Chapter 323 Feelings (2)
Hu Jun ate two mouthfuls of rice, the taste was really good, and it looked like he was willing to pay for it. The chicken drumsticks were so big, tsk tsk, what a luxury.She thought for a while and said, "Do you want to go to the front and feel it later?" She was referring to the feeling of flying in the sky.

Hearing this, Xiaokong suddenly regained his energy and said excitedly: "Okay!" That would be so cool.

"Hurry up and eat." Hu Juan said this to make him happy, but she didn't understand the purpose.

This time he grew up instantly, not only his appearance has changed, but the most intuitive thing is his personality.It's not that his personality has changed drastically, but that certain parts of his previous personality have obviously begun to magnify, which is not bad, but the emergence of a personality that gradually despises life is indeed not what Hu Jun wants to see.

At school, Xiao Kong does whatever he wants, and he doesn't care about the feelings of his teachers and classmates. He takes his own will as his will and never cares about others.Absence of class is common, and the number of rebuttals to the teacher is too many to count. The most serious thing is his attitude towards others, which is an understatement with a faintly superior attitude.

It's not like Lu Lerao was nurtured, this part of character seems to be a natural part of Xiaokong, who doesn't need to be taught or studied, overlooking all living beings.

Hu Jun didn't expect to be able to correct it, but just wanted him to understand more things.

The fourth wave of attack began soon. The soldiers did not shirk or evade. They faced the zombies and launched a counterattack. Perhaps because of the many times they experienced, everyone gradually mastered their own attack methods.

The best school during the battle. During this training, everyone has greatly improved their ability strength, and understood their strengths and what their abilities are.

Even Xiao Xia, who has just risen, has rapidly increased her abilities, from wisps of wind to being able to concentrate zombies, you can see what a huge improvement this is.

Many ordinary men also eagerly patted the representative and said to Hu Jun: "Miss Hu, although we have no supernatural powers, we have bows and arrows, and we want to make our own contribution to the base." The bow and arrow in his hand signaled, and Hu Jun turned his head to see that hundreds of people were standing below, holding their own weapons, smiling and expressing their determination.

"This..." Hu Juan hesitated, not discriminating, nor prohibiting the need, but they have a limited number of arrows, and they are busy climbing up to arrange positions, but the effect may not be great.

Just when she was hesitating, the monkey ran over in a hurry, followed by several people, each holding a big tube in his arms, and he said, "I have another arrow here, and I can provide it to everyone for free. Many people are already here." After processing, it will definitely be available for use.”

Hearing this, Hu Jun nodded readily and said, "Okay," then turned to Qi Zhejun and shouted, "You can arrange it!" After speaking, the group of people climbed up excitedly.

When Hu Jun saw the monkey, he smiled and said, "You are very generous after all." How to make bows and arrows has always been the monkey's treasure, and no one said it. Unexpectedly, I told everyone for free today.

Monkey scratched the back of his head, and said shyly, "Everyone contributes to the base, and I have no skills, so I can only contribute this, hoping to help them."

Hearing this, Hu Jun patted him on the shoulder. She was very glad that she didn't misjudge him. No matter what his personality was, his character was always nothing to say, and he never let her down.

After a while, Xiao Kong was sent up, and as soon as he was in the air, Xiao Kong looked down with a smile, without the slightest fear or fear of heights.

After a long time, the battle was over. Everyone was exhausted, but they still held on because they couldn't fall down.

The fifth wave, the sixth wave... Waves of zombies are coming, without giving people too much rest time.Zombies are getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more zombies with supernatural powers, and the interval is getting shorter and shorter. The supernatural powers are almost too late to replenish themselves, so they have to rely on eating crystal nuclei to fill the gap.

Even so, no one wanted to back down, and everyone gritted their teeth and persisted.

The combination of Chen Zheng and the Leng Brothers had already been replaced, Ran Tao was dragged by Hu Jun, and Xu Langyu and Fang Jia were thrown together.As the battle intensified, General Ji Jin finally made a move. Every time he made a move, he would die, allowing everyone to have a good rest. The fierce battle continued until dark.

Dinner was just taking advantage of the gap, and I ate two mouthfuls. The original complicated food was also made into steamed stuffed buns, pancakes, something that can be swallowed quickly.

The howling of the zombies became louder and the sound became more terrifying. When many children heard this movement, they could only shiver and hide in the arms of the adults, saying weakly: "I'm afraid." The knowledge learned in school has long been It has been forgotten, and the children's minds are now filled with the horrible impression that zombies can eat people.

The grown-ups didn't hug them and say something like a good baby, but said seriously and seriously: "Don't be afraid, they are not scary. There are countless uncles and aunts fighting them to protect us. You have to learn to grow up. , when they get old, you have to replace them to fight the zombies."

The child nodded ignorantly. Obviously, such a statement is completely different from the thoughts everyone instilled before.

Suddenly, people from the scientific research department ran to the front line, saying that Minister Wu had something to ask Hu Jun.

Hu Jun asked casually, "What's the matter?" This is the critical juncture, what big things can the scientific research department do.

But seeing the anxious look of the little researcher, he had no choice but to say something, then frowned and went down, hoping that he really had something urgent to come to me.

Rushing into the scientific research building, I saw that the scientific researcher was very busy doing something, completely ignoring Hu Jun.

She had just opened the door and entered the office, and Minister Wu said excitedly: "We have found a way to deal with zombies!"

"What!" Such great news made people happy, and the big wave of zombies outside would have a solution.

"We have developed a heavy weapon. Although the range is limited, the range is not too wide. But its effect against zombies is absolutely powerful, and it is definitely within a radius of 5 meters. No matter what type of zombie it is, it can definitely be hit. Immediately." Then Minister Wu began to subconsciously introduce this weapon at length.The more he talked, the more excited he became, but the more he heard Hu Juan's brows became more and more gloomy, and his mood became more and more cloudy, when Minister Wu finished speaking eloquently.

Hu Jun said categorically, "It can't be used!"

Minister Wu was taken aback. He thought that Hu Jun would agree, and even be excited. This is what the research institute staff have been working hard to develop after they have developed the drug. It is for the purpose of protecting the base. It is really a bad mood to be denied by someone in the head. Thoroughly.

Especially for a researcher like him who is not tactful, he asked straightforwardly: "Why not! There is absolutely no problem with our research, and there will be no security problems." He misunderstood Hu Jun, thinking that the other party was worried about posing a threat to the base.

(End of this chapter)

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