Chapter 254 Chen Xu (1)
Hu Jun dragged his chin and looked at the dark ceiling, thinking about the significance of these captives to the ice sculpture man lying on the ground.

After a long time, General Ji Jin came out, followed by two young men, they looked refined, one tall and one short, both skinny and pale, but they were very energetic.

Hu Jun stood up and looked at General Ji Jin, who shook his head and said, "Not here." Then he introduced, "These are two researchers here, Dr. Wei and Dr. Li."

The tall Dr. Wei said politely, "Hello."

The short Dr. Li just nodded to Hu Jun as a greeting.

Hu Jun naturally said politely, "Hello."

The little bastards looked up at a few people, even though they were stupid, they knew that now was the time to deal with them, and they felt a little worried about their future.

"Let's get ready and leave here." Ji Jinjiang didn't explain anything to Hu Jun, and Hu Jun didn't ask.

Then came the troublesome Great Migration, with General Ji Jin at the head and Hu Jun at the bottom. After counting, there were more than 20 ordinary people in the warehouse. Their bodies were so weak that they were dying. Help the little brother, keep lifting people.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, everyone came out. The boss of the base still didn't wake up, but the punks no longer guarded him, but gathered together in another pile. The captives didn't understand what was going on, but just sat together quietly .

At this time, the sky was already a little dark, and the two people who were captured by Hu Jun and Ji Jin also woke up. They looked at a large group of people who appeared in front of them very blankly. The brothers who were with them gave them winks, they honestly did not resist, did not speak, squirmed their bodies silently, and approached their brothers.

Hu Jun simply cooked some food and distributed it to them, while the two hid together to exchange information.

"You should know that my parents are working, and my cousin is their student. These two people are his colleagues on official business." After introducing the relationship, Ji Jinjiang paused and continued: "I learned something from them. You know, this is a secret research base. There are only a dozen people in total. After the end of the world, some escaped and some died. In the end, there were only three of them left. My cousin left secretly not long ago. After arriving here, they didn't know where they were going. Afterwards, this man came suddenly, and they discovered his supernatural ability through monitoring, so they closed the entrance and lived on the food in the scientific research room."

"Is what they said believable?" Hu Jun always felt that something was wrong with this place, and Ji Jinjiang said, "I'm not sure, but Dr. Wei among them is my cousin's friend and a student of my mother's." He didn't There is no way to deduce the truth of what they said, but he does know that one of them is his cousin's best friend and his mother's favorite student, and the two knew each other before the end of the world.

After Hu Jun heard this, he fed back what he had learned.

"Don't know? Don't work for food?" Ji Jinjiang frowned and fell into deep thought. If it was weird, he felt the same way.

Hu Jun looked at the crowd eating food in the distance. The captives were still scared when they ate the food, and the gangsters were a little dazed, but they ate deliciously. The limp boss still didn't wake up. The two young researchers chewed slowly. Pharynx, everything seems logical.

"Then what signal did you receive?" If not, where did the signal come from?
"The signal is indeed from here." Ji Jin will say with certainty that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

"The breakthrough should be on that man." Hu Jun narrowed his eyes, looking at the fainted man, keeping ordinary people in captivity, looking for useless younger brothers, and locking up researchers. Not long ago, Ji Jinjiang's cousin disappeared , All of this, I guess only he can make it clear.

After eating and drinking enough, the bastards who are naturally optimistic immediately feel a sense of satisfaction that is enough in life. They squint their eyes and feel a little sleepy. In such a cold winter, with a strong north wind, they can all get together to take a nap and sleep. This kind of spirit is really admirable.

Those ordinary people looked like frightened rabbits, staring around, as if they were surrounded by scourges.

The ice sculpture man gradually became conscious and moved his neck. In fact, he wanted to move his fingers, but unfortunately he couldn't, so he settled for the next best thing.

"What's your name?" When he opened his eyes, he saw a big face with huge eyes and nose, no matter how amazingly beautiful it was, but at such a close distance, there was only a sense of terror.He backed away in fright, but unfortunately only his neck was pulled back, and his body was completely slumped on the ground.

Only then did he remember that he was caught, and staring into Hu Jun's eyes, he had many thoughts in his mind, but all of them revolved around this one theme: how to escape, how to kill these two people.

Hu Jun seemed to see through his thoughts, and said with a gentle smile, "Don't try to escape," she knocked on the thick ice on his body, her voice was clear and sweet, "They are very strong, they cannot be broken or smashed. "Unless I like it.

"Tell me, why are these ordinary people imprisoned?" Ji Jinjiang can also ask him with his supernatural powers, but there is a drawback to this. It takes three days to wait. Mental supernatural powers have high requirements for supernatural powers and have certain limitations. Restricted conditions or sequelae, and there are certain requirements for the controlled body, like his fainting is one of the sequelae.

This is considered to be a common problem of people with supernatural powers. When you use mental power, there will naturally be side effects. The side effects can be divided into big and small ones. There are almost no side effects, and the corpse controller will have certain side effects because he wants to control the zombies that have no thoughts but only instincts, some are headaches, some are weak, and there are all kinds of strange things anyway.Naturally, it is even stricter for people with spiritual abilities who deal with people. For example, Dongdong's mind-reading skills, no one is willing to share their minds with others, and they often want to know what others want to fight. There is a big price to pay. Every time Dongdong reads her mind, she will suffer a serious illness due to bad luck.Since Hu Jun knew about it, he was strictly prohibited from using it.

All in all, this psychic power user cannot be said to be good or bad. While God created an innate advantage for you, he also made you pay a certain price.

He kept his mouth shut and looked at Hu Jun coldly, like a poisonous snake, ready to bite at any moment.

"Aren't you going to say it? If you don't say it, I can make you talk." Hu Juan shook his head, his eyes were full of regret, he was obviously not guilty, but he was disobedient.

She recruited two younger brothers and moved the stubborn guy aside, and then tortured him. What shocked Hu Jun was that no matter how much she tortured him, he refused to speak, did not even scream or beg for mercy. His lips had already been bitten by himself, and his free hands pinched his bloody flesh, and his body was covered with scars, which were extra dazzling in the white snow, and there was a touch of blood in the condensed air.

(End of this chapter)

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