Chapter 295 The Zheng Family (1)
The snake, which was originally strong, fell to the ground in an instant, twitching continuously, and looked very painful.

Hu Jun also landed on the ground, clapping his hands, it looks like it's done?
Hu Jun thought it would be better to get it into its mouth than to attack something three inches and seven inches. She didn't believe that something wrapped in Hu's secret explosives could not blow it to pieces.

After a while, the snake swayed wildly, as if it was very, very, very painful.Hu Jun felt relieved, as expected, the explosives made of this pool of water were powerful.

Unexpectedly, the snake was about to spread its wings and fly high, which was a bad situation. Hu Jun couldn't care less about other things, so he smashed his wings desperately, only to see the huge wings that were transparent like dragonfly wings suddenly appeared Lots of little holes.

At this moment, Hu Jun attacked the snake's heart fiercely. The snake was troubled both internally and externally, and spewed out the venom with all its strength. , is finally dead.

Hu Juan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally solved this hidden danger. If it came out in spring and brought other snakes out, the base might be destroyed. Although she paid a lot this time, it was not in vain. At least she felt at ease.

Afterwards, she carefully cleaned up the snake's nest. In fact, she killed them all with ice. It wasn't that she was bloodthirsty, but that there was no other way, and there must be no future troubles.

In fact, she didn't know that part of the reason for this success was that the strange snake was hibernating and its body was relatively weak.At other times, perhaps, she would have to pay a price of even more conviction.

The end of the world will never be a place where you can just talk and play around. It is full of great dangers and dangers, and this is just a small step at the beginning.

Hu Jun, who didn't know anything, walked back happily. When she returned to the cave, Ji Jinjiang had already passed out, and the black flesh on his back had disappeared, but the white bones were exposed.

Hu Jun hurriedly treated him, and the effect was satisfactory, at least much better than before. Afterwards, she quickly took out a lot of food from the space and prepared to cook, always letting him get up to have a mouthful of hot soup, "Xiaokong, Come and help me set up the stove." Hu Jun called out, but didn't wait for an answer.

She yelled a few more times, but still nothing, she looked around, Xiao Kong was gone? !

Before she could go out to look for it, Xiaokong came out sullenly by himself.As soon as he came back, he leaned against Hu Jun's leg limply, and he seemed to be in a very bad spirit.

Hu Jun was a little surprised, this state was not like him, and he thought he should be alive and kicking.Instead of reprimanding him, he patted his head and asked, "Xiaokong, how are you? Is there any discomfort?" The body temperature is normal, not like a fever, but this little face is pale, and Xiaokong has never been sick. What's wrong?
Xiaokong rubbed Hu Jun's arm, and said weakly, "It's hard." The little one looked very pitiful.

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Hu Jun took out a coat, threw him on the ground, and put him on it, very worried.

Xiaokong didn't know how to say it, he just felt that he didn't know, didn't know, this was his natural phenomenon, a sign of growth.

"What did you do just now?" Hu Jun asked anxiously, it was impossible to get sick for no reason.

Xiaokong lowered his head and said sullenly, "I went out to look for you, and then I saw that big snake and thought it was delicious, so I ate it."

"..." She must have misheard something, ate the basilisk?She subconsciously looked at Xiaokong's stomach, damn, this is a bottomless pit, "What did you eat?" Most likely it was diarrhea.

Xiaokong shook his head, "I don't know, it looked delicious, so I ate it." It smelled delicious, even more fragrant than my favorite snacks.

"Next time, don't eat dirty things behind my back. You will have diarrhea. I'll make some soup later. You can drink more and tell me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?" Hu Jun put Xiao Kong aside, and set up the stove by himself. Cooking soup, she tried to comfort herself, well, Xiao Kong is not a normal child, so what good experience does eating snake meat have, hehehehe.

After a while, the warm soup was ready, and Ji Jinjiang also woke up. Hu Jun glanced at him and said, "Just got up to drink the soup. The basilisk is dead. Let's go back tomorrow."

The injury on his body has healed a lot. Although it still hurts, it is obviously much better than before. He nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Early the next morning, I set off to return to the base, fortunately in time for the Spring Festival.

Hu Jun only said that he encountered a little trouble, and kept silent about other things.

Ji Jin will lie on the bed to recuperate. Although the man with the scar is feeling cold all over, wishing to kill Hu Jun, but seeing the look in the boss's eyes, he can only take care of him honestly.

Xiaokong was reluctant to move, Hu Jun asked him how he was, but he couldn't say one, two, three, and the doctor's examination also found that there was no problem. Hu's mother said that the child might be scared when he went out, and he would be fine in two days.

This year's Spring Festival, the base is extremely lively. First of all, the New Year's Eve dinner is much richer. It inherits the fine tradition of eating together with a large number of people last year. This time is no exception. The dedicated pure natural big earthen table and stool, and the huge invincible tent made of ice took up a lot of space.

Because everyone can say that they come from all over the world, cooking styles are varied, and there are dumplings and fine wine. The ice-type superpowers who have good deeds decorate the base with ice. It tastes like a big world of ice and snow, very beautiful .

At night, every house is decorated with lanterns and festoons, and even those who spend time in the scientific research building rarely come back to spend the Spring Festival with their families. This feeling is really amazing, a bit like a dream.

For those who just came to the base, they were even more excited and couldn't believe it, and even suspected that it was the last dinner, otherwise why they had such a good time.

And those old residents know in their hearts that all this is true, the base is getting better and better, and their lives are getting better every day. There are still good wines that don’t taste as good as they are now. Everyone doesn’t need money to buy them. Many, many, and only today can I get drunk.

As Hu Jun who provided all this to everyone, she enjoyed the happy atmosphere of the whole family. Even though she was frequently toasted, she drank all of them, which was considered heroic.

She is very down-to-earth now and doesn't have to worry about those strange snakes.

On the third day of the Spring Festival, Fang Jia, who manages the radio station part-time, discovered the signal, which came from a distant base in City A.

"They don't want to have peace talks with us at all." Fang Jia quickly told Hu Jun about the situation, but Hu Jun was a little at a loss, "Peace talks?" far.

"Okay, let's talk about it." Anyway, New Hope Base is not afraid of them now.

Due to technical problems, the peace talks were actually quite troublesome, but fortunately, they finally figured out what they were thinking. It turned out that they had heard that the construction situation here was ideal, so they had the idea of ​​cooperation. Got it.

(End of this chapter)

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