The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 142 The Death of Father Ji

Chapter 142 The Death of Father Ji (2)
"Yao..." The old man's breath was extremely weak, and his voice was extremely low. He pointed to the ground, and Hu Jun saw a small remote control lying on the ground. Although he didn't know why, he still picked it up and handed it to him.

After the old man pressed it tremblingly, his hand hangs down again feebly.

Hu Jun is not in the mood to care about what the remote control is for at the moment, but is focused on looking at the old man's hand. The old man is wearing a silver ring. If it is gold, she can understand if it is a diamond. Why is it silver? ?

She has been thinking about the silver bracelet for a long time. After a long period of observation, no one in the last days would wear silver jewelry!

The woman who stuffed herself with the silver bracelet seemed to have something to do, otherwise it would be impossible to give it to her like that. Now a person who may be a scientific researcher also has a silver jewelry. How could she not pay attention to it? Behind these puzzles, maybe Just write to contact.

The thought that she would soon know the truth behind the bracelet made her feel even more urgent.

But the old man seemed to have no strength at all. Hu Jun quickly took out some water from his backpack and gave it to the old man. After drinking it, the old man felt better. Could it be okay?This water is not ordinary water, but water in space.

If you want to talk about why Hu Jun gave it to him, it's all because she vaguely feels that this old man is not easy!
The old man rested for a while, raised his eyes and asked her, "Where are you from?"

Hu Jun thought for a while, and was very entangled. This question is very entangled. Do you want to say that I am from City I, or that I am from the base in City A?

Seeing his conflicted appearance, the old man was determined that no family was the best. At this time, Hu Juan couldn't figure it out, so he took out the silver bracelet and said, "I want to know, the ring on your hand and this bracelet what is the relationship?"

Seeing the bracelet, the old man's pupils were locked tightly, and his whole body was full of emotions. He stretched out his hand to reach it, and shouted with all his strength, "Where is she, where is she!"

Hu Jun was taken aback, and quickly handed him the bracelet.

The old man took the bracelet with a sad expression, and touched the bracelet like a lover, his eyes were full of affection, and he burst into tears as he watched.

Hu Juan panicked all of a sudden, she had never encountered such a situation, could it be that this old man had something to do with that woman?Father and daughter?

The old man cried for a long time before wiping away his tears and asking, "Who gave it to you?"

Hu Juan explained honestly, and described the woman's appearance very carefully.

The old man nodded, took out a photo frame from the drawer with difficulty, handed it to Hu Jun and asked, "Is that her?"

I saw a family of three on the photo frame. The man was wearing glasses and dressed casually, he was holding his arms around a beautiful woman in a dress with a sweet smile on the right side, and the woman was holding a delicate and cute little boy in a small suit in front of them with both hands.

That woman was the seriously injured woman that Hu Jun met before, but when Hu Jun saw her, the years had made the woman more mature, but her facial features were still so beautiful.

"It's her." Hu Juan nodded firmly.

The old man remained silent, his fingers trembling slightly, and he asked after a while, "Then, has she ever come back to look for you?" He knew he couldn't, but he still didn't give up.

Hu Juan shook her head honestly, since she was picked up by the government, she had no news. Of course, she would not take the initiative to inquire about a stranger.

"She is my wife." The old man took a long time to speak, and Hu Jun was startled when he opened his mouth. How could it be possible? You look seventy-eight, and that woman is only forty!
The old man was surprised to see Hu Jun's face, but he was not surprised at all. He was so sad all night, and his mental and physical losses were serious, but he had aged like this in half a year. No wonder she couldn't recognize him, so he just said: "Look carefully. That photo."

Hu Jun grabbed the photo and looked at the photo and the old man repeatedly. After a closer look, the facial features of the two were somewhat similar, but the old man's hair was mottled, his skin was wrinkled and had spots, and his long-term malnutrition had deformed his whole body. You can still find it if you look hard. It should be a person.

"Then you..." Hu Jun didn't understand, what would happen if he knew?

The old man raised his hand to plan, took out a pen and paper from the drawer, began to write in a rustle, then took out an envelope from his pocket, handed it to Hu Jun together with the ring and the bracelet and said, "If I can't leave, please come back." After arriving in City A, give these things to my son, his name is General Ji Jin." Since his wife entrusted the things to her in the end, she is the only one he can trust now.

Hu Juan opened his mouth so wide that he could put down a duck egg!He was actually Ji Jinjiang's father, and the woman she accidentally met was his mother. Thinking of this, she quickly said, "He's here too!"

"What!" The old man was not happy at all, but worried, looking anxious and flustered.

Hu Jun didn't understand why he wanted to deliver the message himself, so why was he unhappy when he heard his son came?
The old man shook his head and sighed. Some things were not humane. He wrote down what he wanted to say in the letter, and asked Hu Jun, "What did you encounter when you came in?"

Hu Jun thought for a while and said, "The zombies here are all strange, they seem to be conscious." It's not as simple as the Kaihui zombie, but she couldn't tell what it was.

The old man nodded and said affirmatively, "That's right, the zombies here are indeed conscious. If I hadn't guessed, there are zombies waiting outside right now." He ignored Hu Jun's puzzlement, pointed to the remote control and said : "Everything in this building can be controlled by the control room, except for a few individual rooms. This is one of them. Use this remote control to control the electrical appliances in the room." He turned the swivel chair again and pointed to the A small tablet said: "I just saw you, and I opened the door for you."

Hu Jun nodded, and the old man continued: "Jinjiang and the others should be trapped by that zombie. I don't know if they can escape. I can control some protective devices in front of the door to help you escape. You go first."

Wherever Hu Jun agreed, he immediately refused. If there was anything she hated the most, it was the farewell to her relatives.

No wonder Ji Jinjiang fought so desperately all the way, killing zombies without blinking his eyes, not at all as gentle as the legend in the base, now he understands everything, it's all for his father!
Let me ask, who knows that his father is trapped here, and he can take it calmly.

And what about Ji Jinjiang at this moment?
The reason why he accompanied him this time, just as Hu Juan thought, was entirely for his father. His mother had already passed away. If his father passed away again, he would only feel that the world was falling apart. He didn't know why he had worked so hard for so many years.

Being locked up here all the time, my mood became more and more gloomy, not to mention anxious, the more I stayed, the less my father's hope of surviving.

Thinking of this, Ji Jinjiang hurriedly pointed to the top corner of the glass and said, "Concentrate your strength and hit here!"

(End of this chapter)

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