Chapter 170 Missing (1)
Lu Jingsheng lowered his head slightly, pursed the corners of his mouth, and clenched his fists tightly. What Hu Jun was talking about was his sore spot. For his own sake, his wife had problems with both arms. The doctor said that if he didn't treat him, he might be disabled.

When he thought of his wife, who was originally as beautiful as a flower, not only becoming old but also possibly disabled for himself, his heart ached.

He even planned to accept those unwilling tasks for his wife. Ever since he knew that Hu Jun was the savior, and now she had the opportunity to open his mouth to do it alone, he actually already had his own plans. What he said just now was just to test, since she If he wanted to be the patron, and the mercenary group let him take care of it, that would be a great thing, how could he not agree!
"Okay, I agree!" Lu Jingsheng nodded, his eyes burst out with a confident light, which was particularly dazzling in this somewhat dark room.

"Your request is exactly my bottom line." Lu Jingsheng smiled, and changed his gloomy and confused image just now. At this moment, he began to shine brightly like a dusty pearl, and his whole person was full of hope and light.Her meaning is very clear, smart people don't need to talk too much, the two have reached a consensus.

Hu Jun nodded secretly. He had never met Lu Jingsheng once by chance, and the brilliance in his eyes was as dazzling as it is now.

"I will give you food and weapons. I hope to take shape in a month." Hu Jun will give him support in this regard, but how to operate it is up to him, and he doesn't want to procrastinate.

Lu Jingsheng nodded, and the two of them made a gentleman's agreement like this.

Tell me, why does Hu Jun trust this person and not be afraid of him running away?

Hu Jun has confidence in him. This confidence comes not only from his previous life, but also from his contact with him and his family. This person is capable, powerful, and honest. Most importantly, Hu Jun has the ability to Take control and not be afraid to fail.

After the two made an agreement, Hu Jun walked home briskly.

The next day, Hu Jun went to look for the thin man early in the morning.

The thin man received Hu Jun cheerfully, that was called hospitality, all because yesterday's cigarettes sold for a lot of money, Hu Jun is now the big money maker, if he wants to collect a large amount of bows and crossbows, then he doesn't have to Set up a stall.

Hu Jun only asked him three questions: 1. His previous job, 2. Can he do other manual work, and 3. Does he have any relatives.

To be honest, the thin man used to be an architect, and he learned this craft secretly because he was an orphan.

After Hu Jun heard this, he asked him to build all the things he knew. After a month, he would get the goods, and gave him 20 catties of rice as the ration and rent for this month. Then he happily chose the task and prepared to go out.

The thin man was a little confused holding the rice, isn't this woman afraid of running away by herself?
Thinking about it later, it was meaningless to run away by himself, maybe he could really get a lot of income if he made it out. Thinking of this, he foolishly went back to doing handicrafts.

"Hu Jun approached Lu Jingsheng yesterday afternoon. He is a person with dual fire and water abilities and has no faction. The next day, he approached Hou Shen, who sells handmade wooden bows and crossbows in the market. Hou Shen bought the wood and real objects that afternoon." Holding the document, he reported Hu Jun's whereabouts to his boss.

Hu Juan thought that no one knew about it, but he didn't know that he had been seen clearly for a long time.

"Don't let others know that she was looking for these two people." Boss ordered while looking at the file.


BOSS stood up, looked out of the window, and couldn't help smiling. Although he was still very immature, he already had his own ideas, which is very good.

Hu Jun chose a task that seemed to be easy to carry out, that is, to escort the troops to a nearby brick factory to move bricks. It seemed easy to execute because the distance was not very far away, but there were many possibilities for the brick factory in the suburbs .

If he didn't do any more missions, his hand would be born, so Hu Jun still chose it.

"I chose a mission today to escort the troops to move bricks." In the evening, Hu Jun told everyone present the mission he had chosen, and then said: "Brother Qi is now in the patrol bureau, and Xiaoxia also has a job. I think This time Xu Langyu, Fang Jia, Wei Tian and I will go together."

"Okay." As soon as the task was mentioned, the three of them were very happy, and they all nodded.

"When are you going? I have an off-duty here." Although Qi Zhejun has entered the patrol bureau, he is still famous in the mercenary regiment, and the relationship is equivalent to that the mercenary regiment is a part-time job.Such things as missions are not because he is willing to fight zombies, but because he has been unfamiliar with the skills in the patrol bureau for a long time, and he is afraid that he will return to the original point one day.

Xiao Xia also looked at Hu Jun, in fact he also wanted to go.

Hu Jun understood what they were thinking, but shook his head and said, "This task is on Monday, you go to work first, next time I will pick a task on Sunday." Because of the leisurely life, they are too lazy to improve their abilities.

"Junjun, bring me one." Hu Yue said in a voice. He has been left at home by his cousin all the time. He only feels that the strength difference between him and the supernatural being is getting bigger and bigger. He clearly vowed to protect her, but now he keeps protected by her.He rarely goes on missions, and mostly stays at home, or goes to the base to find some odd jobs.He knew very well that if he relied on his strength, he would not be living so well now.

This made Hu Yue feel very uncomfortable, as if he was a freelancer.

Hu Jun looked at Hu Yue's sad and disappointed face, was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he seemed to be deliberately ignoring this brother who had no supernatural powers.

In fact, she saw his hard work and remembered it in her heart. Compared with that unreliable uncle, my cousin is simply much better.

The cousin inherited the bold and responsible side of his father's temperament, but he did not inherit the temperament of that bad guy.On weekdays at home, he has been scrambling to do the hard work, and has asked for missions many times. Hu Jun even heard from Hu's father that Hu Yue followed them on several small missions, and the results were not bad.

Of course, this is not a big killing. For ordinary people, fighting zombies can be described as heroic and fearless.

But when he thought that he was an ordinary person, Hu Jun unconsciously ignored him every time.

In fact, it’s okay to ask him to go on a mission, so he nodded and said, “Okay, then you go too.” By the way, let’s see how he behaved when he went on a mission, whether his father exaggerated the truth, and whether he can take on the responsibility. important task.

Hu Yue nodded excitedly, his eyebrows raised.

That night, after taking a bath, Xiao Kong, wrapped in a little yellow duck towel and hugging a little yellow duck plush doll, came to sleep with Hu Jun.

"Why are you here?" Hu Jun was a little surprised. Ever since he had a small bed, this little kid has liked to take a bath in a wooden barrel. After taking a bath, he went to bed and told a little story with his little friend Sun Aixia, and then fell asleep. .

Xiao Kong didn't speak, threw the little yellow duck on the bed, and climbed up with his buttocks sticking out. Hu Juan sighed when he saw this, lifted him up lightly and asked, "Have you had a fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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