Chapter 229 The Siege (1)
I think anyone who has experienced that zombie fish knows that it is scarier than zombies. This has to make me have a bad guess. In the future, there will be zombie plants, and they will be scarier than zombies. Will the plants surrounded by mountains on which we depend become our killers!As soon as Hu Juan finished saying this, the people below were in an uproar immediately, whether they didn't believe it or doubted it, anyway, they all looked surprised, panicked and somewhat disbelieving. "Village Chief, are you saying this to let us go? Just say let us go!" Some people don't believe this, or are afraid of believing such speculations. They would rather believe that it was Hu Jun who wanted them to go instead of It really does happen.

Hu Jun shook his head and sighed: "Before the end of the world, we didn't believe that cannibalism would happen, but in the end of the world, it did happen every day. Before encountering animal-shaped zombies, we didn't believe it, obviously it should be Animals that are kept in captivity or eaten by us will become monsters that tear us apart, but they do exist. Before encountering zombie fish, we never thought that we would lose our lives when crossing the river, but all of this happened It is before our eyes. It is the end times that force us to accept these cruel facts, and what we have to do and can do is to accept them. If we had known the end times, perhaps, we would have learned how to deal with zombies before, if we knew There will be zombie animals, we can learn to stay away from them, if we know there are zombie fish, we will not cross the river, but we don’t know. Now, we suspect that there are zombie plants, why, if we don’t take precautions in advance, we must Do we regret it until they devour the lives of our relatives and friends?” Hu Jun’s language is so magical that people listen to it and reflect on it unconsciously. This is a village full of plants.

Seeing the faces lost in deep thought, Hu Juan was a little relieved. She didn't want to say anything about zombie plants. Although there was, it would take a long time, but speaking out would be the biggest bargaining chip to let them go.

Most of the people in the base are simple and kind. Sometimes, when she was walking in the small paths of the village, she saw the big girls and women gathering together in twos and threes to do needlework, and saw the people who were patrolling the streets but greeted the villagers warmly every time they saw them. Patrolman, she actually felt that this was not the end of the world at all, but a peaceful village.

Although everyone fights and kills every day, they are all forced by fate, poor ah.

The villagers have been whispering to each other in twos and threes. The zombie plants obviously scare them. Since they are willing to come out, they are naturally a bit shrewd and not particularly picky, and they are obviously shaken.

But there was still hesitation in everyone's eyes, and Hu Jun said in a timely manner: "Everyone can think about it tonight, and report it before 10 o'clock tomorrow, so that we can find a suitable vehicle according to the number of people."

These words were like magic, and all the worries were shattered. His hesitant face instantly softened, and his expression was comfortable. It turned out that he was not walking, but looking for a car.

"The gasoline?"

"You can rest assured about this, we have made a plan." Hu Jun nodded and promised with a smile. After finishing speaking, she announced the end of the meeting.

The villagers gathered together in twos and threes, and those who originally planned to follow were naturally more determined, while those who were unwilling had actually been shaken in their hearts. In addition, the residents who had lived together for so long also had feelings for each other, so being together was the best. So after a little persuasion from others, they took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, saying that they couldn't bear to leave everyone.

Early the next morning, the names of the whole village were written on the list handed in, which showed that everyone was willing to leave.

Hu Juan let go of her heart. She will do her best to protect the people in the base, but complaining about walking is not as effective as walking willingly. At least in this way, everyone will obey the arrangement instead of acting recklessly on the road .

The next thing to do is to find a big car, but Leng Kechen has come here, it is really not easy to go to the base to find a car, she told the people in the village to start packing, but there is a limit for each household, Lu Jingsheng They discussed the route, and Hu Jun threw Leng Kechen and Ran Tao over.

As for people, you have to contribute. It's not like a concentration camp to train nerds.

She herself had to find the most important car. There was room, but unfortunately they were all small cars, which couldn't hold these 160 people.

Hu Jun once again came to the base in City A. This time, he was shocked. The indescribable sense of depression and dilapidation in this base is obviously the same houses and the same streets, and everyone who walks on the streets The face is full of oppression, gloom and hesitation, without any fighting spirit.

What are these people like?
Hu Juan wandered around the black market with this small question in mind, but what was extremely shocking was that no one opened the door.At this moment, Hu Jun already understood that the base was not a place where he could stay for a long time, so he left immediately and resolutely. As for the car, he had to think otherwise.

Two days passed in a flash, and the final destination was set at the place Ran Tao said, and the residents in the base had packed their things. Leng Kechen urged her to leave quickly, but there was no way to get there without a car. Residents of the city will not walk on foot with two feet. Hu Jun has made up his mind today that if he can't find it anymore, he will use a small cart to go.

However, life is not always smooth. During the journey, there will always be a big pit suddenly. If you jump over it, you can continue to the next stop. If you can't survive, it depends on whether the pit is deep or not, and there are no thorns in it.

In the early morning of the third day, the sky was not bright, that is, around 4 o'clock, Hu Jun was going to go to another place to continue looking for a car. She was just about to go out when she felt that something was wrong near the base, very wrong.

She glanced around, everything was normal, but when she looked with the supernatural eyes, she couldn't help trembling all over, densely packed with people, some of them held guns in their hands, some were bare-handed but their faces were familiar, they were supernatural beings.

Hu Jun returned to the base calmly, and the first thing he did was to grab Qi Zhejun who was under the blanket, "Gather the residents in one place immediately, keep quiet, and leave now." Qi Zhejun looked at Hu Jun's tense face, Without asking too much, I nodded and made arrangements.

Afterwards, she went to look at the back door, which was also surrounded by people. She immediately went to find Lu Jingsheng, and it seemed that she could only break through the encirclement. However, thinking about the people in the base, there are so many old, weak, sick and disabled, how could they succeed? I don't know who spent the money, there are 300 people dealing with a small place of 150 people, and they are really determined to let them die.

There are a total of 5 cars in Hu Jun Space, with a maximum of 40 people, and there are 120 people left.

"What's going on here?"

(End of this chapter)

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