Chapter 160: Housewarming (3)
Hu Juan's name is like a thunderbolt, a well-known ice-type ability user, ranking third, but many people say that this is not her real strength, if she uses her full strength, she should be the first, but no matter the first or third, for his kind To humans, that is an unattainable supernatural being.

How many people want to get in touch with the masters of these bases, but they seldom go out on missions, and get the high salary of the base every month. To ordinary people, they are all illusory. Now they live on their heads, what an honor thing!

As soon as the wife heard this, she immediately changed from a contemptuous expression to a flattering and flattering one, wishing she could help others move now when she went out, and the annoying kid who had just been running around also became patient and lively.

The two reached an agreement, and immediately came out of the room beaming, changing their disdainful expressions just now, and enthusiastically asking for help.

The social interaction was handed over to Qi Zhejun, and he quickly chatted with the hostess, and understood the origin of the neighbor. He is a little supernatural being and a public official at the same time.

When Hu's father and mother saw the enthusiastic neighbors, they didn't think too much, they just felt comfortable and kind.

The big-bellied man also looked at the family. They were basically handsome men and women. The house was not simple furniture. When he suddenly saw Ran Tao, he was astonished and reacted on the spot!
However, Ran Tao seldom spoke, and soon disappeared silently.

In addition, this family is not simple at first glance, and they don't know what relationship Ran Tao has with them. The big belly can only hide this dirty feeling silently, but since then, it has been tossing and turning every night.

The furniture was finally moved, and everyone sat limply on the sofa, feeling that their arms were sore and their legs were as heavy as lead. I'm afraid it will be worse tomorrow.

"One room for uncle and aunt, one room for Xiao Jun, one room for Ran Tao Xiao Xia, one room for Xiao Qiu Yi Yi Dong Dong Xiao Kong, one room for Xu Langyu Wei Tian, ​​one room for Fang Jia and Hu Yue, and one room for Ai Xia and I." Qi Zhejun asked for leave today to come back, and Hu Jun had already intentionally asked him to be the spokesperson of the family. First, the nature of his previous work determined that he could speak and do things. Second, as a husband and father, he was more reliable and thoughtful.

Originally, they all planned to continue to arrange according to the previous layout, at most they would just give Ran Tao a room.

It was Xu Langyu who came up with the idea, "Living together is more beneficial for children to grow up, and they can become independent as soon as possible. They always live with adults. They still look cute and not suitable for the end of the world." He is not a father, but look There are more children from other people's families, and they become independent early, work, and make money. Looking back at the children at home, they are innocent and innocent, and they don't know the appearance of suffering in the world. It is a chronic poison to them.

Even Xiaoqiu, who used to go out and wander around, is now locked up at home, eating and drinking every day. Although she still knows how to fight with her younger siblings, it is true that her behavior has stagnated.

One word wakes up the dreamer, especially Qi Zhejun, he is the father who most hopes for his daughter's well-being.

I used to think that providing her with a good living environment, not being hurt, and giving her some simple self-defense techniques are the best love.

However, he forgot that this is the end of the world. He is in his prime, in the prime of life, able to fight, fight, earn money to support his family, ten years, twenty years, 20 years? 30 years?He is getting old year by year, but the zombies are getting stronger year by year.

When his daughter grows up, how will she gain a foothold in the last days and survive in the last days by relying on a powerful man?Or rely on your own abilities?

Even though he is a man, he also understands that few men will live and die for their wives in the last days, and there are countless people who abandon their wives.

Even if he felt so sorry for his lovely, sensible and obedient daughter that day, he understood that it was time to let go. The daughter's future must be fought by herself, and it was right for her to become independent early and practice the skills of killing zombies. Daughter's best protection.

The first step in all this is to separate the beds.

Qi Yiyi has not yet expressed his attachment and reluctance to his parents, but Xiao Kong said with a displeased face: "I don't want it." Why should he live with them, he wants to live with Hu Jun!

Everyone had already thought that the children would not agree easily, so they carefully arranged for it. Sun Aixia waved to the children and said, "Let's go and see your little room, okay?"

Xiaoqiu slept with Dongdong before, and she still sleeps together now, and she didn't feel anything special. She took Qi Yiyi's hand and happily went to see the new room. Hu Jun also turned her face Xiao Kong went in.

Others went to the rooms they were handed out.

The room faces the sun, the windows are bright and clean, a big thick blanket is spread in the middle, all kinds of small toys and comic books are covered, there is a row of soft sofas under the window, and there are several large iron buckets in the corners, which are filled with ice cream. piece.

The upper and lower bunks on both sides are European style, with white hard wood pasted with Kanai cartoon patterns, and the sheets on each bed are different, including pink cats, yellow ducks, blue dolphins, and green turtles.

It's hard for the children not to like this warm, childlike and cool room. With a sullen face, Xiao Kong reluctantly occupied the yellow duck bed on the lower bunk on the right at the speed of light. Bouncing and bouncing and rolling and rolling on the mattress.

Of course, not only their rooms are like this, but the simple decoration of all the rooms is not as exquisite as theirs, let alone catch up with the pre-apocalyptic standard, but it is still very high-end in today's view.

It took a whole day to get everything done, and the tired people fell asleep.

The children fell asleep in their new beds because they were too tired from playing all day.

Hu's housewarming, I thought no one would know about it, but I never thought that many people would come to congratulate me the next day.

The first to come were Cheng Feng and Bald. They came at two o'clock in the afternoon, and they were carrying a huge wooden barrel.

"Congratulations on moving to a new house!" The two congratulated in unison, their faces beaming.

Mother Hu, who worked hard to keep the house, got up early to scrub and wash. At this moment, she enthusiastically let the two of them in. The others only got up at noon, had just finished eating, and were arranging their clothes.

"Hey, why are you here?" Fang Jia, who happened to be in the living room, looked at the two with a smile. It turned out that Hu Jun had been away for a month, and they went around to take on some tasks. Naturally, they met many people. With an optimistic and bold personality, he has made many friends. Cheng Feng and the bald head are one of them. Later, I heard that the mother of Hu Jun, the savior, is his godmother, and the relationship with Fang Jia and the others is getting better and better. Of course, with them The trio are also inseparable because they are somewhat dick and love to join in the fun.

"Come to congratulate me on moving. You don't even say anything about moving, so hurry up and help me." Cheng Feng was so tired that he was sweating profusely and pointed at the big wooden barrel. Midsummer carrying such a heavy thing up the sixth floor was simply masochistic.

(End of this chapter)

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