Chapter 163
"Then I'll go home first, my son will definitely like to eat." Someone immediately thought of the child and hurried home.

"That's right, I'll go home first, too."

Some had other methods, and after a while, they all dispersed.

"This Hu family is really good." At first, the young man sighed while eating shaved ice, such generosity is rare.

Then someone knocked on the door again, and the person who came was Zheng Fangfei's secretary. He politely explained to Qi Zhejun who opened the door, "Hello, I am the secretary of Lieutenant Colonel Zheng Fangfei. Today, Lieutenant Colonel Zheng Fangfei has a mission and cannot come. Send congratulatory gifts and wish Hu Jun and his family move to a new home."

As he said that, he directed the people behind to bring in a lot of ingredients.

"Thank you very much." Qi Zhejun quickly nodded his thanks and invited him in to rest.

He shook his head and said with a faint smile: "No need, I still have work, so I'm sorry." Seeing that everything was put away, he led the people away after speaking, neatly and without messing around.

"Wow, they are all good things." Fang Jia was the first to come up to look at the delivered things. Looking at the food, he sighed, "Rich people."

The bald head touched the bald head, only to feel that the mouth is watering, and I really want to eat.

Qi Zhejun saw that everyone's eyes were a little bright, and decided with a smile, "Let's eat this today." He said and sent it to the kitchen. These things are very expensive. I don't know what purpose this Zheng Fangfei is for. Is it really to congratulate the move? Simple?
"It's not easy." Li Dui patted Qi Zhejun on the shoulder, and smiled meaningfully. It's not easy for you as a "relative" to let the Ji family give gifts. I don't know what kind of ability Hu Jun has. Three will not have this honor, this is obviously a naked show of favor.

Qi Zhejun smiled honestly, but how did he know why.

While the others saw this scene, they had their own thoughts, and most of them felt that they still had to maintain a good relationship with their captain. The big tree of the Ji family was strong and strong, and there were countless people who wanted to hug it.

Zhou Dacheng stroked his chin and thought to himself, it really is useful to stay with a stern face, this is not the best news to go back and use for atonement.

Sun Aixia and Hu's mother were busy with dinner in the kitchen. They could neither prepare too rich and suspicious, but also not too simple. Fortunately, a lot of things were brought in temporarily. They picked and picked, and they could make a table of hearty delicacies.

Ran Tao hid silently in his room and did not come out.

The children ran out alive and kicking after a while, they were quite polite and knew how to call people, Xiao Kong was very shy to show off his toys to others.

It was meal time when Hu Juan came out, and he was startled when he saw that the living room was full of people.

If you look carefully, the eight or nine extra people are considered to be acquaintances.

They simply greeted each other and were ready to eat.

"It's time to eat." Sun Aixia greeted Hu Jun. There were too many people today, and the tables couldn't be set up at all, so they all sat on the ground.

After everyone was seated, Hu's father gave an order, "Let's eat." This was the start. This habit has been preserved since the beginning of the small clinic, so that the Hu family has a family atmosphere.

Everyone was drooling at the food. There was a large pot of stewed chicken in the middle of the table. The chicken soup was very tempting. On his left was a large plate of braised pork with thick sauce pouring on it. Surrounded by overflowing, there are three big fish on the right side, although it is only steamed, the smell of seafood is lingering, and there are some other dishes around, and there is a big bucket next to Sun Aixia who is serving rice, which is full of egg fried rice, this kind of How long has it been since I had amazing pasta.

At this moment, everyone couldn't care less about etiquette, they threw off their cheeks and ate wildly, and when they bit into the braised pork, it was fat but not greasy, and the fragrance of the mouth was lingering, I just thought it was going to be beautiful!

"Haha, today is really the right time." Cheng Feng had chicken in his left hand and fish in his right, his mouth parted happily, his white teeth glistening.

"That's right, that's right." Few people nodded like chickens pecking at rice. It's just delusional who can eat such good food now. Of course, they also saw that these things were all given by Zheng Fangfei, and the Hu family took out a lot Make food.

At this moment, Papa Hu took out a bottle of wine from behind and said enthusiastically, "Don't just eat, come and drink." In terms of hospitality, the taciturn Papa Hu and the enthusiastic Mama Hu are the same, that is, to bring out good things as much as possible.

"Wine!" Everyone said in unison, their excitement was beyond words, and they looked at the wine bottle with burning eyes.

"It's thanks to Xiao Zhou. He brought it here. It happens that there are so many people today. Let's taste it together." Father Hu looked at Zhou Dacheng gratefully. Zhou Dacheng responded with a smile and said that you are welcome. Where can he afford it.

"Dacheng, you can do it." The bald man strangled Zhou Dacheng's neck with his arm, his eyes lit up excitedly, wine was too expensive on the black market, he wanted to drink a few sips but couldn't afford it, now he saw Such a high-end wine, even before the end of the world, I hadn't had a few sips, and the gluttons have already come up.

He strangled Zhou Dacheng to death, Zhou Dacheng slapped the idiot's arm wildly, "Let go, let go!"

The bald head quickly let go, which saved him from dying young.

At this time, Sun Aixia had already filled the wine for everyone. The alcohol had a high alcohol content, and even a small glass would give a clear feeling.

"Your." Sun Aixia also poured some for Xiao Xia, and Xiao Xia was stunned, wondering whether to drink or not.

It was Hu Jun's intention to pour the wine. Xiao Xia is about 15 to 6 years old. I don't know if this child has grown up or something. He has become more and more silent, but he has always handled things properly, so here is Sun Aixia. The one who poured the wine, she said with a smile, "You're old too, it's okay to drink a little."

After hearing this, Xiao Xia was taken aback for a moment, then took the cup.

Men, very excitedly picked up the wine glass and smelled it, it was really fragrant!
After toasting, one sip, the wonderful taste is beyond words, it makes people yearn for it.

Hu Jun and Hu's mother don't have the habit of drinking alcohol on weekdays, and now they see others drinking, and they don't have the idea of ​​tasting it.Instead, the children all wanted to taste what it was like, but Sun Aixia stopped them.

"Sister-in-law is fine, I may not be able to drink it in the future, come and taste uncle's." One person put a drop on the chopsticks and sent it to Xiao Qiu's mouth. Make sure to do it often, and if there is a precedent, give the three of them a drop, and the few people who are spicy will eat it up and then they will stop.

"It's not good." Qi Yiyi looked at the lord displeased and puzzled, what's so good about this!

"Haha." Everyone laughed.

After drinking liquor, everyone became more casual and relaxed. After a while, everyone blushed and their necks were thick, and they spoke a little unscrupulously.

"That's right, the matter of Major Ji is really, hey!" As he spoke, he actually abducted the matter of Ji Jinjiang and Xu Bingqing's engagement. Hu Jun hadn't gone out and didn't know the news. Now that someone talked about it, he was also curious. Became a loyal audience.

(End of this chapter)

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