Chapter 172 Missing (3)
Hu Jun smiled at him and walked over.

The Leng brothers didn't look sideways, and didn't even look at Hu Jun, looking very disdainful.

Even a familiar guy like Fang Jia, when he saw the two Icemen, he was unwilling to go forward to make fun of himself, and instead started chatting with other people with supernatural powers who got into the car after him.

Those supernatural beings can only be regarded as a little better among the supernatural beings. I have long heard that there is a third beauty of the ice system in the car. Fortunately, one is a natural chatterbox, and the other is deliberately flattering, and the carriage immediately became lively.

The brick factory is located in the northern outskirts. The mountain roads are rugged and difficult to navigate. In addition, there are landslides and mudslides in some places, so we have to change lanes again and again. What's so fatal is that a tire was punctured halfway. We originally planned to arrive at the destination at 12 o'clock. Thinking that it was only two-thirds of the way at 12 o'clock.

As a last resort, I had to stop to rest and prepare lunch. Xiao Kongpidianpidian was the first to get out of the car, played for a while, looked bored, and went to pee again, and Hu Jun naturally followed.

Coincidentally, just as Hu Jun was in the team, the zombies came down from the other side of the mountain, and the team immediately became chaotic, and Xiao Kong was still taking off his trousers to pee.

Hu Juan glanced back, not in a hurry, they were just a few zombies, Xu Langyu and the others should be able to deal with them easily, so she slowly helped Xiao Kong lift up his pants, and then led him back.

At this time, there were more than a dozen corpses of zombies lying on the ground. It turned out that the two ice-type power users were very calm, with quick eyes and quick hands. All the zombies were killed.

"Fortunately, it's the top 10 of the ice element, this is too good!" Everyone just saw the zombie, and they were skillfully solved by the two in the blink of an eye, and they immediately praised it.

However, the two of them still looked as cold as ice, ignoring these endless praises.

"Hmph." When passing by Hu Jun, one of them snorted coldly in disdain. It was really ridiculous, but he dared to come out with an oil bottle as a third party. , is really disgusting.

His disdainful expression, disdainful eyes, and slightly tilted corners of his mouth all revealed his inner displeasure.

Come on, people misunderstood Hu Jun and thought she was just doing the job.

In fact, I don't blame the two of them. After all, when a beautiful person accomplishes something, it is always easy to be misunderstood as to whether he has done something ulterior.

In addition, the two of them did not confirm the reliability of the so-called detection ability level. The ability is boundless and has no source. How can the so-called instrument measure it accurately? It is simply a joke.

Naturally, Hu Jun didn't approve of Hu Jun's title of the third in the ice system, which was obtained through testing equipment.

There was no incident during lunch, the car moved forward slowly, and finally arrived at the destination, the brick factory, in the afternoon.

The brick factory is surrounded by weeds, silent birds and no human habitation.Originally, the surrounding small trees grew into lush and towering trees because no one took care of them.

After everyone got out of the car, they cautiously approached the brick factory. Unexpectedly, there were no zombies, and the factory was completely empty.

"Ha, I didn't expect today's job to be so simple." Except for being a little lost because of knowing the way before, it went smoothly all the way to the warehouse. There were no zombies, and many people were happy.

"Be careful." Xu Langyu reminded a few people that the absence of zombies is not good news. If something goes wrong, it is a monster, so it is better to be careful.

Several people nodded and understood.

"Hurry up and move it." The commander hurriedly urged, it would be better if there was no such thing, lest some zombie suddenly pop up and hit everyone by surprise.

The brick movers included ordinary people and soldiers, and the supernatural beings stood on the sidelines and patrolled.

Of course, a supernatural being like Hu Jun can wander around freely, and ordinary people can't control her. People can't help but sigh, this is power equals power.

Hu Jun led Xiao Kong to wander around silently, and from time to time, when no one was prepared, Hu Jun would collect some bricks in his own space.

"This food is not tasty, why put it in the space?" Xiao Kong put his arms around Hu Jun's neck and watched impatiently as these dirty things entered his space, feeling very unhappy.

Looking at so many bricks, Hu Jun couldn’t take them all back anyway, so it’s okay to collect some spares by himself, so he patiently taught him: “These are treasures, the house we live in is made of them, you It’s not that we hope to have a castle like in a fairy tale book, we can build a castle with it.” Hu Juan’s ability to fool Xiaokong is getting more and more proficient now, and he won’t listen to reason anyway.

Xiao Kong nodded thoughtfully, then jumped down happily, and wanted to cover Hu Jun and ask her to charge more, because his castle is very big, and the few bricks just now were definitely not enough.

Hu Jun watched him use his small body to block the mountain of bricks, turning his head to look left and right from time to time, and even claimed that he was blocking Hu Jun and asked her to close it quickly. Empty intelligence is worrying.

In contrast to Hu Jun holding bricks inside, the supernatural beings outside stood guard on both sides of the road like bodyguards, giving the porters enough sense of security.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound, what is there?
Some people with good ears turned their heads immediately, but there was nothing, but the sound kept approaching.

Puzzled, he looked around. There were indeed no zombies, no animals, and the grass didn't even shake. What's going on?Those who were curious went to search for the source of the sound, and never came back.

"Hey, why are there more than a dozen people missing?" After moving the bricks, when counting the number of people, they found that several supernatural beings were missing. I found out that even people with supernatural abilities want them to look good.

He waved his hand and said, "Go and look for them." Not once or twice have you come across such sneaky supernatural beings, and most of them are hiding aside for the sake of laziness. Go back yourself!
According to the commander's command, everyone began to look around.

"I found a shoe here!" Behind a big tree, a person held up a black dirty sneaker, which still smelled of stinky feet, and it looked like it had just been taken off.

"Go to the forest to look for those with supernatural powers!" The officer ordered, leaving the shoes here, not knowing what to do!
"The three of you should go and have a look together." The flamboyant long pipe turned his head, and said very politely to Hu Jun and the Leng brothers that he felt at ease only with the three of them around.

Only now did he understand why those officers were willing to find the top 10 supernatural beings, because they felt extremely at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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