Chapter 194 The Spy (2)
Hu Jun nodded, looking at his sad face, he rarely comforted him and said: "It's a blessing, not a disaster, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided."

Although Major Zhao nodded, he was suffering in his heart. There were old and young in the family, and he didn't know if the little food he secretly left could keep them alive.

No, the fight hasn't started yet, the commander has already arranged the funeral with the belief of failure.

He looked at Hu Juan's continuous indifference, and asked from the bottom of his heart, "Are you sure?" Now Hu Juan is his last hope, if she thinks it's not enough, he will simply despair.

Seeing that Hu Juan didn't speak, he got to the bottom of it cruelly and honestly, "I've researched it, and there's nothing I can do."

Hu Juan frowned, is this all right?So what are you here for?

"Is there a map or something, please take it out quickly." Fang Jia looked at the commander with a hunched back like a boiled shrimp. His mood was very low, which obviously infected the soldiers, and everyone looked at the commander in panic. He was not polite to him, and asked for information very disrespectfully.

"Yes, yes!" Major Zhao nodded, and directed a small soldier to find his bag. He dug out a stack of papers and handed it to Hu Jun. Come on, he is planning to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Hu Jun was a bit surprised, why would he give these things directly to herself, but seeing his hopeful face, she took them over silently. She herself doesn't like being directed by others, and now she gives things to herself and lets herself decide It couldn't be better.

So, spread these papers on the front of the car, and looked at them one by one. As they were watching, Xu Langyu, You Yefeng and others also came over.

This is a simple geographical map. On it, some simple things are indicated with red pen, mostly the size of the village. It is really like what Yang Yi said, surrounded by mountains on three sides, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"These three mountains are connected in one piece. According to the topographic map, the only way to enter them is through this road." Xu Langyu looked at the map and finally pointed to a long and narrow road.

"Why? The mountain is not high. We can climb the mountain. The road is too narrow, so it must be difficult to enter." Fatty Wan Zhou was a little puzzled. Although climbing the mountain was troublesome, it was safe.

Xu Langyu shook his head, pointed to the mountain range on the topographic map and explained: "Look at this mountain range, it is obviously a barren mountain. Unlike those famous mountains and rivers, there are plank roads that were artificially grooved in the later stage. If we want to climb it manually, it is very difficult, but it is not as good as go here."

"But, this way..." Fatty shook his head and frowned, obviously not optimistic about this method.

You Yefeng turned his head and glanced at the people beside him, and said with an idea: "The inside should be combined with the outside?"

"Combine internally and externally?" Everyone seemed to understand what he meant, but Major Zhao waved his hands repeatedly and said, "No, the previous team adopted internally cooperating with externally, but it failed."

You Yefeng pointed to Hu Jun, Qian Huihui, Mao Qing and Xiao Qiu and said with a smile: "What about them? They are all women and have children. You must have chosen one of the two combinations before. Didn't you find some old Weak, sick, and disabled means that they have strong abilities, but they don't look like refugees at first sight." He has lived to this day, and he naturally has clear thinking and thorough analysis, and he will not do things that would lead him to die in vain.

Major Zhao really nodded and said: "I found some middle-aged and elderly people and children."

"Of course it won't succeed. They have poor abilities or even have no abilities. Going in is tantamount to death, and maybe they will betray you because of some kind of profit." You Yefeng analyzed clearly and pointed at the four of them. People said: "They have strong supernatural powers, and they are all women. They penetrate inside, can protect themselves, and can cooperate with the inside and outside."

Major Zhao's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he instantly felt that what he said made sense. With Hu Jun's ability, it would be easy to survive, and he also knew the other two girls, one with fire department and one with thunder department. There will be no question of danger.With a big wave of his heroic hand, he wanted to make a final decision, to make it early and feel at ease.

"No!" Xu Langyu stopped him, how could he let Hu Jun do such a dangerous thing, "We can't figure out what's going on inside at all, and if we let them enter rashly, it might reduce our own strength, or even They sent them hostages in vain, and prepared well.”

"But," You Yefeng frowned, thinking that if he wanted to hit Huanglong directly, he felt that he had to be beaten.

Hu Jun pressed one hand on the map, shook the other hand in the air and said, "Stop arguing, haven't you found the most important problem? Take a look at the road ahead of us."

Following her words, everyone turned their heads and looked forward. There was nothing special, just some plants. They looked at Hu Jun with puzzled eyes and thought, what's wrong with the road?
Hu Jun scanned everyone around, sighed, patted Xiao Xia on the shoulder and said, "What do you find, tell everyone."

Xiao Xia nodded, and then said: "Just now, I went to the front to touch the terrain, and found that." Speaking of this, he paused, glanced at Hu Jun, Hu Jun nodded, and then continued: "I found Got a zombie."

"Hey, what's wrong with zombies, you little boy, are you afraid of zombies?" Zhou Musen said to him with a sneer, a little blaming him for making a fuss, he would be surprised if there were no zombies!
Xiao Xia shook her head seriously, her eyes were full of confusion and panic and said: "It is very different. Logically, zombies will pounce on people when they meet, but it... If it wasn't for my ability, I wouldn't have discovered it, because It doesn't seem like it intends to attack us at all!"

They were all around the base map just now, and Hu Jun quietly asked him to go ahead to have a look at the terrain. He didn't think much about it at first, and when he looked at it, he felt that it was all plants and there was nothing to pay special attention to. However, although he didn't come out recently He will definitely feel the special feeling of encountering zombies while doing missions.

He clenched his knife tightly, ready to attack the zombies that rushed out, but he waited, but no zombies came out?At one time, he thought that he had made a mistake, but how could it be wrong? Out of doubt, he observed his surroundings deliberately. This observation made him break out in a cold sweat. There was actually a zombie squatting behind a tree, looking at the crowd with its head poking around. It's like being a spy.

At that moment, he thought a lot, is it human?If it is a zombie, why does it seem to have a mind like a human?Do you want to kill it?

Finally, he held back, did nothing, and kept looking at it.

It stayed there for a while, then retreated silently to the forest until he could no longer feel the zombies, then came back and told Hu Jun.

Hu Jun looked at everyone, and slowly told a cruel fact, "In this way, the person with the spiritual ability should be able to control zombies."


"How is it possible! It is impossible for someone to let the zombies go so far away."

"If he was, the base wouldn't be unaware."

"How do we fight, if he finds zombies, we're all finished!"

(End of this chapter)

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