Chapter 221
"I want to trouble KK to help us buy some goods, other things are easy to talk about." The man said calmly, very rich and powerful.

Leng Kechen pondered for a moment and said: "The world is not easy to deal with now. If I had been a few months earlier, I would have taken it all at once, but now, there is really nothing I can do." He shook his head while speaking.

This is the truth. Now that the fight is fierce, food has become a hot commodity. In the past, whoever had the gun was the boss, but now whoever has the food is the boss.

If he wanted to collect and sell grain in the black market, it would be a matter of losing his head. Even if he was given more money, he would not dare to take the risk.

The man was not in a hurry, nor did he say goodbye, but calmly wrote the word 'tree' on the table.

This nonsensical word made Leng Kechen confused for a while, but the man was not in a hurry and waited for him slowly.

Leng Kechen first looked at the place where the writing was written on the table and thought hard, suddenly, he opened his mouth slightly, looked at the man in surprise, and then lowered his head for a long time.He wanted to have a drum in his heart, thumping, making him unable to calm down. After all, he did not raise his head, but stretched out his hand to see off the guest.

The man smiled at the corner of his mouth, got up and left, Leng Kechen didn't even have the basic etiquette, and he didn't see off the guests, the shock in his heart could be seen.

After the man finished talking, he went to the market and bought some children's things. After that, he left the city in a leisurely manner and finally returned to the Hope Base.

This man is none other than Hu Jun.

"How was it?" As soon as Hu Juan came back, Lu Jingsheng and the others asked her how the negotiations turned out.

Hu Jun smiled and said, "It should be no problem."

"No problem?" Qi Zhejun frowned when he heard this. The Leng brothers were as slippery as loaches and couldn't catch them at all. Although it must be a great thing for the base to negotiate with them, according to his expectations Their understanding may not be that simple. He has learned the negotiation skills of the Hu family, so it can be said that he has no skills.

Hu Jun looked at Qi Zhejun and shook his head. The other two looked a little disbelieving and didn't explain, just let them wait for the news.

"Brother, who was that person just now? What did you say?" Leng Qingcheng asked Leng Kechen curiously at night. He always felt that the person looked familiar, but he just couldn't remember it. The more he couldn't remember it like this, the more he wanted to know. It's just curiosity.

Not only that, since the conversation with that man, Leng Kechen has been unwilling to eat for a day, looking exhausted, which makes Leng Qingcheng very curious, there are still things that make his brother so difficult to choose, even if it is Shi He can even talk and laugh to solve everything.

Leng Kechen took his hand and wrote in his palm: "Do you like this place?"

This is a method for the two to exchange some confidential information, which is very safe.

Leng Qingcheng thought about it, and tapped on his palm, which meant he didn't like it.

Why don't you like it, because it's boring and annoying, it feels like a cage, and you can't decide your own life.

Don't look at his usual cold and indifferent appearance to everything, but in fact he is as careful as a hair, and he understands the current situation of the base, which is completely chaotic. He doesn't know whether he and his brother will be killed by zombies or by these people in the end. To be killed, living in such fear every day is actually uncomfortable, let alone like it.

Leng Kechen looked at his brother's pensive expression, so he couldn't understand his feelings. In contrast, he who was active outside every day had a personal experience.This base is by no means a place where they can live for a long time, and now the two brothers can survive from the cracks, but once the situation becomes clear, no matter who wins from the three parties, life for them will be difficult.

"Go." Leng Kechen wrote another word in Leng Qingcheng's hand.

Leng Qingcheng was stunned, where to go, isn't this the best base, is it possible to live a life of eating and sleeping, but if according to the abilities of myself and my brother, as long as I don't encounter too many overbearing zombies and have food, It should be able to survive.

Seeing the trace of hope revealed in Leng Qingcheng's confused eyes, Leng Kechen made a decision in his heart.

The reason why today's man can let Leng know his identity is because when Hu Juan was not wanted, she and the two of them wanted to avoid attracting attention, so Hu Juan found someone else to represent her to do business with them. The token was a small For the gourd pendant, Leng Qingcheng naturally knew about this agreement, and understood that the man belonged to Hu Juan.

Leng Qingcheng suddenly heard the news that it was Hu Jun's person who came. At first he thought it was Lu Jingsheng, but he didn't expect it to be a stranger. He guessed that Hu Juan would arrange for him to be a confidant, but he didn't know how tall that man was.

It was not the first time I saw Lu Jingsheng that day, and the two had some business contacts, but they were a little stunned when they saw him holding Hu Jun's token. He had good news, so he naturally knew that Lu Jingsheng's mercenary group was suspected of disbanding, but Because there are often dead people in its missions, it thinks that the success rate of missions is too low, so it can't continue.

Unexpectedly, hey, I understood everything at once, Hu Jun was well prepared.

Having said that, he really didn't want to do this business. First, he was afraid of making money and losing his life. Second, he was also worried about the future, and he didn't have time to manage other people's bases.

However, their rhetoric really moved him.

The word "tree" looks very simple, but it has two deep meanings. One, as the saying goes, a tree moves to death, and a person moves to live. The man told him that people can't use their inherent thinking to look at problems in life, they must Learn to change your thinking, maybe things that were impossible in the past will become possible, and what you thought was a dead end will become a way of life.

To say, leaving the base, who doesn't have this idea, who doesn't want to have their own sky, but I'm afraid it only exists at the level of thinking about it. Food, water, houses, defenses, supernatural beings and medicines, etc., are all faced. The problem.

The most important thing is that you must have your own brothers and subordinates, the common people, to make the base work and have a strong cohesion.If not, sooner or later it will be annexed or killed by the city A base.

Leng Kechen understands that he doesn't have that much ability, and he doesn't want to be suppressed so much. Sometimes he is called such a leader, and the suppression and imprisonment he receives are no less than those at the base.

Second, "tree" has another meaning, which is to cultivate people, which tells them that the base has a future and will not rest on its laurels.

Now they extended an olive branch to him, telling him that there is a place that can accept him, and all he has to do is to help that place buy food on the black market at the base in City A, and even try to lure him to that base.

This is really a big problem. Once caught, the two brothers will not survive.

Here, Leng Kechen tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and Hu Jun also couldn't sleep in the space.

She looked at the grain piled up into hills and felt thankful that she could grow grain in her own space. It was no problem for the people in these grain security bases to have enough to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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