Chapter 196 The Madman (2)
Seeing the soldier's appearance from panic to boredom and eagerness to try, is the most suitable time to attack.

The mighty 300 people broke through the small woods, and then walked forward, there was a short section of mountain road. The mountain road was rugged as it should be. The tone is gray and dull, which is very unpleasant.

"Everyone be careful, there may be an ambush here!" Major Zhao has voluntarily been suspended, and Hu Jun has full power to take over the army, and the voice that conveys Hu Jun's orders is like a loudspeaker in life——Xiong Zhuang.

Just after finishing speaking, the two sides of the hill launched an attack. I don't know if they planned it in advance, or if they wanted to show Hu Juan's brilliance and martial prowess.Countless rocks rolled down, splashing dust, and the ice-type earth-type supernatural beings who were ready built a big barrier to ensure everyone's safety. Huge rocks hit it, making a bang bang sound, looking up The curtain seems to be broken at any time.

Hu Juan continued to move forward with strides, and the troops naturally followed her slowly. It was because of the ice-type earth-type supernatural beings that they had to make sure that the protective cover covered everyone's heads while walking.

"I, I can't hold on any longer." After a third of the journey, he cried out that he was tired, shook his head and felt that he couldn't hold on anymore, his arms gradually became sore, and his abilities gradually ran out.

If one person said he was tired, he would infect others. After a while, several people shouted tired and said they couldn't hold on any longer. The curtain gradually became thinner, and there were tiny cracks when the rolling stone hit it. Seeing that the protective cover lost its domineering power just now.

Hu Jun glanced at them, even if he saw the sweat on Hu Yue's forehead, he ignored them and continued to walk forward.

"We can't hold on any longer, the protective shield is about to be broken." You Yefeng frowned, thinking that although Hu Jun has great abilities, he doesn't have any talent for being a commander. If things go on like this, people who go out But 20.

Hu Jun looked at the handsome and handsome You Yefeng like a lot of aliens, and suspected from the bottom of his heart that he was out of his mind, and couldn't help asking him, "If you don't even have this ability, wouldn't you just die in vain in the past?" It's better to die here, and save those who become zombies and be used by them.I am not the savior, so why should I care about the lives of these people?
Hu Juan was straightforward, cold, questioning and even with a look of disdain all the time, and suddenly choked on You Yefeng's words behind him, and her question seemed so aboveboard and well-founded, he couldn't even come up with a rebuttal, yes , if you can't hold on like this, it's useless to deal with the corpse-controlling superpowers.

"However, without them, it would not be easy for us to deal with such a large number of supernatural beings." You Yefeng Mingming is the head of the mercenary, but in fact he serves for the palace family. He can watch these soldiers die, but he cannot watch them die. Let the more than 30 supernatural beings under him die, because it is difficult to explain when we go back, "Also, if we survived by chance, all the people in the army were killed, and we will be investigated after we go back."

Hu Jun frowned, and hated being restrained more and more. Every time he did a task, he would be investigated and controlled, and he had to deal with those army officials who appeared in Hu's house from time to time. All kinds of excuses, but in the end The conclusion is to let Hu Jun choose a faction as soon as possible, it is enough!
Now she was in a bad mood suddenly, so she glanced at him with a half-smile, and said meaningfully, "Yes, some things are hard to deal with."

Watching You Yefeng's face change in an instant, her heart was instantly cleared.

You Yefeng was a little annoyed, and always felt that this girl seemed to know something. Looking at the mercenaries behind him, he tried his best to resist the falling rolling stone.

After passing through this road, the number of people from 300 has dropped to 200. Major Zhao wiped his sweat and muttered in his heart that all the gods came to bless him.

Soon, I saw this bandit nest. The gate at the entrance was made of earth. The very thick earth wall was 20 centimeters thick and 5 meters high.The buildings in the city cannot be seen at all, the city is surrounded by dense vegetation, and in the distance are towering and steep mountains, it really is a good place.

"Chi Chi Chi." A man with shawl hair crouched on the wall, looking at them, his triangular eyes were full of playfulness and excitement, the laughter in his mouth seemed to come from his throat, there was a low growl of a beast, It's chilling.

"There are many zombies approaching around." Xiao Xia whispered in Hu Jun's ear.

Sure enough, this should be the lunatic with supernatural abilities. Hu Juan knew it well. It seemed that it was time to hone everyone's abilities. Looking at the lunatic, he said sarcastically, "I heard that you are the supernatural person who controls zombies." , where are the zombies?"

He kept laughing and waving his hands, and saw a large number of zombies coming from all directions. Judging from their clothes, some of them were soldiers from the base, but unfortunately, they had now turned into zombies.

"You!" Major Zhao was very puzzled why Hu Jun provoked this lunatic, we should be the first to act first, now that the zombies have come out, how to fight them!

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to complain, I can only fight these zombies with all my strength.

I saw the colorful splashes of supernatural powers, and the zombies rushed up, not to be outdone and not afraid of death, and they scrambled into a ball in an instant, while the number of zombies continued to increase. After suffering from these supernatural powers, it was almost like one against two, one against three. ah.

The lunatic looked at the zombie excitedly and kept grunting.

Hu Jun led Xiaoqiu to stand aside, watching the battle, Xu Langyu fought the most thoughtful, he was able to deal with zombies with ease, he was both offensive and defensive, and his abilities were economical. Help those around you.Fang Jia's moves were gorgeous, with fireballs flying all over the sky, and the burning zombies screaming. Wei Tian was the safest, punching steadily and ruthlessly, one punch at a time.

The three of them cooperated more and more tacitly, like a small whirlwind, the zombies around them could only be beaten, and had no power to fight back. It is no exaggeration to say that the three of them can easily kill 1000 zombies. question.

Xiaoxia held a sharp knife and kept attacking, the knife was deadly. Although Hu Yue was the latest to rise to the supernatural powers, but fortunately he was in good health and his muscles were full of strength. With his soil ball, the effect was also good. The three-person team can hold one hand, and it is not a problem to solve one in three or five moves.

On the contrary, You Yefeng's mercenary group is not as good as before. Although they are still together, the previous tacit understanding and trust have somehow disappeared. They are close together on the surface, but they are independent from the small actions, careful and cautious , Dike zombies and the appearance of the dike around limit the play.

This mercenary group seemed to be no longer what it used to be. Hu Jun rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought. It seemed that something serious was going to happen to this mercenary group.

(End of this chapter)

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