Chapter 286 Identity (2)
Thinking of taking a shower, how pleasant it would be to take a shower and sleep after eating.They didn't talk much, and they were completely immersed in the temptation of delicious food at the moment.

While queuing up to take a shower, they chatted relaxedly.

"Well, I'll just say it works." The old man who led the trouble said triumphantly, he was so witty, and the method he thought of was so good.

"That's right, that's right, it's a good idea!" They chatted complacently, only feeling that the plan had worked, and the next step is to negotiate. Remuneration, as everyone knows, this "eternity" is too empty, there is no contract in the last days, let alone certainty.

It was already afternoon when they woke up, and Hu Jun sat on the sofa outside early and read books.

The old man in the lead was very thin and shriveled, and he was also the invisible secret of these old men. He was smug in his heart, but he was very reserved when he showed it. Seeing Hu Jun coughing twice, he attracted her attention.

The other old men are tall and short, fat and thin, wearing brand-new clothes, standing behind this old man, with a majestic negotiating posture.

Hu Jun naturally noticed it, put down the books, looked up at the old men and asked, "How does it feel to be in prison?"

The old men looked brave and ambitious, "Okay, stop pretending in front of me, you are obviously not all architects, why bother?" Hu Jun didn't want to spend time on these useless things. In other places, locking them up for a few days is also to let them have a long memory and eliminate the bad habits they learned in other bases.

The old men looked at each other, you looked at me and I looked at you, wondering why she would know, the skinny old man immediately said stubbornly, "Of course we are!"

Hu Jun said with great interest, "Oh, then you can draw a blueprint for me to see?"

This, how to draw this, except for the real architect, other old men will definitely not.

"Actually, what I want to say is that I'm not interested in architects. It would be great if there are agriculturalists among you. It just so happens that the base will be farming." Hu Jun looked at these old men with a smile, and waited for them Throw yourself into the trap.

At this moment, the old man who was an agricultural scientist was immediately tempted, and the other experts immediately turned their heads to look at him. It was so obvious that they still gritted their teeth and said, it's nothing.

Hu Jun sighed, and said sadly, "That's a pity, I really don't need so many construction experts. Since you don't have the talents I need, you can only go back and continue your work." Hu Jun shouted immediately "Chen Lei, ask someone to send them back."

A short old man immediately opened his mouth and said, "No! I am!" The other old men were angry that he threw himself into the trap, and some thought it was good, because they had eaten such a delicious meal, had a bath, and slept peacefully. After sleep, no one wants to go back to the previous life.

Hu Jun laughed out loud immediately, even though the promise was a request and said, "So I said, don't touch these crooked minds, just make good use of your original majors, at least I can let you live comfortably, Why do you have to show me a play?"

"I, we..." Some old men stammered embarrassingly. In fact, they didn't have any bad intentions. Putting on such a play made people laugh for no reason.

The old man in the lead turned pale, and he was complacent about his previous strategy just now, but he didn't expect to be cheated by this little girl, and he felt indescribably ashamed.

Hu Juan saw that it was almost done, so he stopped joking with them, and instead asked seriously, "What are your majors? Of course, I hope you can tell me frankly this time. If it is suitable, I will give you generous treatment."

Up to now, everyone can only honestly explain that these 13 experts are involved in research in 7 major fields, which can be said to be extensive.

After Hu Jun asked Chen Lei to write it down, he nodded and said after a little thought, "Now the base wants to cultivate food, is it possible to succeed?"

"In theory, it is possible, but it takes time to study." The old man majoring in agriculture said frankly that he couldn't say yes as stupidly as before.

"Research time? Of course I will give you a certain amount of reasonable time, but it is not indefinite. You must understand that food is limited. If you sit and eat, this base will disappear sooner or later." Hu Jun said threateningly, she There is obviously a lot of food in the space, but she understands that she cannot completely rely on the space. What if one day, like that time, she comes back in a month?In the past, it was okay to have fewer people, but now there are more and more people. It is necessary to have a reasonable planting base to ensure everyone's life.

The old man nodded, "I know this, and I will definitely work out a plan as soon as possible, but the current soil is very unsuitable for planting, even if the hybrids are successful and germinate, there is no survival rate."

"Hope is better than no hope." Hu Jun nodded, knowing that there was no rush.

"Another point is the underground city. I hope to build a city that echoes up and down. Simply put, I require buildings, buildings, food crops, fish ponds, etc. on the ground, and the underground must have the same consent, which can be different. .”

The architect was the first to frown and say, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!" He has escaped from his current identity and turned to his own professional field. After thinking quickly with a strong brain, he said, "The simplest way For example, a building needs a foundation, and the higher the building, the deeper the foundation. If you want to build a city underground, then there must not be too many buildings above the surface. From the perspective of force alone, it is easy to collapse. Analysis from the construction angle is very difficult to operate.”

"Is there no way?" Hu Juan asked persistently. She chose such a wide terrain and started to build the base from the corner, in order to leave enough space to build a dungeon.

The idea of ​​the dungeon originated from the dungeon in the previous life, and she understood that such a place would gradually deform human beings. Sunlight is an indispensable thing, and it cannot be replaced by lighting a flame.

Therefore, there must be cities above dungeons.

Now, these scientists actually told her no?What does this mean for the future of the base?
Sooner or later, zombies will occupy the world in large numbers, and there will be crazy wars between humans, and the fragile dungeon will be wiped out.

Could it be that she can't change her fate?
"Actually, not necessarily." A chubby old man said with a smile, "If it is to build an equivalent city, the theory is not acceptable, but if there is a main city and a sub-city, there is still some hope."

Hu Juan's heart was immediately moved by the old man's words, and he asked, "Main city and vice city?"

"That's right, this can rationally plan the space and avoid problems such as stress."

(End of this chapter)

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