Chapter 305 Restaurant (2)
Blessings never come together, but misfortunes never come singly. On the third day, the supernatural person also came, claiming that the two had lived together as a marriage. She decided to find a mistress when she was with someone else, and asked the girl to compensate herself.The girl is naturally unwilling, what is marriage, and has not obtained a certificate, so a fierce dispute broke out again.

In the end, the three parties went directly to the Patrol Bureau to make a settlement.

This is really a weird case. What the girl said seemed to make sense, but what the two of them said also seemed to make sense. It was very difficult to make a decision at the moment.

Qi Zhejun temporarily acted as a judge, looking at the case file in his hand, he was very worried.

He held the file in one hand, rubbed his temples with the other, and kept shaking his head. These four people are really weird. It was obviously a simple emotional matter, but now it seems that everyone in the base knows about it.

As the night was getting dark, Sun Aixia came in with a glass of juice, "Still on the case? Don't worry, take your time, drink some juice first." She said and handed him the juice.

Qi Zhejun obediently took the cup, drank it after a few sips, shook his head and said, "I think, no matter how I judge the residents of the base, they will say that my judgment is unfair."

This case is like representing the three parties of the base, unmarried women from disadvantaged groups, ordinary people who have gained their status through labor, and those with supernatural powers.

Everyone has a large number of supporters behind them. The supporters are generally people with the same identity as them. They watch the progress of this case as if they are looking at their own future. They are full of curiosity and always feel that it is The people I support are right and should get the compensation they deserve.

After taking the cup, Sun Aixia shook her head and said puzzledly: "How could it be? It's not like I haven't seen such a thing before. Didn't everyone obey the judgment?" Subdued by Thunder's wrist.

"The Supervision Department was in charge of those things before, but when they suddenly came to me, I was really caught off guard." Qi Zhejun was actually very tired in his heart. He was a policeman by profession, but he was quickly promoted to the current height by virtue of his investigative ability. , but supernatural power and management ability, and now he suddenly has to go back to his old business, and is required to judge right from wrong, which is actually very difficult for him.

In the incident at the base last time, he happened to have a high fever, so he didn't contribute at all. Even though his subordinates understood, they complained quite a bit. It was really difficult to do.

Sun Aixia looked at her husband's frowning look, and said with relief: "Don't be so anxious. In my opinion, the matter this time is not simple. It has always been a matter of the supervision department. Why did it fall on you? Hu Juan must have something to do with it." What she meant. You, you have been a policeman for so many years, as long as you deal with it fairly, don't think too much. "

"Deal with justice?" These four words seemed to make Qi Zhejun think of something, and he found some ideas. He seemed to think of something, his brows stretched, and he said to his wife, "It's late, go and rest, I'll take a break later." I fell asleep."

Seeing him like this, Sun Aixia felt relieved, turned and left.

The next day, the base announced the results.

The girl does not have to return the gift given to her by the team leader, and the cohabitation relationship with the supernatural person is not protected by any law because it is just cohabitation, so it is impossible to talk about claiming compensation.

In the end, the girl won out.

If you look at it according to common sense, this result is very fair. There is no reason why you have to return what you gave away, and this gift is voluntary.

The girl and the supernatural person did live together, but they did not register, so they were not protected by the law of the base.

Everything looks fine, no issues.

But such a result has been opposed by many people, especially men, who feel that their rights have been greatly violated. Both ordinary men and superhumans are very dissatisfied with the result. The most shocking thing is Even many women objected to such a sentence.

When Hu Jun received the report, he propped his chin and asked Chen Lei, "What do you think about this penalty?"

Chen Lei was stunned for a moment, what's her opinion?She smiled and said, "Minister Qi's punishment is the result of base laws, and I don't think there is any problem."

What he said was high-sounding, Hu Jun shook his head, looked into her eyes and said, "What I want to know is your personal opinion."

"I..." Chen Lei obviously hesitated, for fear of offending Hu Jun by making a mistake.

"Come on, I also want to hear everyone's opinions, why women don't support such a conclusion?" Hu Jun encouraged her, perhaps because she had experienced so many things, in her eyes, these are trivial things that are not worth mentioning.

Seeing this, Chen Lei had no choice but to speak out: "Everyone is not against the punishment result, but because they are dissatisfied with this girl, so they don't want to see such a punishment result."

"Oh? Are you dissatisfied with this girl?" Hu Jun became interested all of a sudden, and motioned for her to continue.

"This girl is considered beautiful in the base, and many men have a certain affection for her, which has also caused many women to be a little jealous of her. Then something like this happened. In fact, this girl may not be wrong. The three men at the same time After pursuing her, she neither agreed nor refused, and still stretched out her hand to hold the gift that others gave her. Could it be that she was swaying other people's appetites and making repeated comparisons. After making a decision, she repeated, it was simply shopping around, not looking for a husband, They are looking for a benefactor." Chen Lei said she was fair at the beginning, but in the end she brought her own emotional color, and her disdainful expression reflected that she actually didn't like this girl either.

Hu Juan nodded. Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case. If it was in the past, it would be three-footed.In fact, to put it bluntly, everyone is jealous that she can choose more and get gifts from others, while other women only have one or two pursuers at most, and it is not necessarily so violent.There are even some people who are old and pale, or are skinny from hunger, or have their faces damaged and their appearance ruined, but no one wants them.

Hu Jun shrugged, and said helplessly: "I can only say that this girl is superior in skills, and her innate advantages are strong. I can't blame Qi Zhejun for her judgment."

Chen Lei glanced at Hu Jun, but did not dare to express the feelings of many people in the base. If divorce was not so troublesome, why would those men pursue beauties so hard before marriage.

However, this also gave the men in the base a little bit of memory. Sometimes it's better to be careful. The saying of femme fatale is never false.

Even though everyone has a good memory, they are more and more dissatisfied with the base, feeling that the base is unfair and inhumane.

Even with everyone's low interest in work, Hu Yue has been secretly arranged recently because of his identity as Hu Yue's cousin in the unit, but he can't tell because his cousin seldom talks about the base to him.How could he control anything? Instead of going home after get off work, he went to Xiaojie's house.

(End of this chapter)

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