Chapter 311 The Truth (2)
Let them understand what a base in the last days is, and whether they want to promote freedom in the base in the last days. It is estimated that if there is no suppression, they may form other parties in the future and demand to fight against Hu Jun.

The incident came to a successful conclusion. Those who were bought by the Zheng family will all belong to the Zheng family, and they will be put in prison, and General Ji Jin will be in charge of handling it.All materials of the Zheng family will be confiscated, and Leng Kechen will be responsible for sorting them out.

Those who were confused in this rally and participated in the riots should be removed from the search department of the patrol department. All of them were promoted, and even ordinary people were selected into the patrol department or the search department.

As for the reason, Hu Jun did not say. Although they were worried that they would not be able to do the job, they were comforted and said that they would definitely be able to do it.

After a busy day, Hu Juan didn't come home until evening. Seeing his parents' anxious faces and Hu Yue's sad expression, Hu Jun sighed: "Don't be too sad."

How could it not be sad, he really hated Xiaojie, but he didn't expect that she would actually die, this feeling is very strange, maybe it would be better if he didn't leave at the beginning.

Hu Juncai didn't have time to care about his children's love. After eating, she returned to the space, lay in the pool, relaxed, and sighed deeply. It was finally over. It was really too difficult. One move will lose everything.

The Zheng family is really hard to guard against. If it weren't for Lu Lechen's words, maybe Lu Jingsheng really betrayed now, and this would be a huge change in the ending.

That night, what Lu Lechen said to Lu Jingsheng was exactly the anomaly he had noticed, why there were always people walking around the school, and some people often looked at the classroom where he was, with very unfriendly eyes.

After a while, someone came to deliver news that Hu Juan was looking for Lele.The person who sent the news happened to be the one watching. The guard who got the news just wanted to go up, but was stopped by Lu Lechen, and then he buried the matter in his stomach.

Combining what happened today and what happened to his wife and children at school, Lu Jingsheng clearly understood something.

Three or two days later, someone came to the door, and his words were all about defending him. He was throwing his head and blood, but Hu Juan was enjoying the rewards. The angry tone, as if he was on the road, was very contagious.

Later, I ran into Zheng Fangru by accident. Her beauty and personality completely matched Lu Jingsheng's aesthetics. Some even added fuel to the flames by saying that Lu Jingsheng is a strict wife, while Zheng Fangru is as docile as a little sheep.

In this matter, the Zheng family's intentions are clearly revealed.

The purpose of the Zheng family's design of zombie ants was to take advantage of this plan to win over Lu Jingsheng. Going to school would kill his two sons and daughters and make him hate going to the base. In this way, the appearance of Zheng Fangru just healed the wound in his heart.

After Lu Jingsheng understood it, he found Hu Jun immediately, and after telling everything frankly, the two planned to use their tricks to let Lu Jingsheng break into the Zheng family.

Qi Zhejun handled the case because Hu Jun wanted to give the Zheng family a chance, a chance to expose himself. Fortunately, everything went well, and the final threat failed because Hu Jun had already prepared.

Just as Hu Jun was thinking, Xiao Kong who entered the space together fell to the ground with a thud.

"Xiao Kong, wake up, what's the matter with you?" Hu Jun ran over in two or three steps, hugged Xiao Kong in his arms, and patted his face, but it didn't work, pinching him didn't work, Hu Jun was always a little panicked .

Since Xiao Kong came back that day, he has been in poor spirits, but he is not sick, Hu Jun can only eat and drink, who would have thought.

Just like that, he fainted and was unconscious.

Hu Jun was anxious all of a sudden, what is going on?

She took Xiao Kong to the hospital overnight, and after a thorough examination, she concluded that she was fine.

fine?Hu Juan touched Xiaokong's forehead, a little dazed, why didn't he wake up for nothing.

"Okay, take Xiao Kong back, maybe he will wake up tomorrow." Mama Hu comforted her, since Xiao Kong never grew up, Mama Hu knew that this child was unusual.

The next day, Xiaokong still didn't wake up but Hu Jun had to go to work.Because the buildings on the base were damaged too much, they had to be rebuilt, so the mighty reconstruction project began.

This reconstruction is not a modification of the original, but a major transformation.

Monkey and Lily looked at the blueprint in their hands, full of doubts, "Is this possible?" The blueprint is huge and full of creativity. There is a city on the top and a city underground. Power generation is absolutely difficult to build.

"Of course," Hu Juan nodded readily, "This is the blueprint that your seniors exhausted their efforts to obtain." Those old men studied day and night, and finally got such a blueprint. According to their words, the hair will fall bald up.

"Did you let them do it on purpose so that they could have a chance to rebuild?" Monkey's brain suddenly brightened and asked.

Uh, it’s not a bad thing to be a monkey, the brain is really easy to use, Hu Juan didn’t hide it, and nodded readily, that’s right, that’s exactly the case, and he felt relieved to let them fight.

Monkey said in a rare deep voice: "However, the people in the patrol department and the search department are completely inferior. Although they are sincere to the base, they cannot be competent for their work without special abilities."

Hu Jun smiled, "Don't worry, there will be."

"There will be?" The monkey repeated these two words, his eyes were full of curiosity.

I have to mention the scientific research department. A few days ago, they finally announced the birth of the magic potion—God's Favor, which can allow ordinary people to obtain supernatural powers.

Hu Jun also decided to use his tricks, and borrowed the behavior of the Zheng family to check the sincerity of some people. Those who have the ability to contribute to the base, but those who have no ability can be eligible to buy potions and become abilities. Those who have yet to be considered will have to wait.

For example, Xiao Xia, he did not appear in this operation, because he entered the scientific research building early, became the first person to eat crabs, and waited quietly in order to become a superhuman.

Hu Jun walked into the scientific research building, where the personnel of the patrol department stood guard. They were all tested by A Yin with mind reading skills, and their loyalty was [-]%.

Arrived inside smoothly, everyone was busy checking various indicators, Xiao Xia was lying in the transparent glass house in the middle, his expression was peaceful, there was nothing wrong with him.

"How is he?" Hu Jun asked Chen Xu beside him, and Chen Xu answered while holding the test sheet in one hand, "Everything is normal, our medicine is basically successful, but everyone's physical condition is different, although there is no guarantee." Medicines work for everyone."

"..." Hu Juan just wanted to know if someone would die.

Seeing Hu Jun's confused face, Chen Xu said, "In other words, someone may still not have the ability after injection."

(End of this chapter)

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