Chapter 307 The Murderer (2)
Xiao Qiu introduced, "This is a restaurant, and the owner is my brother." The behind-the-scenes owner of this restaurant is Xiao Xia, of course with Hu Jun's approval.

This shop is rich in materials and naturally has a lot of condiments. It can make many dishes that cannot be prepared at home. The price is immediately high, and few people come to eat it.Usually when there is a marriage or a child's birthday, a small cake is ordered.

Of course, their restaurant is not just a restaurant, but also makes some exquisite snacks.Compared with food, there are still people who are willing to save money and buy some to taste, so it is considered a market, otherwise the store will lose money by selling vegetables.

Few people come to eat on weekdays, only those rich owners who chase their girlfriends are willing.

However, if you come to one, the store will not be open for several days.

The two of them were very curious about this expensive restaurant. They touched and looked around. Although they had money in their families, they had never eaten anything here. Even the dim sum was made by themselves.

After a while, a man and a woman came in, the man was Hu Yue, Xiao Qiu hurriedly signaled them to be quiet.

The two talked and laughed, bought a ready-made fish soup, and went back with a lot of snacks.

Xiaoqiu said to Dongdong: "You know what's going on, your brother is in love."

Dongdong opened his mouth, as if he couldn't believe it.

On the contrary, Lu Lechen looked at the counter and said meaningfully: "Dongdong, your uncle is really rich." This fish soup is not cheap at all, and you can buy so many dim sum, it's just like a local tyrant.

Hu Dong lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking, Xiao Qiu took two portions of dim sum from the salesperson, and handed them over, "Here, you two go back and have a taste."

Hu Dong shook his head, "No need." He had the nerve to take such an expensive thing, but Lu Lechen took it, thanked him, and said with a smile: "Hu Dong, what are you afraid of, it's just some snacks."

"That's right." Xiaoqiu nodded with a smile. Anyway, it's her own shop, and these snacks are deducted from her brother's points.

At this point, Hu Dong seemed to be lying if he refused again, so he nodded and accepted.

After returning home, Hu Dong took out the dim sum and said it was from Xiao Qiu.

Mother Hu said that it was too extravagant, and at the same time opened the package curiously.I have heard of those snacks, but I don't know how they taste.

"Since it's delivered, let's eat." Hu Jun came out from the kitchen and glanced at the dim sum.

Mother Hu hesitated and said: "This is not very good." Their family almost never accepts things from outsiders. Naturally, this is also to support their daughter, and they are afraid that what they have received will be said by outsiders.

Of course, it is also very important that they have enough things in their house and don't need anything at all.

There is a saying that goes well, people are poor and have short ambitions, but horses are thin and long-haired.

The Hu family has food, so they are naturally very ambitious.

However, now that Hu Juan had spoken, Mother Hu said, "Then I'll serve you as a snack tonight. Dongdong, go wash your hands and get ready for dinner."

Why is Hu Jun like this, because there is another owner of this store, she is impossible to come out to open the store, so she entrusts it to Xiao Xia, who will provide the raw materials, and Xiao Xia will be responsible for the arrangement.

After the meal, Hu Dong walked up to Hu Jun, apparently he had something to say.

Hu Jun looked at him, a little surprised. Hu Dong became more calm as he grew older. It was not his character to be confused like this, looking around while eating, so he asked him aloud, "What's wrong?"

Hu's mother is cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen, Hu's father is assembling toys for Xiaokong, Hu Jun is half lying on the sofa holding a book, and usually Hu Dong should be holding a textbook to review what he learned in class yesterday, or boxing at home , The Hu family has a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, as if there is no such strong laborer as Hu Yue.

Such an environment made Hu Dong feel a little confused. Looking at the smiling face of his uncle with that woman, and seeing the harmony of the Hu family, could it be that his uncle is getting farther and farther away from this family?
Hu Dong asked in a muffled voice: "Auntie, do you know what Uncle is busy with recently?"

I thought that Hu Juan would not answer, but she said straightforwardly: "I know, your uncle is busy with a relationship."

Hu Dong raised his head suddenly, as if he didn't believe what Auntie said.

Hu Jun smiled, lay comfortably on the sofa, and put down the book in his hand, "Why, I know his situation, so I'm shocked?"

Shocked, of course shocked, he always thought that the family didn't know about his uncle's recent situation, but he didn't expect his aunt to know, he opened his mouth and said hesitantly: "Uncle, he... the woman that uncle likes is not good."

He heard Xiaoqiu say that when his uncle goes to the restaurant every day, that woman is not virtuous at all, loves to spend money and is greedy for vanity, she is not a good girl at all.

Since my aunt knew, why didn't she stop it?
Hu Dong stared blankly at his aunt, he didn't understand, he didn't believe that his aunt couldn't see that woman was not good at all.

Can Hu Jun see it?Of course she can see it, but what can she do if she can see it? She is well aware of Hu Yue's matter, but she can only let it develop.

Love is the only thing that is difficult for humans to interfere. Hu Yue likes it so much that she can let her spend money. Going out to stop her is just being a villain. All she can do is wait.

However, it is difficult to explain the relationship clearly with a child, Hu Jun can only smile and say: "Okay, this is his choice, no matter what the girl is, he will always be willing, and you will understand when you grow up." Don’t follow him secretly in the future.” When Hu Dong escaped from school, someone told Hu Jun where he was going.

Now the base is not stable, how could she let him run around with confidence.

Hu Yue is still drunk in Beauty Township, happily living the present life, but very quickly.He really ran out of money, not even a single point, so he had a fierce quarrel with Xiaojie. In fact, he didn't want to, but Xiaojie insisted on going to a restaurant, and he really couldn't afford such a huge amount of consumption.

Seeing his poor appearance, Xiaojie scolded angrily: "You are such a waste, you can't even pay for food, you still support me, what do you do to support me!" She didn't think about why Hu Yue was so poor, she just kept complaining , I feel that I should want the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain.I went to the restaurant to buy chicken wings today, and I packed them all up, but because I didn’t have enough money, I sent them back. It’s so embarrassing.

Hu Yue lowered his head, didn't say a word, and sat on the sofa. He is penniless now, just a pauper.

"You're talking, you're dumb!" Xiaojie looked at his age, he was not handsome, and he was not a high-ranking official, but he was just a small captain of a patrol team, so he was really useless.Looking more and more annoying, he stretched out his hand and gave him a shove.

"What are you going to do!" Hu Yue raised his head suddenly, stood up, and stared at her fiercely, "Why don't you know why I don't have points? It's not you, I go to restaurants every day, you see who doesn't Start cooking!"

(End of this chapter)

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