Chapter 257 The Murderer (2)
Hu Jun dragged the original boss, sealed his mouth, and went straight to the destination.

The road is very long, and Hu Juan opened his mouth after walking for a while and said, "I know, they have caught you and made you have to obey the two of them, but you have to understand what they are doing. Obeying them will keep you safe for a while, but sooner or later, they will abandon you, look at those captives, their today may be your tomorrow.”

His mouth was covered, so naturally he couldn't answer.

Hu Jun didn't even think about him answering, and continued: "They're holding the person I'm looking for, if you help me, I'll help you rescue the person you want, how about it?"

He didn't respond or speak, Hu Juan continued walking without stopping.

The three of them were doing the finishing touches in the laboratory when suddenly the door was kicked open with a slam. Pressing against Hu Jun's temple, Hu Jun's body was limp as if he had fainted.He shouted, "Don't move! If you dare to move, I will kill her!"

Ji Jinjiang had fierce eyes and a solemn expression.

Suddenly, Dr. Li took out a gun from nowhere and pointed it at Ji Jinjiang's temple. The muzzle of the gun was cold.

"You!" Ji Jinjiang turned pale with shock, full of disbelief, he wanted to turn around, but the gun stabbed him hard and forced him to stop moving.

"You are really smart, but it's a pity you care too much about Chen Xu." Dr. Wei shook his head regretfully, they almost failed.

"What the hell is going on!" Ji Jinjiang yelled angrily and questioned him. He, who was always as calm as water, was forced into this state. It can be seen that he was angry and hard to accept. Aren't these two friends of his cousin? ?They have known each other for over ten years!
"Oh, don't worry, your cousin will tell you the reason of the matter soon, keep it!" His voice was cold and full of teasing.

Ji Jinjiang's angry eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire, but Hu Jun was still in a coma. He might be able to guarantee his own safety by taking action, but he couldn't take any risks for Hu Jun's safety.This is why Dr. Wei chose to reveal his identity without fear.

The lights in the research room were turned on, and they were brought to a warehouse door. Dr. Wei opened the door according to the code, and was about to throw the two of them in.

As soon as the door opened, before Dr. Wei had time to give orders, he was subdued by the hero just now, and Dr. Li was also pushed to the ground.

"You!" Dr. Wei was really angry, he tried to turn his head, trying to scold this bastard!
After Hu Jun tied the two of them up with vines, Ji Jin and Boss Yuan went in to pick them up.

Many people were detained inside, mostly men and women aged 30 to 40. Their faces were pale and their limbs were weak. The most surprising thing was that there was a pregnant woman with a big belly. Big, it seems to be about to give birth.

Boss Yuan carefully picked her up and asked anxiously, "Sister, how are you?" She shook her head and smiled weakly, but her condition really didn't look good at all.

These people are exactly the researchers who disappeared.

Dr. Wei ignored the angry eyes of those people and asked, "How did you find out." He thought that the arrangement was perfect, and it was impossible for him to discover all this.

Neither Ji Jinjiang nor Hu Jun wanted to explain to him, the most urgent thing was to send them out.

All of this is actually very easy to explain. The distress signal that Ji Jin will receive, a group of almost useless younger brothers, ordinary people who are imprisoned, a man who can’t speak, Chen Xu who disappeared, and two familiar researchers.When all these things are connected together, there is a vague answer. When Hu Jun learned that ordinary people eat meals cooked by men, the answer is ready to come out. Hu Juan's temptation to the dead man with a stubborn mouth is even more conjecture in his heart.

Dr. Wei said that he felt sorry for others, but he was afraid that Hu Jun would take them away and find abnormal features in them.

Jin Jiang is such a smart person, he never told the two of them that he had received a distress signal, and if they didn't mention it, then the signal was correct.

He tentatively said that people come first, and materials are kept last, but they are firmly opposed.That's right, they can't leave. If they leave, what will happen to the hostages?The reason why he decided to leave now must be because he had made the decision to kill everyone.

There is also a crucial point, since there is no electricity, how did the two of them research it? So, it is not that there is no electricity, but that there cannot be it.

That man is a puppet, the little brother is an ornament, ordinary people are test subjects, the researcher is the real culprit behind the scenes, and Chen Xu is locked in a certain place.

Every time Hu Jun went to the toilet carefully, he searched every corner carefully with his supernatural eyes, and finally she found a suspicious room.It's a pity that the door is very thick and heavy, and it might not be possible to open it with supernatural powers, so she thought of using Mr. Puppet. Mr. Puppet had been hinted by Dr. Wei a long time ago, but unfortunately he never had a chance to make a move. Thinking of what Hu Jun said, he felt very sad. If they are strong, they are good. The two co-starred in a short drama and got the current win-win situation.

The younger brothers watched in astonishment as the two doctors who were superior to others set up the prisoner, and the boss set up the boss. They shrank into a ball in fright for a while, fearing that he would settle accounts in the fall.

But the boss didn't have time to pay attention to them, he was concerned about his sister and her big belly.

The researchers rushed to those stupid ordinary people with tears streaming down their faces. Some of them were so angry that they rushed to the second doctor's side, punching and kicking.

No one stopped them, and the two soon vomited blood and begged for mercy.

For a long time, they couldn't calm down. Seeing the state of their family members, it would be a lie to say that they were not sad.

"This time, thank you very much." The leader, a middle-aged man in his 40s, wiped away his tears and thanked him sincerely. If they don't come, he doesn't know whether his relatives can survive the New Year, let alone the future of these two people. What crazy things would they do.

Only then did I learn the ins and outs of the matter.

Zombies appeared in this city without exception, many researchers did die, and many researchers took their families to the research room, because they knew that they had learned about the leak of the failed experiment.

Many people in this city know about the existence of the research institute, know that its security measures are perfect, have its own power supply and water supply system, it can be said that it is a good place to take refuge, so they flock here, and the people of the research institute also opened the door to accept many people.

In addition, they communicated the news upwards through the satellite system at the time of the incident, and it is believed that it will be resolved soon.It's a pity that they waited and waited and waited and waited until the zombies filled the city, and they didn't wait for the rescue force.

(End of this chapter)

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