Chapter 234 Rescue (2)
"What!" He was taken aback, no, this wind element shouldn't have such strength, and without giving him any time to think, a huge wind knife rushed towards him, tearing him to pieces, and blood gushed out from nowhere. The individual, after catching the blood, disappeared again.

The person who can be invisible is holding a bowl at the moment, handed it to Hu Jun and said, "The antidote."

Hu Juan's vision is a bit blurred, and his hearing is not working well. He only sees the sky and blocks the sun, and thinks that Ji Jin will be very strong. He didn't expect to be so strong that he would get the medicine so soon. This is not logical at all, even if it is her , nor such a strong strength.

But at this moment, when she didn't think too much, she tried her best to pick up the antidote, and applied the blood of the poisonous supernatural being to the wound. Sure enough, the numbness and pain disappeared quickly, and her senses gradually became clear again. Her dark lips also turned white, and she seemed to be fine.

Hu Jun was in better health, so she got up to save the people at the base, her heart was hanging in the air.

"Ji Jinjiang, if you dare to kill us, they won't let you go when you go back!" Seeing that something was wrong, the fat man immediately changed his name and threatened Ji Jinjiang with the Ji family.

Are such threats useful?Ji Jinjiang shook his head, ignorant, glanced at Hu Jun who was struggling to leave, and waved his hand casually, the storm became bigger and bigger, turning into a tornado, and the strong wind swept his black hair, his originally gentle face was completely blurred at this moment. Cold, especially the most delicate wax figure, with a handsome appearance, but nothing in the eyes.

The people outside roared and screamed, and soon there was no movement. Hu Jun, who was fighting with the man with the scar, found that there was no sound. He was a little surprised. Did they all leave? She didn't believe that someone could defeat a hundred with one man , there are quite a few of those people whose strength is no less than that of the poisonous supernatural power user, even if he is himself, the horror will not be easily resolved.

Ji Jinjiang came down and said, "Let's go."

"You?" Did you kill them all?Hu Jun had a big question mark in his heart.

The man with the scar made a disdainful cut, and he disliked Hu Jun indescribably. He was obviously the famous, handsome and talented Hu Jun, so why did he make him hate him like this.

Ji Jinjiang didn't answer, just said: "I don't know what's going on over there."

Upon hearing this, Hu Juan lost the mood to explore, and went to find his parents with all his heart.

Although Hu Juan was injured, he supported her mentally and rushed all the way. When he arrived at the place where the signal was released, the building was already empty, only blood stains and many corpses remained on the ground.

"Chen Kang!" "Sister Zhang!" "Xiao Lin!" There were corpses on the ground, including unfamiliar ones, but also people from the base. Hu Jun staggered on the blood-stained ground, wet and sticky. .

The person I met in the morning died here. For some reason, Hu Jun felt unspeakably uncomfortable, sore, astringent and a little swollen. They obeyed her arrangement and left. Obviously, they should all be alive. But they were bloody and bloody, with dilated eyes, looking at this world that had nothing to do with them.

One, two, three, four... A total of 21 people died.

"Follow me." Ji Jin supported Hu Jun's arm with both hands, lifted her up when she was a little limp, and forced her to move on.

Hu Juan was dragged away abruptly by him, and those people gradually moved away from her.

Gradually moving forward along the bloodstains, as if to escape, they turned into the dense forest, corpses appeared sporadically along the way, and every time they saw strange faces, Hu Jun's heart didn't ache again, but it couldn't be Every time I get my wish, I will see familiar faces from time to time. Some people even talked to Hu Jun in the morning and told her that he is willing to go out to fight.

Soon, in a small plain, there was another gathering place of dead people. There were more than 60 corpses, more than 10 of them were people from the base.

Hu Jun didn't think about it at all, why he hoped that fewer people died in the base, but just immersed himself in grief, Ji Jin would not give her any chance to stop, and continued to move forward, Hu Jun stretched out his hand, wanting to see them , Her heart was so uncomfortable and painful that she couldn't breathe.

Until, they mainly met the survivors of the Hope Base. There were less than 150 people left in the team of more than 100 people, and there were countless injured.

Mother Hu's arm was also injured and was being bandaged. Dongdong was lying in Hu Yue's arms covered in blood all over her body.

Qi Zhejun's head was covered in blood, and he was busy arranging patrols. Lu Jingsheng was leaning on a tree, his face was pale, and his condition was not good. Xu Langyu was giving first aid to others, and Ran Tao, who was originally spotless, was dirty all over. The critically ill patients were given the final rescue, but there were too many injured.

Some people threw themselves on their relatives and wept wildly, some beat their breasts and beat their feet to hate themselves for their incompetence, children didn't know why, and were crying in the arms of adults, and some even lay there dying, waiting to die.

Her tears flowed out all at once, why is it like this.

She thought she was very strong and brave, and had developed a heart of stone, not caring about the lives of others, but looking at the residents in these bases, they burst into tears and wailed on their dying relatives.

Her emotions that had been blocked all the time burst out in an instant, and she couldn't help but burst into tears. This is not what she wants, this is not it.She cares about the life and death of her parents, but she is not someone who can watch others die in vain. She has killed many people with her own hands, but they are all deserved to die.And they are kind and duty-bound, and they obviously don't deserve to die, but they have to go through such a miserable pain.

She couldn't bear to see such a scene of life and death, and couldn't bear the destruction of other people's families because of her own decision-making mistakes. Why didn't she leave early, why didn't she listen to Leng Kechen's advice, why did she procrastinate, why did she have to find those two buses , Why did you build a base that was obviously hopeless just for your own selfish desires, why didn't you decide to build a base with a future and a future from the very beginning, this is why!
"Okay, it's okay." Ji Jinjiang looked at her like this, and her whole body seemed to be about to collapse. Maybe such a tragic scene hit her too hard, so she quickly comforted her. Reflection should be done, but it's not like this reflection.

"I thought, I can, I can, I can accept death, but I can't, I can't, I can't!" Hu Jun couldn't tell who was in front of her, she pushed and shoved, kept backing away, and kept blaming herself, The voice was sharp and hoarse, and smiling faces turned into tragic faces appeared in front of her eyes. It was all because of her that they died, all because of her!

At this moment, Hu Jun had already entered a state of urgency, as if, if it wasn't for her, none of them would have died, but how could this be possible, life, old age, sickness and death are not for anyone to decide.Even if they didn't come here, they might not be able to survive at the base in City A, and even if they didn't leave Hope Base, they might not be able to survive in Hope Base.

(End of this chapter)

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