind was spinning rapidly. They fought him with all their strength, but they might not win, at most a draw, and it was looking for help, so the hope was even more slim. The only solution now is to drag the words Jue, the town is small, and it will never be too late for the troops to arrive. He quickly began to order, "Build a protective fortress of the earth type and ice type, and other power users will attack from a distance, and those with melee powers should not come forward!" He took out a small object and slammed it out of the door. There was a loud noise when it touched, and black smoke came out of the object, and the black smoke was thick and straight into the sky.

This is the communication bomb invented by the army to exchange information quickly, and there is no need to be afraid of any zombies who will understand. After all, zombies are not humans, and they have no intelligence except to bite and devour.

At this moment, the supernatural powers started to work one after another. First, layers of earth walls were constructed, and the outside was covered with a layer of hard storm ice. This thing is a new invention. The two supernatural powers of soil and ice have different functions. If you want to penetrate the ice A wall requires enormous heat, and an invincible force is required to penetrate a dirt wall. The two superpowers are overlapped to double the defense coefficient. It is even more difficult to pass two superpowers at once. The second effect, the natural defense effect is better, the general attack is difficult to destroy, and it is impossible to penetrate it. It is best used to delay zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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