Chapter 232 Fire Dragon (2)
"Let's hurry up and go!" Lu Jingsheng came back to his senses and shouted, urging everyone to hurry. Hu Jun was wasting his life for time, and they had to get out as soon as possible.

Everyone suddenly realized that they bowed their heads and hurried on their way. Although there was no agreed bus, no one complained. Sometimes the meaning of life is not only to let yourself live, but also to care about why you let you live.

The ice dragon and the fire dragon roared in the air, and their huge aura hit the opponent's body. This was an attack without much power, but a temptation by two supernatural beings. No one wanted to exhaust their abilities as soon as they came up. They always thought that maybe they could get away with it .

Suddenly, the fire dragon couldn't hold back its temper, opened its huge dragon mouth, and spewed out a ball of flames. The flames were so hot that the world seemed to have switched to midsummer August, with the sun shining brightly and sweating profusely.

Not to be outdone, the ice dragon spat out a ball of ice towards the flame, which immediately relieved the sweltering heat in the air and returned to the breath of spring, but it was only the middle zone where two air masses collided, and with the Being close to the ice dragon and the fire dragon, it is cold on the one hand and hot on the other, giving a feeling of two worlds of ice and fire.

In the first game, the two fought to a tie, and also touched each other's bottom. The level of the two seems to be evenly matched, but the ice element has an advantage in the fire element, and Hu Juan's constant energy, The final victory should belong to Hu Jun.

After figuring this out, Hu Juan lamented the strength of his opponent on the one hand, but on the other hand wanted to enjoy the battle to the fullest. Although he has an advantage, anything can happen during a battle, and he must not be taken lightly.

In the second game, the Fire Dragon took the lead again, and it came straight to the Ice Dragon. The Ice Dragon naturally dodged, but unexpectedly, the Fire Dragon made a feint, and the Shenlong swung its tail and slammed the Ice Dragon's head hard. The strength of the ice dragon's original dodge, if the two collide, the ice dragon will definitely have a hard time.

The ice dragon responded immediately, staring at the fire dragon's tail with big eyes, and opened its mouth to spit out a ball of ice. It had to wrap the fire dragon's tail so that it could take the opportunity to escape.Although the fire dragon is not afraid of the tricks of the ice dragon, after all, it has only a powerful tail. If it is frozen, it will definitely be inferior, so it can only dodge.

In the second round, Fire Dragon lost.

I don't know, a few people popped out from somewhere, looked at the domineering man and said with a sarcasm, "You are the only one who dares to speak so boldly."

The domineering man glanced at them, with indescribable anger in his eyes, but he couldn't speak back, and turned his head to look at Hu Jun silently. At this moment, he had a ferocious expression on his face, and he must defeat her!
Why should the fire element rank at the end of the four aggressive abilities? The ability of the fire element is so huge, full of powerful destructive power, no less than the thunder element!Why, the fire element will be suppressed, today he will show them the power of the fire element, this ice dragon is the best sacrifice for the blood sacrifice to the fire dragon!
He will defeat everyone step by step until the fire department becomes the overlord of all abilities!He wants to tell everyone in the world that only the fire element is the king who dominates the world!
The fire dragon rushed up with all its strength, it raised its head and roared, like the most violent active volcano erupting, rushing towards the ice dragon, the thick, violent flames instantly swallowed the ice dragon.

I saw an ice dragon covered in flames, showing its icy body faintly, struggling, twisting, and howling, trying to escape from the confinement of the flames, shaking its head and tail, but there was no way, like a big net , It is only locked up until death.

Hu Jun only felt that her headache was about to split, and the feeling of the ice dragon was accurately and clearly conveyed to her delicate nerves, and every nerve could clearly feel the pain and the collapse of her mental power reaching a critical value.It seemed that at any moment, her head would explode.

The burning sensation of the flame suppressed her, as if she was in a fire dragon, surrounded by thick flames.

For the first time, she felt a strong threat to her life from a supernatural person. She never expected that a fire-type supernatural person would be so powerful!It is so powerful that it is unbelievable. In the last days, it is clearly a relationship where ice is greater than fire than water. How could it be like this!
What Hu Jun didn't know was that it was the domineering man's full strength.The biggest threat to the fire element is the huge explosive power. Originally, the ability is only 10, but due to the explosion, it will instantly increase to 12 or even 15 ability. This is what Hu Jun finds incredible.

Hu Jun looked at the other side through the firelight, and they smiled, as if they were certain that Hu Jun would die.

Hu Jun's head seemed to be pierced desperately with countless thin needles, the pain was so painful that she wished to knock herself out, but she opened her eyes wide, she couldn't die, not far away her parents were still fleeing, she promised before parting that she would die. Accompany them, if she dies, Xiaokong doesn't know what to do, and other people in the base, she can't die!
The flames roasted the ice dragon, and at this moment the ice dragon seemed to be in the belly of the fire dragon.The ice dragon's body melted continuously, turning into drops of water, wrapped in the fire dragon.

Hu Jun no longer has the energy to activate the ability. All he can do is control the somewhat incomplete ice dragon and turn into water.

Is water more powerful, or ice more domineering?

All water-type supernatural beings aspire to become ice-type. Ice is harder and more powerful, while water is slightly softer. They can be numerous and absent, but they are not very aggressive.

However, Hu Jun clearly felt the vitality of water in the fire. Compared with the restlessness of ice, water is more docile and adaptable. Could it be that the seemingly weak water is actually more powerful than the so-called strong ice?
Hu Jun was taken aback by his bold idea. This is a brand new concept. Looking at the melting ice dragon, this concept may be applied soon.

Hu Junning calmed down, closed his eyes, and felt his own energy in the belly of the fire dragon.

So, she opened her eyes, and they released a huge light, making the world pale.The Fire Dragon, which already had the upper hand, shook its body desperately as if it had been stabbed by something, howling endlessly.

The sound of clattering came from the fire dragon's abdomen, and a big hole was suddenly opened in its abdomen, and a large amount of water flowed out from its stomach, and the flowing water slowly moved along its body, wrapping it gently the whole body.It's a pity that I can clearly see its swing and struggle, and the water flow swings with its swing, not restricting it, but making it unable to escape.

Visible to the naked eye, the fire dragon is getting smaller and smaller, until finally the message disappears.

The domineering man closed his eyes, vomited blood, and fell to the ground. Because of his excessive use of his abilities, he blew himself up and died.

This domineering man finally backed down, Hu Juan smiled proudly, and beat him with ease!

After realizing it, a new law made her feel even more worthwhile!
"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." The man who laughed at the domineering man watched him die aside, his face was not sad, he just accepted the fact coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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