Chapter 319 Attack (2)
While fanning herself, she saw Hu Jun, Lu Jingsheng and even Ran Tao were surrounded by people, and she unconsciously searched for Wei Tian's trace, but she didn't see it at all. Could it be that he didn't look at it just now? To fly down by yourself?She frowned a little displeased.

The three people surrounded by the crowd, especially Lu Jingsheng, were concerned, some were doctors, and some were his relatives. Seeing his father's half-dead appearance, Lu Lechen burst into tears and shouted, "Dad! Dad! !"

However, Lu Jingsheng had completely lost consciousness, and only his breath, which was so weak that he could not feel it, proved that he was still alive.

"Husband? Husband! Why are you like this!" Lele, who pushed away from the crowd, was stunned when she saw her husband's current appearance, and her daughter, Lu Leluo, was also stunned with her.

It turned out that Lu Lerao had been hiding in a small warehouse full of waste. Although someone checked it out, they just scanned it casually and missed it.Fortunately, there was food and drink there, and it was not difficult for Lu Leluo to survive. Although she wanted to go home several times, but when she thought of the attitude of her parents and younger brother, she made up her mind not to go back.

She didn't expect that the zombie siege happened, and she ran out in a hurry. Lele, who just got the news, was going to pick up her daughter. She didn't expect that when she saw her daughter just now, she came without saying a word, and someone spread the word that Lu Jingsheng Suffering a serious injury, this rushed over in a hurry, and didn't even have time to say a word to his daughter.

"Why, why did Dad become like this!" Lu Lerao threw herself on Lu Jingsheng in disbelief, and burst into tears.

At this moment, not only was Lu Jingsheng's whole body bitten to death, his right leg was left with only white bones, and his face on the right side was completely unrecognizable. You could vaguely distinguish the position of the right eye, but the flesh and blood were blurred together, leaving a black spot. The water and red blood, like a ghost running out of hell, is really tragic and inhuman.

"Why, it's not because of you! Dad wouldn't have gone out if it wasn't for you!" Lu Lechen was full of anger, and now seeing his sister was not pleasing to the eye, if it wasn't for her arrogance and arrogance, father would not have gone out at all. Something will happen!Everything is her fault!

Lu Leluo looked at her younger brother stupidly, shedding tears, and said: "No, it's not me, I'm not me, woo woo..." As she said that, she started to cry. If she knew it would happen, she would definitely Not going to hide.

Looking at the three crying together, Ji Jinjiang finally got impatient, now is the moment of crisis, he has no time to judge their housework, and said: "Ami, you can take them down to rest first."

"I'll go too." Hu Juan hurriedly said, taking advantage of the fact that he was just injured, maybe Lu Jingsheng could still be saved, especially the right leg, if it is not healed as soon as possible, it may have to be amputated, "Here I will leave it to you It's gone." Hu Juan told General Ji Jin, then turned around and hurriedly left with the others.

Ji Jinjiang nodded, the first fire wall below had already been breached by zombies, and when he came to the moat full of zombie fish, he shouted loudly: "Reinforce the earth wall in front of the river!"

I saw that at a speed visible to the naked eye, a 3-meter-high earthen wall was built by the river. Even if there were zombies who were not afraid of zombie fish and wanted to cross over, this 3-meter-high earthen wall was simply impossible. Let them be tired, and there are no jumping zombies, so they can only splash in the water, which is difficult.

These zombie fish are very happy. They usually don’t have a morsel of food in this broken river, but now they are so rich. Although the taste is not good, it’s better than nothing, especially after being hungry for so long, so eat first.

You can see that the zombie fish rushed towards their half-kind zombies with their big mouths that occupied half of their bodies, and launched a fierce attack.

There are also angry zombies, maybe they have a bad temper when they are human, but after being dragged into the water, they still don’t give up, they open their mouths and start biting zombie fish, you will see a zombie fish, one bite at each other, it’s called a joy.

But the good times didn't last long, and the supernatural zombies appeared slowly. They had no rules to follow, and instantly smashed the earthen wall.

"This?" Qi Zhejun looked at Ji Jinjiang and asked if he would continue with the earthen wall.

There are a lot of supernatural zombies under the city, there are more than a dozen now, and they are still increasing. The earth wall has no effect on them. It seems that this is the limit. He shook his head and said: " No, prepare to attack, the lightning type and ice type mainly attack supernatural zombies."

Qi Zhejun nodded, and understood what he meant, he had to deal with the big heads first, and the remaining ordinary zombies would be easier to deal with, but his steps were very heavy, because he was not sure whether this wave of zombies would be the end.

Before, he had learned from many people who had been there that there would never be only one wave of zombie massacres.Looking at the already powerful zombies below, I don't know if they can survive the next wave, or the next wave.

After the supernatural being heard the command to start the attack, he also held back his energy, and now it can be said that he is attacking wildly!For zombies, they are not only afraid, but also have hatred, even if they were just some innocent people, how many lives have been taken by them after they become zombies, and how many families have been ruined.

To say that they hate zombies is not as good as saying that they hate why there are zombies in the world.

The attack power like a torrential rain is very powerful. After a while, half of the supernatural zombies have fallen. As the saying goes, there are many people, and it is especially accurate now.

Those zombies rushed up one after another, only to be smashed back crazily by the supernatural ability. This state is very good, and it also makes the supernatural person very excited, with incomparable self-confidence, and each face is tense from just now to death. It became a little more relaxed, and some people even brought a smile.

The number of zombies gradually decreased, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, several ministers of the base frown.

After a while, the number of zombies that had already decreased suddenly increased sharply, and the loss was overwhelming, like sea water, with waves higher than waves, roaring and excited.

Needless to say, the superhumans at the base raised their hands and excitedly attacked again.

But this time the effect is not as good as last time, there are too many zombies, densely packed, before you can attack and kill one, there are already 10 rushing up.

Soon, the moat was filled with them. In the hearts of the zombies, they never knew what fear was, and only instinctively devoured it.

Hu Jun was in the infirmary, listening to other people's real-time reports. Originally, the base had made some achievements, but because of the arrival of the second wave, it quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Looking at Lu Jingsheng lying on the hospital bed, those wounds were treated very well, and the treatment will be over in a short while.On the contrary, it is the legs, because the bones are exposed, which can be said to be very harsh.Simply, there is still water, holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor, she attached a layer of water to his thigh, the effect is very obvious, although it will not make the bone grow muscle, but at least it can keep the limb from amputation, let him rely on himself body recovers slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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