Chapter 204 Cousin (2)
Leng Qingcheng pursed her lips, looked at her, and then stopped talking.

Hu Jun didn't care what he was thinking, and just sat in the store by himself and looked around casually. The last time he came to talk, he left. Today, after looking at it, he realized that this small shop is just like a department store, with everything you need, really. good.

The two of them just stayed for half an hour without talking. Hu Juan was really free today, and simply came out to wander around.

"Are you here?" Leng Kechen saw Hu Juan nod slightly after returning, and gave something to Leng Qingcheng to let him go out.Hu Jun didn't care, and asked directly, "What happened to the base recently?"

Leng Kechen waved his hands, then closed the door and sat down and said to her: "You are too arrogant."

Hu Juan was at a loss, and subconsciously repeated: "Arrogance?"

Leng Kechen nodded, looking at her unconscious appearance, he could only explain: "Although you have strong abilities, you can't find a way to use them. That thunder-type ability user made the base treat him badly because he showed off too much." I got my opinion and ran away."

"Am I being beaten passively?"

"But you are No. 1 in the superpower department of the base. It would be fine if you belonged to which faction, but you happen to be alone, and no one cares about you. You persuaded many waves of people away. Before, it was okay to say that the base There are many people like you who are not in a hurry to let you choose, but now, you are really too arrogant." He was embarrassed to say that Hu Jun had become a piece of fat, and everyone wanted to eat it, but Hu Jun was also very impressed by how many of the people who were attracted by her were bounced back by her. Now that they see her value, they naturally want her to make a decision as soon as possible.

Hu Jun never thought that showing his supernatural powers in order to survive would speed up his "death sentence", so he asked, "If they don't know that I know how to be an ice dragon, it will be fine?" She didn't believe it, if she really had an ordinary supernatural power It’s fine if you don’t, then it’s definitely not going to happen.

Sure enough, Leng Kechen shook his head, sighed and said: "Because you saved me, let me tell you the truth, the water in the base is very deep, and what you have come into contact with can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg, and it is a very small tip. It's good for you to do this now, and make a decision as soon as possible, which can be regarded as increasing your bargaining chips and finding a good home." Leng Kechen would not say such things if he did not owe Hu Jun a favor, and even for this favor, he was killed by countless people this day. Pulling away to ask about Hu Jun's news, he concealed some things, the biggest one being the long-haired man in her family.

"Okay, I see." Just now, the fun fight in the village last time has become a burden, and Hu Juan is exhausted in an instant. He really needs to think about how to take the next step, and he can't take another step. One step away.

"You, hurry up. I don't know who is supporting you, but it shouldn't last long." Before Hu Juan went out, Leng Kechen still said it. He didn't know if Hu Juan knew who that person was, but these words, It's better to explain clearly.

"You owe me, it's over." Hu Jun lowered his head and said this sentence. If he didn't say it, he would take many detours and even make wrong decisions. Now she must go to find Lu Jingsheng.

"If you don't have anything to do, go to the Three Treasures Palace. Tell me what's the matter." Lu Jingsheng has been busy recently, and the higher-ups are a little anxious. While he wants to win people over, he wants to pretend to be a snake with the higher-ups. Hu Juan usually sees him as a gift And so on, coming this time without saying hello, according to her cautious character, it must be a big deal.

Hu Juan cut to the chase and said, "How about the mercenary group? Did the higher-ups look for you?"

Lu Jingsheng nodded wearily and said, "I've looked for it." And I've searched for it many times, one after another, and the conditions are very favorable.

Hu Jun nodded, "What do you think?" She had talked with Lu Jingsheng a few times before. This man is knowledgeable and has a wide range of views. Hu Jun has learned a lot, expanded his thinking, and faintly has a more and more broad vision.

"It's impossible for you to take care of both sides. You must make a decision. Otherwise, hey, it's very difficult to drag the family and lead the family, and it's easy to be imprisoned." Lu Jingsheng's somewhat surprising idea last time did not change, and even became more Big, that is self-proclaimed king, he is very optimistic about Hu Jun.

First of all, the ability can be said to be the strongest in the base, and power is the last word.On the other hand, it is her character. Hu Jun's character is not a good general, not even a good official, because she doesn't know the usual logic and politeness. To have a good leadership spirit is to have a kind heart.

Only people with a pure heart can lead a base. If you are full of selfishness and narrow-mindedness, and treat a new city as your own private property, it will never last long. No one will work hard for others, and people will only work hard for their own future. , to put it bluntly, people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves.

Lu Jingsheng's idea was never included in Hu Jun's options before, but now, she really has to think about it seriously. She understands that there are people behind her back to help her, but she can't rely on others, she can only rely on herself, and Leng Kechen said to her If so, she can't help but care.So she said seriously: "Let me think about it, you should be careful recently."

Lu Jingsheng smiled and nodded. He knew that she already had plans, but he didn't dare to do it yet.

On the way back, Hu Jun's complexion was not good, even a little pale. She was timid and didn't know if she could lead others well. She never thought of becoming a queen, she just wanted to live her own life well, but God couldn't help it.

"Sister!" Suddenly a clear girl's voice planned her thoughts. She turned her head in surprise and saw that she was really an acquaintance, Yang Qiaoqiao. According to blood relationship, she was Hu Jun's cousin, and their mothers were relatives. sisters.

Yang Qiaoqiao is a few years younger than Hu Jun. She looks typical white and rich, with long legs, big eyes and a prickly face. She is wearing professional attire at this time.

"Qiaoqiao?" Even if he recognized it, Hu Jun still had to pretend to be unsure and formalize it.

Yang Qiaoqiao ran two steps quickly, hugged Hu Jun very affectionately, then hugged Hu Jun's arm, and said with a bright smile on his face: "I didn't expect to see you, what a coincidence." How are you, aunt and uncle, how are you doing?"

You see, how intimacy, concern, and tears she said, but when it comes to her character, others don't know, but Hu Juan knows that this cousin of hers shows her superiority all the time, and this kind of hugging drama never Did not appear in the lives of the two.

Hu Juan said very decently: "Yes, long time no see." There was a smile that was neither deep nor light on his face. If he cared so much, how could he be so decisive when he left.

Yang Qiaoqiao didn't seem to notice Hu Jun's distanced conversation at all, and still said affectionately: "Where do you live, grandma and grandpa are all at the base, and they have time to visit you."

She moved out of grandma and grandpa, so Hu Jun naturally wanted to tell her the address.

"Then I'll go first, see you another day." After exchanging greetings for a while, Yang Qiaoqiao walked briskly away. She really didn't expect her cousin to be so successful in the last days, but so what, heh .

(End of this chapter)

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