Chapter 213 Kidnapping (1)
It's also good not to meet, don't drag him.

Hu Jun's prison escape naturally caused a huge shock, how embarrassing the army would be, slapping people in the face naked, and making people disappear out of thin air!This is simply unbelievable. Is there any magical ability that the base doesn't know about?

The most important thing is that I wanted to hit Hu Jun with the knife, and I would die or obey, and the people behind me would naturally make their choices honestly, but she ran away, and the influence was too bad.

What followed was a thorough city-wide investigation. That night, everyone in the city was in danger. Whether it was mansions, villas, or cellars, they all investigated everything, but there seemed to be no sign of Hu Jun.

Where did Hu Jun go?

She is hiding in the space, and she is thinking about how to send a message to let everyone start to evacuate. Of course, she also understands that it is absolutely difficult to leave now, at least it is difficult for the Hu family.

I thought that the next day would be an even more terrifying inspection, but unexpectedly, the base suddenly announced that the previous news about Hu Juan was all misinformation, and that Hu Juan's visit to the army was nothing more than an investigation.Now that the truth has come to light, Hu Jun has not committed a crime, and he is still a hero. The drug is still being researched in an orderly manner, and the masses can wait with peace of mind.

This climactic plot has left many people stunned. She was searched last night, but today she is said to be innocent?Most people don't believe this kind of rhetoric, but the base has long been prepared to deal with it, saying that it is not Hu Jun who is looking for, but the real culprit. In order not to scare the snake, it borrowed Hu Jun's name, and the real culprit has been found after a certain time.

Come on, it's clear.

In fact, ordinary people don't care about what happened at all. Most people learned that the progress of the drug research has not been delayed, so they stopped paying attention to Hu Jun's affairs with personal emotions, and returned to the crowd to watch the excitement.

Of course, now this gossip is sweeping the whole city, and the streets and alleys are full of Hu Jun's nonsense.

When Hu's mother heard the news that Hu Juan was fine, she was really thankful, her heart felt at ease, and she happily waited for Hu Juan to go home.

Everyone who has doubts about the truth of the matter can only bury their confusion in their hearts, and hope that Hu Jun can come back smoothly, and all doubts can be easily resolved.

One day, two days, three days, until the fourth day, Hu Jun quietly came out of the space. She knew what the base said. There are two reasons for coming out. One is to go home and tell Xu Langyu to retreat and tell everyone to rest assured that he is fine.

The second is to tell Lu Jingsheng to evacuate to the new village as soon as possible and not to keep anyone in the base.

The third is to kill, yes it is to kill, she has to make these people change their eyes and forget about herself, so that the people of the Hu family can have a chance to leave, otherwise the focus will always be on Hu Jun, in the Hu family, it is really hard to fly.

After exchanging their information, Xu Langyu looked at Hu Jun in night clothes and shook his head, "I'm afraid it's not easy to go."

Hu Jun said in a low voice: "I will tell them to turn their eyes away, you don't have to worry." There are many eyes watching the Hu family's movements.

Xu Langyu shook his head again and said: "Brother Qi may not leave, he often comes back late recently, it seems that someone is touching him."

Hu Jun looked at Xu Langyu with some doubts. If you want to talk about contact, someone has already contacted Qi Zhejun. Is it different this time?
Seeing Hu Juan's puzzled look, Xu Langyu explained: "This time, his senior brother is the lobbyist, and the benefits he proposed are very good, and he will also work for Sun Sister Ampere. Most importantly, Brother Qi seems to know the retreat plan. , he may not want to leave." Living under the same roof, Qi Zhejun, who was born as a policeman, had no difficulty in understanding their general plan, but it was his choice. He expressed in his words that he was satisfied with his current life and cared about the future of his wife and daughter. , I don't like the life of being displaced before.

Xu Langyu understood the meaning of his words, and he would not leave without accident.

Hu Jun frowned anxiously. At the beginning, he chose Qi Zhejun to enter the Hu family because of his supernatural ability, secondly, his communication skills, and thirdly, his emphasis on family affection. Only such a man can win him over. Unexpectedly, it is family affection that stops him now.

"Forget it, if you don't leave, then don't leave." Hu Jun shook his head. Although he has gotten used to getting along with this big family, he also hopes that Qi Zhejun's family will go with them, but thinking that everyone has different ideas, forcing may not lead to good results, so it is better to say goodbye Pass.

There is always a banquet in the world, perhaps, now is the time for them to say goodbye.

"You can also ask other people's opinions. If you want to leave, you can leave. If you don't want to leave, forget it. There is no need for Xiao Kong, he will follow us. Let my parents talk one day in advance, and don't leave after you finish talking. Let them go out." She was afraid that her parents would say something wrong, especially with that uncle around, she was very uneasy, but she didn't know that Hu's mother was angry with Feng's family now, even if she left, she wouldn't say anything.

"Okay." Xu Langyu nodded in agreement.

After speaking, Hu Jun left the room.

That night, there was a murder case at the base, and all the dead were high-ranking officials. After investigation, they all died at the hands of the supernatural beings who controlled plants in the spiritual department. For a while, many supernatural beings who controlled plants were investigated and questioned.

On the second night, another homicide occurred at the base. This time, it was two sensitive cases. Without exception, high-ranking officials were killed. The investigation on the scene was carried out by the same person as yesterday. , and many senior officials frequently put pressure on them to arrest the murderer.

On the third night, the nightmare continued. This time, there were three homicides. One more day, several high-ranking officials were killed. People were panicked for a while. The more powerful the people, the more they hoped for a long life, and death was extremely terrifying. , especially this feeling of unknown death, makes people even more nervous.

Because of the results of the investigation, the murderer was a person with the ability to control plants in the spiritual department. Based on the principle of preferring to kill indiscriminately and not to be missed, he asked them all over and over again. Those with background were just simple inquiries, and those who had no great ability were directly placed under house arrest. All the supernatural beings sent people to monitor, so the monitoring of the Hu family was naturally temporarily suspended, because there were only so many people, and the leader's life was more important than anything else.

As a result, the Hu family successfully left the sight of the masses.

Finally, on the seventh day, Hu Jun sent a message to Xu Langyu, telling him to leave tomorrow, and the number of people killed by Hu Jun has increased to 21. Hu Jun's killing is not blind and indiscriminate killing of innocent people, but selective , at least they are officials who do all kinds of crimes, and it can be said that death deserves more than guilt.

At eight o'clock in the morning on the eighth day, Hu Jun and Lu Jingsheng who came to meet him hid in a small forest outside the city, waiting for the arrival of the first group of people.

So far, Hu Jun hadn't seen the village yet. As the saying goes, you don't have to be suspicious when you hire someone, but you don't need to be suspicious when you hire someone. She boldly handed over all these to Lu Jingsheng, because she trusted him completely.

It's really not easy to say it out, everyone is crowding into the city, how can you go out without attracting attention?
(End of this chapter)

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