Chapter 299 Xiaojie (1)
However, the dim sum is really delicious. After returning home, she was enthusiastically praised by her family. Mama Hu decided to try it herself and do more writing tricks, completely ignoring the serious issues.

"Hey, I heard that the laws in this base are so strict that even divorce is not allowed?" One day, the patrol team who was away from home talked about such an embarrassing topic while chatting.

The man who had been at the base for a long time corrected: "It's not impossible, it's just some requirements."

"What's the request? The dominatrix of our family has a much better personality in the last days, but the conditions in this base have improved, and she has returned to her old ways. I really can't go on. You said that I couldn't divorce her because of my parents, but now I can't because of the base. Divorcing her, I can't get away from her for the rest of my life, what's this called, I can't even make decisions about my own marriage." As he said this, the man couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, looking unbearable.

The man sat on the rock, looked at the clouds in the distance, and said calmly: "What are you afraid of? Pan Yin from the logistics department is in charge of divorce. Let her take a look and you will know whether you can get a divorce or not." Because of A Yin's supernatural powers, it is very suitable for her to go through divorce, and she will know who is right and who is wrong by reading her mind every second.

"Oh, really? That's pretty good." The man laughed now, as if he was happy to have a way out, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "I didn't expect that this is really a perfect base."

Just as others were about to speak, the man nodded and said first: "Thinking about everything that has been experienced in the last days, this is indeed a perfect base. Sometimes I am really afraid of waking up and returning to the place I was before."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused a huge resonance. Everyone began to praise how good the base was, and it made everyone live a happy life. It was simply too wonderful.

After a while, the captain asked to move on, and the conversation naturally stopped. The person who started the conversation walked in the line without saying a word, and didn't say anything more.

Sitting in the office, Qi Zhejun looked at the plan for next month. The plan was densely marked, not only the on-duty personnel, but also the shift situation, as well as the gatekeeper team, the team that focused on protecting fish ponds, chicken coops, scientific research buildings and other places, and various All kinds of messy things.

He rubbed his eyebrows. Things are very messy and complicated, but they need to be planned bit by bit. Everyone's working hours are directly linked to their points for the next month, which is by no means a trivial matter.

After a while, one of Leng Kechen's clerks knocked on the door and came in, "Minister Qi, according to your request for the secretary, we have found five candidates, please take a look." Not long ago, Qi Zhejun did ask The addition of a secretary was postponed because of the Spring Festival, and the news came only now.

Qi Zhejun nodded, closed the documents in his hand, and motioned for them to come in.The five people who came in were three men and two women. The men looked gentle and the women looked dignified. They looked the same.

After the five people introduced themselves, Qi Zhejun asked two questions casually. After answering, he pointed with his big hand and left the two men behind, "You and you stay, and the others go out."

The clerk was taken aback, apparently he didn't think he would leave two non-professional secretaries behind. From the perspective of answering the question just now, it was obvious that these two men were not professional, but he was not qualified to ask any questions, so he led the other three to leave .

"The two of you usually help me sort out the forms. Let's sort out the work of last month first." Qi Zhejun pointed to the stack of documents beside him, and then buried his head in the documents.

The two nodded quickly, their excitement was beyond words, one of them was originally a programmer, the other was a college student, and they had no advantage at all. When they saw the job advertisement, they just wanted to give it a try, but they never thought that they could really get in. If Zi successfully joined the secretary, it is not only a lot of points, but he can get in touch with many things, and he can enter the agency all at once.

Compared to the excitement of the two of them, the three of them obviously couldn't believe it, especially one of the young women, she was a serious secretary with rich work experience, how could she not be admitted, it was simply strange.

However, no matter how upset she was, facts were facts, and she had no choice but to find another job.

As for the reason, Sun Aixia explicitly prohibited Qi Zhejun from using male secretaries. There is a saying that is right, power is the best aphrodisiac for men.

With power, Qi Zhejun was strictly controlled by Sun Aixia, especially after Hu Jun talked about the bad habits of the Zheng family, the strict standards were raised to a higher level. This is his wife's philosophy.

Of course, Sun Aixia is not a fool, so she naturally knew that a large part of Hu Jun's words were because she was afraid that their family would rebel, but how could she rebel?

Qi Zhejun would sternly reject every time a girl jumped on the pole. It is one thing to love a wife and love a daughter, and the rules are another.

She knew very well in her heart that there would be no second base to establish such a law, because in many people's minds, people with supernatural powers are completely strong, and those refugees who came in with great difficulty, every time they talked about their past experiences, they all cried bitterly. The runny nose is simply a miserable life that is hard to recall.

Such a day is hell, especially for ordinary people. Sun Aixia has never been a supernatural person. She has a place in the base only by virtue of her medical skills. Everyone calls her Dr. Sun when they meet, which is very respectful.

Once the base is lost, she is just an ordinary woman running around, without any advantages.

A man's love can be a lifetime, but it is not guaranteed to be a lifetime. If the family is to continue to live smoothly, happily and harmoniously, the most important thing is that Qi Zhejun does not change his mind. Sometimes it is not only his own efforts, but also another aspect. Less temptation.

Recently, people often make indirect remarks, saying that Qi Zhejun has worked so hard all the way, but in the end he still has to be restrained by others.

Even as soon as Qi Yi was in school, he would ask curiously when he came back: "Mom, why do people say that I could have been a little princess?"

The vaguely revealed meaning seems to be for them, and they should fight for greater rights.

Whenever encountering these situations, she would sternly push back and say to her daughter: "You have always been Mom and Dad's little princess."

She is not a person who pulls men back and does not want men to succeed.

However, if the future that this kind of success may lead to is a broken family, she feels that the present is very good, with certain rights, enough food, and a beautiful family. The most important thing is that Qi Zhejun has not shown any desire to dominate , at least he is also satisfied with his current life.

In fact, the same thing happened at Lu Jingsheng's house. Compared to him, Lu Jingsheng's attack was more ferocious. After all, it was the Patrol Department, and Lu Jingsheng's outstanding appearance could easily arouse the girl's love.

(End of this chapter)

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