Chapter 283: Scam (1)
It stands to reason that it's just a little less points and losing his job, which is much better than getting divorced and being with the mistress.

However, when he went back to look for Xiaosan, Xiaosan refused to be with him on the grounds of sadness and despair.

She was sad and desperate, but she regretted seeing that he had no power or power in the base, and she didn't want to find an old man who was more than ten years older than herself, but even though she tried to distance herself from the relationship, she portrayed herself as a pitiful and innocent girl who was deceived.

Never underestimate the IQ of the people. Countless people stay away from her and spurn her. Men can’t even avoid her. Those young people who used to offer their engines to him and did hard work would walk around her. It can be seen that she is now working in the base Well done.

Without the man's help, Xiao San went to look for a job, but unfortunately, her personal file had long written about her good play, and when it came time to find a job, she didn't want her to choose at all.

It's a pity that the reception staff crossed off a lot of jobs and ended up with a job of delivering chicken manure.

As for the wife after the divorce, with her husband's points, she found a job smoothly, and others knew her poor past, so they took extra care of her. Now she is living happily alone.

It really echoes that sentence, you never know what your future will look like.

The professors in the conference room never knew that they would be locked up one day.

They were imprisoned on charges of endangering the safety of others, and they were the first batch of honorary members of the prison.

The old men who yelled all the way here have long been exhausted, their voices are hoarse, and they are sitting in the prison stuffy.

The fact that there are prisoners in the prison spread like wind throughout the streets and alleys of the base, wow, prisoners!

Everyone ganged up to see the true face of the prisoner, but they were all turned away by the guards. This is not a browsing project, just a bunch of stinky old men.

People who don't know the truth guess all kinds of things, such as thieves, supernatural lunatics, base traitors, anyway, they have guessed everything, but they didn't guess right.

The term prisoner quickly became the NO of the base. 1 Hot words, people who are not familiar with each other meet, no topic?It doesn't matter, let's guess who the prisoner is, and get closer every second.

It's embarrassing for a young couple to date for the first time?It doesn't matter, let's guess what crime the prisoner has committed, and bridge the gap every second.

Compared with the new law that is not easy to talk about, the trouble-prone Hu Jun incident, the love triangle where the heroine is afraid of being hurt again, and the topic of prisoners are really both refined and popular.good!OK!
"Who are those people?" Papa Hu couldn't stand his curiosity, so he asked Hu Jun at dinner one day.

Hu Yue, Hu's mother, and even Dongdong looked at her curiously, only Xiaokong was desperately trying to eat the rice, and what he ate today was fried rice with eggs. Compared with other families, many things in Hu Jun's house came from Hu Juan space.

Of course, every time Mama Hu made good things, she would send them from door to door, and never kept her secrets.

Hu Jun blinked his eyes, everyone was really curious, so he said, "It's nothing, but they are just people looking for trouble."

Hu Juan's words are perfunctory at first glance. Normally, Hu Juan would definitely say it directly, but now it's really hard to say. She still plans to let these old men change their ways and help her build the dungeon. It will be difficult to deal with it if they become criminals. .

The old man that Hu Jun cared about was in prison with his chest stuck to his back. They had been in prison for several days, and they only had one cornbread every day. Flowers, it's so uncomfortable.

"Tell me, isn't it a little too much for us to do this? That girl is right, we don't care at all, and they don't seem to like this." An old man asked aloud, he was about to starve to death, How good it was before, as long as you work hard, you can earn points, which can be exchanged for food. It's really pitiful to be locked up here now.

An old man stopped him seriously and said, "It must be possible. Since this base is so well built, the system is equal, and there is a certain legal system, it indicates that it must need talents. There is absolutely nothing wrong with us following the plan."

Another person answered and questioned, "However, that girl doesn't seem to want to treat us kindly at all, and the first time we submitted our opinions, she didn't respond, and now she's locked up again, will it be okay? Will kill us?"

"Impossible," another person interjected, "I heard from the current architectural design that the girl doll is friendly and loving. There has never been a murder in the base, and she will definitely not kill for that."

"Yes, we decided to do this at the time. Didn't we have the courage to implement it because of this? We must show our pride, just like those people before."

"It wasn't the end of the world before, what if, what if she doesn't care about architecture at all?" The old man who spoke at the beginning began to feel depressed again, "I heard that they are going to start growing food. Could it be that when we said that we were agriculturalists? Okay?" It turned out that the old man who spoke was not an engineer, but a meteorologist, and there were all kinds of scientists in this old man, including soil scientists and agricultural scientists.

In other words, a group of old men escaped here with great difficulty. When filling in the materials, the people at the base asked them what they would do.

After they thought about it, the staff member kindly explained that it was a previous major, and he would definitely be able to repair water and electricity, build a house, raise fish and feed chickens, and so on.

I heard that it was all basic physical work. I can’t say that I can look at the sky, I can study nuclear magnetic resonance, and see that the base is building a building. An old man cleverly said that he is a professor of the Department of Architecture, so some wrote about architecture. , they all wrote about architecture, but it’s actually not a lie, it’s just a meal.

"It's too late to change anything now. The most urgent thing is to lure her into the bait. Are we going to be cleaners all the time? We old guys can bear it!" Years of suffering have caused these old men to collapse quickly. Working is actually a good job, but it depends on your physical condition. Anyway, people like them who have been dug out are really not suitable. "In short, we must follow the plan to let her understand our importance and treat us politely." , and we must visit the thatched cottage three times before we agree!" Regardless of the dignity and principles of scholars, the goal shall prevail.

"Then wait a little longer?"

"and many more!"

Well, it turned out that these old men were trying to cheat Hu Jun, hoping to improve their own value by relying on such a different attitude.

Unfortunately, they don't know that if they tell the truth, Hu Jun will naturally treat each other with courtesy.

(End of this chapter)

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