Chapter 158: Housewarming (1)
Xu Bingqing pointed at her own sister with trembling fingers, okay, how did you flatter me at the beginning, and now you dare to do this to me, so don't be rude to my sister, she said bluntly: "Dad, she also has a part in those things !"

Xu Yujie looked aggrieved, looked at her father and said, "Dad, how is it possible, my sister can't see that others are better than her."

Father Xu's headache got worse, and now he had to watch the two incompetent daughters fight back and forth, waved his hands impatiently and said, "Okay, no one knows what Yujie has done! Take care of yourself first! "

After finishing speaking, he went straight back to the study, his spine slightly bent, but none of the three women in the family noticed.

Xu's mother was thinking about what to do with her precious daughter, whether to give birth or ask someone to have an abortion.

Xu Bingqing gritted his teeth in anger, while Xu Yujie was triumphant.

"Okay, Yujie, go back to the house!" After all, Xu's mother still likes the eldest daughter, seeing the eldest daughter's face is not good, so she scolded the younger daughter.

Xu Yujie didn't care about her mother's partiality anymore, anyway, Ji Jin was going to be her, so she twisted her waist and went back to the house, what should she wear to meet Jin Jiang's brother?
Seeing her like this, Xu Bingqing threatened viciously, "You wait for me!"

She touched her stomach, is she really going to give birth to this... No, she absolutely doesn't want to!

The Xu family talked about the changes in the marriage, so the Ji family naturally wanted to tell Ji Jinjiang about this person.

Just as the Patriarch of the Ji family thought, Ji Jinjiang agreed meekly.

However, wanting him to marry Xu Yujie was simply a dream. If he married someone, wouldn't the previous plan be in vain?

"Go and muddy the water."


Originally, things have improved a lot under the pressure. No one expected that those low-level men who were taken care of by Xu Bingqing all died at home overnight. Was it an accident or murder? Was it the Xu family or Xu Bingqing?
All of a sudden, things went wrong again.

Not only is it that simple, but more scandals have been exposed to the Xu family. For example, it is not uncommon to rape beauty, collect money to sell officials, embezzle public food, abuse power, and recruit thugs. Clear, people have to believe.

Obviously, someone is targeting the Xu family, who is it?

Is it for the Ji family to gain more bargaining chips, or for the other family to completely defeat the Xu family?
All the families are investigating the mastermind behind the scenes, but they can't find a clue at all. Who is it?

Mother Hu looked at her watch. It was already 7 o'clock, and Qi Zhejun still hadn't come back. She asked Sun Aixia who was cooking with some concern, "Is Zhejun working overtime again today?"

"There are a lot of things recently, and he is busy working overtime." Sun Aixia replied with a smile. As for what happened, I heard that the base is too chaotic recently, and patrols need to be strengthened. To rush to the front line.

"What's for dinner then?" Hu's mother was a little worried, and didn't know if the dinner was good or not.

Sun Aixia said with a smile: "Don't worry, people who work overtime will take care of the meals and fill up."

Hu's mother nodded, but still told him, "Then tell him to be careful at night."

We have lived together for more than half a year, and we have a lot of deep feelings, and we already feel like a family.

The dinner was very simple. Xiao Kong was very dissatisfied with eating such a simple food at first, and went on a hunger strike. After starving for a few days, he ate honestly.

"Moving in three days!" Hu Juan announced this somewhat explosive news while eating.

"Moving? Where?"

"Why move?"

"which region?"

"how much is it?"

The problems came like a series of cannonballs. Hu Jun waved his hand to stop them, and only said: "Clean up well, it's not too far from here, and try to finish the move in one day."

After the meal, Hu Jun called Ran Tao aside and stayed here for a few days. After eating well and resting well, his complexion naturally improved a lot, but he was still so thin, as if he would disappear with the wind in a blink of an eye, and he still didn't say a word. Don't say a word, if you don't look for him on purpose, he hides away as if he doesn't exist.

"What do you think?" Hu Juan cut to the chase. Regarding Ran Tao's future, she didn't have a plan after thinking about it. It's more appropriate to make her own decision.

Ran Tao's clear and bright eyes looked at her, calm as water but full of sadness, under the quiet night sky, he didn't say a word, the two just looked at each other quietly, the air was condensed.

Without waiting for Hu Juan to say anything, he turned around silently and left.

Leaving Hu Jun alone, hey, she didn't say anything too much just now, Hu Jun unconsciously reflected.

Ran Tao went out early the next morning, and it was better not to go out, as soon as he went out, he caused a sensation.

His jet-black long hair hangs down to the ground, his footsteps are light, his face is exquisite, and his temperament is pure. He is a peerless beauty, and he is a killer for both men and women.

Wherever they went, they bumped into walls, trees, countless people collided with each other, and there were not a few people with nosebleeds. Ran Tao just used his clear and bright black eyes to reflect the ugliness of these people, neither angry nor smiling, neither sad nor happy, as if all of this had nothing to do with him, he just watched quietly, Listen quietly.

Qi Zhejun saw a group of people gathered in front of him for some reason, obstructing the traffic, and immediately shouted angrily, "What are you doing!"

Some people ran away in fright when they saw that they were members of the patrol bureau, and some even tried to argue a few words, saying that they were friends with him.

friend?Ran Tao looked at this boastful strange man, and tried to put his arms around his shoulders.

How could Qi Zhejun not know Ran Tao, and he scolded the man viciously, "Where are you going!" He slept for two or three hours every day for seven days, and Iron Man couldn't bear it. , I took him back to the bureau and invited him to 'drink a cup of tea'.

The hooligan saw that the patrolman was very violent, so he didn't talk back and ran away in despair.

Seeing this new kid in his family standing there quietly, his eyes looking at the illusory distance, his whole person seemed to be otherworldly, he sighed helplessly, arranged for people to disperse the troublemakers, and then temporarily skipped work , led him home.

"Why did you come to the street?" Qi Zhejun asked him curiously as he sent him back.

Ran Tao didn't speak, but quietly followed him home.

Qi Zhejun rubbed his temples, could this be adolescent rebellion?
"Take care of him and don't let him go to the streets." Qi Zhejun explained to Hu Jun very carefully as soon as he entered the house.

Hu Juan was embarrassed, why did he have the subtle rush of losing his pet dog and being brought back by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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