Chapter 288 Chapter Peak (2)
The child who was running errands went to report to the leader, and happened to meet Fang Jia. Fang Jia was just having nothing to do, and went to the city gate with a smile on his face.

The leaders are familiar, but they are Cheng Feng and the bald head!

Fang Jia's eyes lit up, as if he had instantly returned to that era, glory and battle.

"Open the door, open the door quickly! I know them." Fang Jia yelled loudly at the guards, and ran down from the observation deck. Seeing this, the team leader said with some embarrassment, "Minister Fang, there are too many people in this group. If I don’t grow up, I can’t make the decision.” The captain who defended the city was very embarrassed, but he didn’t dare to let him make the decision with a word. The base system is clear, so he really has to offend Fang Jia.

Cheng Feng and the bald head led a group of people, dressed in tatters, covered with scars, and their faces were full of exhaustion and sadness, as if they had experienced countless disasters and grief, and they came here on the road of thorns and scars.

Although Fang Jia was refuted, she didn't want to talk nonsense, there was no need to be in a hurry, nodded, and waited for the team leader to come.

The team leader came, followed by people from the medical department to check the bodies of those who entered the city, and took a person who registered with Ayin.

The suspension bridge fell slowly and hit the snow heavily, splashing countless snowflakes.People outside the city looked at the bridge and probably understood something. They supported each other and slowly entered through the arch bridge. There were already many people standing at the gate, all dressed up and looking very dignified.

Being able to enter the base, Cheng Feng let out a long sigh of relief. He felt comforted in his heart. He could finally relax and not have to be wary of zombies all the time.

"Madman!" Fang Jia ran towards him with a bright smile.

Cheng Feng shouted in surprise and excitement, "Fang Jia!" He was extremely excited to meet unexpectedly, and to be able to meet an acquaintance in this kind of place is tantamount to a joy beyond heaven, so excited.

Fang Jia greeted those doctors, "Quickly check, after the check, take the brothers to my place to drink!" Fang Jia dragged Cheng Feng very boldly, since the last time scientists said that they could research alcohol, they really did. .Although it is not as strong as the previous wine, the taste is good, but with the degree of alcohol, the taste is very good.

Cheng Feng was a little puzzled, held Fang Jia's arm, and repeated in confusion: "Wine? This is it?" Is the base developing so well now?He remembered that wine should be a very precious commodity.

"Haha, of course, I have already said that I will buy you a drink when I have money." Fang Jia was very happy in his heart. It was a leisurely holiday, and he could meet acquaintances again. How could he not find a reason to have a good drink? .

Cheng Feng looked at Fang Jia's sunny face helplessly. This person is really incomparable. He was no worse than him at first, but now, seeing how energetic he can drink, and how dejected and sad he is, he said, "What are you doing now? It's a comfortable day, and I can still drink. However, I can't drink with you today, my brothers are going to ask you to help, they were injured, they were bitten by... Lost."

In an instant, the lively atmosphere calmed down. Fang Jia frowned and looked at them sideways and asked, "Are they supernatural beings or..." Some of these people are familiar and some are unfamiliar. alright.

"Ordinary people." Cheng Feng's words undoubtedly brought the atmosphere to a freezing point.Ordinary people, after being bitten by zombies, most of them will become zombies.

The people in the medical department who are still being examined directly said, "Please stand on the left for ordinary people who have been bitten, and others come to me to continue to be examined." Such a request is very reasonable and saves a lot of time. The supernatural being bitten to death just needs to show the supernatural being, and the supernatural being who has not been bitten can go to the small room to check his body to prove it, besides, no one will pretend to be an ordinary person bitten by a zombie Bar.

Fang Jia looked at Cheng Feng with his head down, and his bald head was also unhappy, but what could he do?
Fang Jia could only continue chatting in another way, "Why do most of these people have such a bad face?" What he meant was to inquire about the identities of these people.

Cheng Feng sighed, "It's our partner who explained on the road. Now life is getting more and more difficult. We added and subtracted people along the way. We only set off to come here after hearing your broadcast. I didn't expect to meet a very ferocious person." The lost animal is not easy to get rid of it and escape here."

Before Fang Jia could react, a female voice interjected, "Zombie animals?"

When everyone saw it, it was Hu Jun. She had doubts and confusion on her face, and she continued to ask, "Is it near here?"

Cheng Feng swallowed his curiosity about Hu Jun, and said bluntly: "It's not far from here, we escaped for a day to get here."

After Hu Juan nodded thoughtfully, he looked at the group of ordinary people who were obviously deeply poisoned. If nothing else, they would turn into zombies by this afternoon at the latest.

The winking medical team leader immediately confirmed, "The poisoning of these ordinary people has been quite deep, the pupils are constantly spreading, and the color of the skin is also changing. The most serious thing is that their teeth, many of them have turned into fangs. It is estimated that within five hours, all of them will turn into zombies."

"This! No way!" The bald head retorted immediately, with tears in his eyes. If it weren't for them, he would not be able to survive, and he must not watch them die.

Hu Jun frowned in displeasure, and glanced at him sharply, his eyes were sharp, with the dignity of a superior, Fang Jia knew it was not good, and annoyed Hu Jun and the others would never end well in the base, so he knocked on him immediately. The bald head said, "What are you shouting! They can't die if you shout?"

The bald head looked at Fang Jia aggrievedly, and lowered his head. He had no choice but he was not happy.

Hu Jun withdrew his eyes, looked at the group of quasi-zombies and thought for a while. The progress of the scientific research department has reached a critical moment. The final test product is human beings, but suffering from the lack of test products. These people in front of them are a good choice, which is convenient. Research can save other people's lives, killing two birds with one stone, but she will not force anything.

Hu Jun opened his mouth and said, "Now I have a method, which may help you not become zombies, but become supernatural beings. We are researching a drug to help ordinary people evolve supernatural abilities. You can choose whether to join the research .” In other words, are you willing to be a test subject.

"However, this has certain risks. You should think about it carefully." Hu Jun reminded, lest when the experiment fails, some people will look at the base with hatred and cause trouble.

Those who still had a sliver of reason immediately said, "We are willing." Anyway, there is no better way now, so it is better to take a gamble, and if you win the gamble, you can survive.As for those who are almost irrational, it is up to Cheng Feng to say: "They are willing too." For those people, it is better to have a glimmer of hope than no hope.

(End of this chapter)

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