Chapter 248 Who Is (1)
Hu Jun nodded in self-satisfaction, that's good, completely ignoring what Qi Zhejun said to her sincerely, she is not a real leader, here is good, naturally everyone will stay.

The rest is theirs, Hu Jun flicks his sleeves, and he will meet that child.

The unlucky boy was hungry all night, and he resolutely refused to eat the enemy's food. They used to be like this, saying that it was for themselves, and it was either mixed with dirty things, or it was overturned when it reached their mouths, and they laughed at them.

He was ready to sacrifice for the village. He would rather die than surrender. The door opened again. In terms of appearance, I just feel thinner and shorter than others.

When the unlucky child saw the appearance of the person, she was a little stunned. She was actually a woman, but why did she look so good-looking? Her skin was fair and delicate, better than those of newborn children. The corners of her beautiful big eyes were slightly raised, and her nose Tall, with a red mouth, she looks like a fairy in the legend, no, she looks much better than a fairy.

Hu Juan looked at the silly young man in front of him with some amusement, "Why, I have flowers on my face?" The young man blushed instantly, lowered his head, and cursed inwardly, these people are too shameless to use beauty tricks.I almost forgot that I was locked up now.

"I won't tell you anything!" The young man changed from his shy look to that of a brave man, er, his expression is really heroic, haha.

Hu Jun smiled and found a stool to sit down, looked into his eyes and asked, "What's your name?"

The young man sullenly turned his head away from Hu Jun's face.

Hu Jun tilted his head and looked at the back of the child's head which was left to her. It was really interesting. With such a sad, angry and desperate expression, it is possible that he was bitten by a zombie, but it was obviously good.

Hu Jun thought for a while and asked, "Oh, by the way, you said we stole your chicken?"

The young man turned around and looked at her fiercely, with the words in his eyes: Yes, it's you!
The chicken was obviously in the wild, but the boy knew that there was a chicken, which meant that there must be something they didn't know about it. No matter what happened, the fact that the boy was not alone was clearly revealed.

"I heard that you are very disgusted when people ask you where you are from. Why?" Before the boy could answer, Hu Jun snapped his fingers and said to himself: "There must be a reason for this, that is, you don't want Everyone knows, maybe they are afraid of being known by others, maybe they have some difficulties that they don't want others to know, or maybe you have some secrets that you can't let others know, let me tell you."

The boy didn't speak, and looked down at the ground. The ground was clean and brand new, and the house still had a strong smell of cement.

Hu Juan continued to speculate persistently, "Your chicken is lost, it must be a large group of people living together, the chicken is so big, I guess you have lived there for a long time, at least a year." She didn't Careful attention to the boy's expression every time he said a word, his expression became more and more dignified, more and more tense, which showed that Hu Jun had guessed right.

"Why did you come here secretly? It must be that the inspections on your side are not strict, and everyone's activities are relatively free. And why you come here now, you must guess that there is a zombie city here, or you are afraid, or you feel uncomfortable. It’s worth the risk, either you have too many chickens and don’t care about this one, or your strength is too weak to beat zombies, but you sneaked over, I guess your strength is terrible.” Hu Jun made the final conclusion with a smile , the boy's face was already pale, his eyes were empty and lifeless, he, he obviously didn't say anything, yet he was exposed like this...

"Did you ever live in that base and escape?" Hu Juan looked at him seriously and asked.

The boy shook his head violently, shook his bound body desperately and shouted, "I won't tell you, I won't!"He didn't know at all, this was all his imagination, of course it wasn't that he was out of his mind, but what he had experienced in those years really scared him.

Hu Juan saw that something seemed wrong, so he said: "This is the New Hope Base. Who are you and where are you? Those with supernatural abilities go to patrol, women sew clothes and bedding at home, and children can go to school.”

"Liar!" The boy's eyes were bloodshot and full of anger, like a flood and tsunami, but they were full of shocking power, and the surging emotion in his eyes was like a ghost crawling out of the ground. The world is full of resentment and dark negativity is in the air.

Hu Jun was so frightened that he took two steps back, because those eyes were too intimidating.

"What's the matter?" At some point, another person came into the room, he held Hu Juan's shoulders firmly with both hands, Hu Juan finally recovered his breath, and said slightly: "It's okay."

The boy's eyes were like wolves, looking at the two menacingly, Ji Jinjiang said to Hu Jun: "They are looking for you, you go out first."

"But he..." Hu Jun shook his head, now she couldn't go out at all.

Is Ji Jinjiang's smile warm, but his tone is not easy? Hu Jun retorted: "I'll talk to him."

The atmosphere in this room was too hot and fierce, Hu Jun looked at Ji Jinjiang's obligatory eyes, finally nodded, and went out, leaving the boy and Ji Jinjiang behind, closing the door, and Sunshine left the room again.

The workers outside have started to work in an orderly manner, starting from the measurement, busy but full of energy.

Lily pointed to the blueprint and began to crackle and say to her that the general idea was to fine-tune it. Hu Jun kept nodding, but he couldn’t understand anyway, and it didn’t matter whether she understood it or not. What she wanted was that it roughly met the requirements. , without pursuing details.

Hu Jun walked around and looked around, thinking about that strange boy.

Not long after, Ji Jinjiang came out, followed by the young man. The young man's mood became much calmer, and his originally negative mood became depressed.

Ji Jin will invite someone to take the boy to dinner, but the boy didn't object this time, but followed the person silently.Only then did Ji Jinjiang slowly say to Hu Jun, "This kid is called Taozi, and he comes from a small base nearby. There are fifty or sixty people in them. They are all ordinary people and have no supernatural powers. They were originally from this old base. It's a pity that the management of this base is not good. The level difference between ordinary people and supernatural beings is too great. Hen Hen is where they came from, and he came out for two chickens. He was greatly stimulated and thought we were like those people, so he resisted and resisted in his heart."

(End of this chapter)

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