Chapter 125 Cement Factory (4)
But so far, there are very few capable people. Although there are a few melee or auxiliary abilities like Wei Tian, ​​they basically don't have much effect.

Only Hu Jun's water element and Cheng Feng's wind ability were resisting, and soon the protective wall was pierced layer by layer, leaving only the last two layers of the group, more than 50 zombies stared at them, and they were about to break through In the last line of defense, Hu Juan quickly shot out water arrows, and Wei Tian finally had a chance to show his ability, punching out the ordinary zombies climbing the wall.

The fire-type supernatural zombies are like watching a show, and they don't do anything.

It is difficult for 2 people to deal with 50 zombies, plus three zombies with supernatural powers, it is like an old birthday boy hanged himself - looking for death.

Hu Juan gritted his teeth, and regardless of whether his abilities were gradually exhausted, he yelled, "Run!" and then sent out a water dragon. Now it can only count for a while, and he only hopes that everyone can escape.

The legendary water dragon suddenly appeared, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Unexpectedly, it was even more imposing than the rumors. It was like a real dragon, rushing into the zombie crowd alive, and wandering among them. Wherever it went, ordinary zombies Only to be killed.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze, run!" Seeing that everyone was staring at the water dragon in a daze, Hu Juan shouted at him loudly. It's not a good time to watch the water dragon at this time, it's obviously a matter of escaping!

When everyone heard this, they remembered the business, but let her here alone, how could such a treacherous, covetous life and death thing be done!Although life is important, they can't do it with the lives of others!In the end, no one moved!
Hu Jun was a little moved for a moment. He didn't release the water dragon because he wanted to sacrifice himself to protect everyone. He had the illusion that he could escape by killing it by luck, but he didn't want no one to abandon her and go away.

In her two lifetimes, she has seen too many selfish people, and always felt that people's hearts are sinister. She never expected to see a group of such lovely people who are so affectionate and righteous at the critical moment of life and death. She only regrets that she did not meet them sooner.

The best ending is to defeat this fire zombie and save everyone.

She didn't want to take action on the water dragon at first, because the aftereffects of each shot were too serious, and most importantly, a voice in her heart seemed to tell her that the water dragon would definitely not be able to deal with this fire-type zombie.

Now is the moment when you have to make a move, and you can only make a last-ditch effort.

The water dragon roared at the zombies. It stands to reason that water can defeat fire, so it should be true.

The zombie tilted its head, and seemed to be curious about what it was. When the water dragon's huge breath sprayed on it, it raised its hand, only to see a fireball twice the size of the dragon's head facing the fire dragon abruptly!
Hu Jun raised his eyebrows so much that he saw it frowned just for a moment, before he had time to think about it, he discovered something even more shocking. Although she resisted with all her strength, the fireball broke through the water dragon and came straight towards Hu Jun.

"Move quickly!" Cheng Feng didn't like it, and quickly pushed everyone away with his hand.

At that moment, there was a loud bang, and a big deep pit appeared in the place. Although no one died, some people were seriously injured because of the aftermath. Hu Jun even fell to the ground and vomited blood.

She thought that the water dragon might not be able to beat the zombie, but she didn't expect that the fireball would penetrate the water dragon's body!This way of fighting back hurt her particularly seriously, and her spirit, abilities, and body all suffered huge trauma.

Are they really going to die here?
Without the protective wall, ordinary zombies pounced on them, and everyone could only resist with their bodies.

Wei Tian hurriedly protected Hu Jun, punching him one by one.

As soon as a supernatural zombie made a move, a soil ball was thrown towards him, and it was about to hit a person.

A gust of wind blew past, and everyone quickly turned their heads subconsciously.

I saw a capable young woman wearing a military uniform as the first, waving her right hand continuously, like a wind blade, killing zombies one after another steadily and ruthlessly.

"It's her!" Everyone had hope in their eyes.

"This is?" Hu Jun was puzzled, she knew too little about City A.

I saw a large group of people behind the female officer. This is the rescue force finally arriving.

"Her name is Zheng Fangfei, and she is one of the top 10 wind-type superpowers in the base. She is known for her clean offense." Cheng Feng explained to Hu Jun while leading everyone to the main force.

It turns out that the base in City A is a leaderboard for supernatural beings, but people like Hu Jun are not eligible to enter the inner city government hall, let alone the government hall with strict inspections and requirements in the early stage.

It is very rare for a female supernatural person to be famous on the list. It is precisely because Hu Jun is ranked 10th among water-type supernatural persons that everyone spreads it by word of mouth.

However, because the water is ice, it is not very rare, but the wind system is different. Zheng Fangfei is ranked third as a female officer, which can be described as a legend.

While Cheng Feng was talking, Hu Juan was watching her fight. It was really clean and neat, without any muddy feeling. The wind blade is not big, small and long, but it contains infinite power. It can be said that it uses the smallest ability to display the wind It is the biggest effect of the ability.

Cheng Feng, who is also in the wind department, is absolutely incomparable to others in his ability to control abilities. It is no loss that he is ranked third, Hu Juan sighed in his heart.

Coupled with her agility and tricky angles, this wind blade actually made the supernatural zombies suffer many times, making them howl and annoyed.

"This is the third place, so who is the first?" Hu Jun asked curiously, judging by her appearance, she was already very strong.

"The first is General Ji Jin. People who have seen his abilities say that his abilities are twice as high as Zheng Fangfei's, but the test results are only one level higher." Cheng Feng didn't understand in his heart. It looks very strong, but when it comes to the test value, the reality is not as good as everyone imagined, which is really strange.

General Ji Jin?How could Hu Juan forget this person? He didn't expect to have such a powerful ability, even stronger than Zheng Fangfei. I really don't know what level of ability it is.

Hu Jun was filled with infinite curiosity.

Soon, everyone also knew why they came here now. It turned out that they also encountered a wave of zombies, and they came here after finally solving them.

Although Zheng Fangfei has strong abilities and leads countless people with abilities to attack fire zombies, it is obvious that the fight is not easy.

"Don't kill them, capture them alive!" The supreme commander quickly ordered, such zombies that can summon supernatural zombies are really unheard of, and they are of great research value.

This is a pain for everyone, it is not easy to kill, and it is not easy to capture an ordinary zombie alive, let alone it!

If there is only one fire-type zombie, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be able to withstand the crushing of supernatural beings, but the bad thing is that there are three supernatural zombies beside it, which are two water and one earth. It's hard to deal with, and every time they are pushed into a hurry, they will scream, and after a while, a group of ordinary zombies will rush over, and then naturally kill the cannon fodder zombies first.

(End of this chapter)

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