The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 260 A Big Wave of Refugees

Chapter 260 A Large Wave of Refugees (1)
"Really?" The eyes of the men who were drinking were shining, and they looked at Dr. Wu in unison.

He nodded with certainty and said: "That's true. The so-called preciousness of wine is the most important thing in its manufacturing process, the fermentation process, in which materials, distiller's grains, soil, temperature, climate, techniques, etc. play a key role. If you know These can make wine." As expected, they are engaged in scientific research, and they can talk freely about drinking, but now they don't care about good or bad at all, they only care about, "Can you make wine?"

He thought for a while and said, "In principle, yes."

So many people gathered together, especially when a group of strangers came suddenly, it shouldn't be so pleasant, or should not be so harmonious and happy.

But good food and wine are the best concoctions in the world, well, the best concoctions in the last days.

Basin after pot of food was sent out, everyone ate with oily mouths, they were honest, they didn't ask where it came from, the most vicious ones were those gangsters, they were shy and embarrassed at first, drinking I didn't dare to drink too much, but when I saw the meat, the good guy was like a human-shaped rice bucket. I haven't eaten in 800 years.

Fortunately, the space can grow food, and there are plenty of materials, otherwise Hu Jun would be eaten and cried by them.

Of course, the cooks are eating and cooking, and they are a little tired, but they are very sweet in their hearts. There are men in every household, and the food just goes into their stomachs?And there are still points to claim, so why would you be angry?Most importantly, they surrounded the poor Leng Kechen before cooking, and negotiated countless conditions with him. Because of the Spring Festival, Leng Kechen had to agree to the condition of "defeating power and humiliating the country"-each of them took a bowl home.

Soon, it will be midnight. I wanted to have a happy New Year's Eve, but something more joyful happened.

The woman with the big belly is going to have a baby, which is a big deal.The base's first newborn baby, everyone rushed to the newly built medical building together in a huff and drunk.As real doctors, Sun Aixia and Yidao must be in it.Hu Jun's ability to heal was also included, and a few aunts with rich saving experience also came in.

The rest could only wait outside. Although they were not familiar with the two brothers and sisters, they looked worried and guarded in the corridor. Some went home to get bedding and boil water. Hu Jun took out 300 eggs and gave Hu Jun Mom, let her cook red eggs.

Among them, the most anxious one was the woman's younger brother. He walked up and down hurriedly, his face turning pale.Every scream of the pregnant woman made him extremely worried.

"You don't have to worry, it's like giving birth, just sit down and wait slowly." Hu's mother kindly comforted him, he nodded unconsciously, sat down for only 2 minutes, then stood up again, unable to bear the mood at all, One is excitement and the other is worry.

As time passed by, the screams became louder and more miserable. Hu Jun looked at her in such pain, but couldn't help her at all, and Sun Aixia kept cheering her on.

Finally, on the morning of the Spring Festival the next day, loud cries spread throughout the base.

A newborn baby was born, he was so precious, so cherished, people surrounded him, wanting to see his appearance, the child's mother smiled gratifiedly, the tattooed man also laughed, only the little baby howled and cried .

"Give him a name." The woman looked at the baby weakly and said to Hu Jun.

"Me?" Hu Juan was taken aback. She and the child are not related, so the name is inappropriate.

The woman nodded and said, "Yeah." Without Hu Jun, the child would not have been born smoothly, and the tattooed man also nodded. He is uneducated, and my sister will do whatever she wants.

Everyone looked at Hu Jun expectantly. Hu Jun looked at the boy and asked the child's last name. The woman said it was Chen.Hu Jun smiled and said, "Then it's called Chen Xi." Chen Xi, like Chen Xi, represents the future and hope of a newborn.

The birth of a new life makes this Spring Festival even more festive. Many people saw that the two brothers and sisters had just arrived and had no food, so they kindly sent some rice, I gave to the store, and even cloth.

Hu Jun took out the diapers in the space and gave them to Qi Zhejun's house.

The little baby has shed its wrinkled skin, and now it looks a little pink and cute, but maybe it's because it didn't have enough nutrition in the mother's womb, so it can't open its eyes until now.

"Come in, come in, it's time for lunch." Sun Aixia let Hu Jun in, and Qi Yiyi made an appointment with other people's children to go out to play, saying that he would not come back for lunch at noon.

Qi Zhejun was busy in the office, leaving only Sun Aixia to take care of the children.

Hu Jun smiled and said, "How is the child?"

"Both mother and child are healthy, thanks to the diapers and milk powder you sent, otherwise the child's food would be a problem." The mother is weak and has almost no milk. Fortunately, Hu Juan's space has long been in stock. I bought a lot of milk powder and diapers, otherwise it would be freezing cold, and I would have to freeze my hands while washing the urine ring.

Hu Juan raised the two bags in his hand and said, "No, I'm afraid it won't be enough, so I brought some more."

"You're here." The tattooed man came out of the house. He couldn't help much as a big man, but the two depended on each other, and he couldn't work with peace of mind for the time being. It's better to let him stay at home like this.

Hu Jun nodded and said with a smile, "How are you doing?"

He said, "It's all right."

The two of them had nothing to do, and Hu Juan wanted to inquire, so he knew their origins.

The tattooed man's name is Chen Zheng, and his sister's name is Chen Lei. They escaped with Shi and Chen Lei's husband, Chen Cen.The three grew up together since childhood and have a deep friendship.Later, Chen Cen and Chen Lei got married after graduating from university and stayed in this city. Chen Zheng was lively and ignorant since he was a child.

Later, the three of them lived in the same city. Chen Cen and Chen Lei made stable movements, while Chen Zhengsui was still a hooligan, but his heart was still good. From time to time, he used his unstable salary to improve the lives of the two of them. The two couldn't control him, but life went smoothly.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the end of the world to come.The three of them escaped together and ran all the way. Needless to say, the hardships and dangers involved, fortunately, Chen Zheng did not commit any crimes at this time. Hard work but a sense of happiness.

Soon, Chen Lei found out that she was pregnant. She was both happy and sad. The happy thing was that with the crystallization of love, all the pain became worthwhile, but the sad thing was that she was pregnant when she was hungry, which made the three of them feel sad. People's lives are getting worse.

Chen Cen and Chen Zheng were very happy when they found out, especially Chen Cen, who put his life to work for the sake of their children.In order to earn more money, Chen Cen and Chen Zheng were tricked and used as bait. Chen Zheng survived by luck and developed supernatural powers, but Chen Cen died there.

(End of this chapter)

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