The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 315 Ideological Education

Chapter 315 Ideological Education (2)
Hu Jun would often go to chat with the teachers at the school, or ask Hu Dong about things in the school.

One is to care about the future of the base, fearing that the children's thinking will be distorted, and the other is to focus on Lu Jingsheng's son and daughter.

In everyone's narration, Lu Lechen is a cute and shy but very precocious child with a very pure mind and doesn't need others to worry about him at all.And Lu Leluo is a pungent little girl. Although she is not bad-hearted, she has a heart that cares more about herself. She has an arrogant personality, likes to eat delicious food, likes to wear nice clothes, and rarely hangs out with ordinary classmates. That is to say, she has a good relationship with her own brothers, Qi Yiyi, Hu Dong, and Xia Zhiqiu. In the eyes of outsiders, she looks like a cold and arrogant little princess.

This is probably the reason why Lu Jingsheng's dungeon in the previous life evolved into that appearance. Unlike his father, she has the whole world in his heart, she is just a coquette.

Now the squeamish can only continue to listen to Hu Jun and say: "Although you are still young, but in the last days, the young and middle-aged people in the base will grow old very soon. We don't have time to wait for you to grow up slowly. The job of managing chicken coops and fish ponds is for you to train yourself from now on, and gradually be able to deal with zombies alone. I hope that in a few years, you will be able to take charge of your own affairs and manage the base well. It’s not scary to make mistakes, but it’s you who are scary I feel that I can't do it, and I don't want to try it. I believe that along the way, you have also witnessed the ups and downs and bitterness of your parents, and you will definitely accept this challenge and work hard to do well, right!"

"Yes!" The four said in unison, their eyes full of confidence, they will definitely do well, for the sake of the base and their parents.

Seeing that Lu Lerao was still depressed, Hu Juan changed the topic: "Of course, I won't force you to do anything, and you also have the right to refuse. Tell me within three days if you refuse, okay?"

When Lu Lerao heard this, she immediately said with a fever, "I refuse!" Now that it's all like this, why should she stay here!
Hu Juan glanced at her in surprise, finally nodded, and waved them off. This girl is really hot-tempered.

The four came out happily, only Lu Leluo was unhappy, she said to Qi Yiyi a little unhappy: "You also go and tell Hu Juan not to do that kind of management, okay?"

"Why?" Qi Yiyi looked at her in surprise, she is full of energy now, and will definitely work hard.

Lu Lerao said as it should: "Didn't you always want to do it before? Now it happens that neither of us will do it, isn't it good?"

After listening to this explanation, Qi Yi shook his head, "I didn't want to do it before because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it well. Now that I understand it, I must work hard to do it well."

"Then you should just accompany me." Lu Lerao said coquettishly shaking Qi Yiyi's arm. She didn't want everyone to do it, but she didn't.

Qi Yi shook her head, and said decisively: "I can accompany you for other things, but not for this one." She wants to dedicate her ability to the base, and she also wants to make her parents relax.

Lu Lerao originally thought that her good sister would stand by her side as always, but unexpectedly she rejected her so mercilessly.She blushed instantly, felt ashamed, threw her away, ran to the front and grabbed Lu Lechen and said arrogantly, "Go up and refuse."

The three boys were passionately discussing their plans for the future of the base, when suddenly a man popped out, so aggressive, Lu Lechen subconsciously said decisively: "No."

"Why don't you, you have to go!" Lu Lerao didn't expect that her younger brother, who had always been obedient to her, would disobey her today, and she was almost pissed off!
Lu Lechen saw that his sister was like a dynamite that was about to explode, and regretted his frankness, but it was too late to say anything now, so he could only comfort him and said, "Sister, stop making trouble, let's go home first."

But Lu Lerao didn't care about whether she would go home or not. She was so wronged that she quarreled like this in the empty hall. Many people came out to watch, and a kind person who knew a few children persuaded: "Okay, two siblings Don't quarrel, just make up and go home."

Hu Dong rushed over to pull her, and whispered, "Let's go." There were more and more people watching, it was really embarrassing.

Xiaoqiu also came to pull her, and said threateningly: "If you don't leave, your father will come, and you will be finished."

She didn't think there was anything wrong with her, why did she say that about herself, it was obviously her good friend and her younger brother who betrayed her, why did she have to say about her!

The matter finally came to an end, and Lu Lerao was pushed back home, but Hu Jun had no idea that her simple ideological education had turned into a huge incident.

That night, after Lele knew what happened, she didn't comfort her daughter.

If the daughter is angry that her good friend and younger brother did not listen to her, it can only be said that her daughter is a little arrogant. Everyone has their own thoughts, and it is impossible to be influenced by others.

And she doesn't think Qi Yiyi is wrong, but she thinks that her daughter's concept needs to change. Lele has experienced the most painful time. If the troops were not divided into ranks at that time, she would not have almost become a bait .

Lu Lerao was left alone in the room to go on a hunger strike, but Lu Jingsheng wanted to persuade her, but his wife stopped her and said, "She's so old, she's still pretty, and she's spoiled by you as a father. You Look at Yiyi, she has learned to do housework a long time ago, she can't do anything now, she just eats this and wears that. You, leave her alone this time, it's fine if you don't eat a meal."

Lu Jingsheng retorted, "Isn't Yiyi big?"

"It's been more than half a year in total. Let me tell you, don't pay attention to her this time. She didn't play enough at home, and she went to the office building. She must understand what she did wrong."

Lu Jingsheng wanted to persuade him again, but seeing Lele's sharp eyes, he could only sigh and listen to his wife.

Early the next morning, Lele woke up her daughter and knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no one in sight.

Hu Jun was working in the office in the morning. Looking at the urgent message sent by the patrol department at 8:[-] last night, a lot of zombies suddenly appeared near the base. It was worrying to see. Hu Jun was about to issue an order to make everyone be careful. Qi Zhejun He pushed the door open and entered, and said with a solemn expression: "Rao Rao is gone, can you ask everyone to help you find it."

"What? Rao Rao is gone?!" Hu Juan was taken aback, and looked at Qi Zhejun in amazement, whether it was stolen or not.

Qi Zhejun nodded, and said helplessly, "Lele found it this morning. I searched it at home, at school, and asked a few children, but they didn't see her."

"Did you steal it yourself or?"

"He ran away from home." Qi Zhejun confirmed, which can still be confirmed from the inside of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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