Chapter 325 It's Time (2)
After saying these words, A Yin slammed the door and left, completely ignoring any of her brother's thoughts. She was fed up with him like this, and if she wanted to live, it was meaningful to live, not like a puddle of mud. She didn't want to care about him anymore.

"I..." Seeing his sister go away, Pan Zhan fell down on the sofa, hugging his head, laying on his lap, and gradually cried out, his heart ached and sad.

Hu Jun was concentrating on launching an ice attack, when suddenly Chen Lei came over and patted her and said, "Someone is looking for you."

Hu Jun was a little curious as to who it was this time, so he went down and took a look, hey!Who is this, unshaven, dressed like Brother Sharp.

"Are you?" Hu Jun asked curiously, looking familiar.

"I'm Pan Zhan, we've met before." Pan Zhan's voice was a little hoarse, and his spirit seemed to be a little sluggish, but his eyes were very bright, what a strange match.

It turned out that Pan Zhan wanted to join the battle, but because he didn't understand his abilities, it was difficult to make arrangements. Others couldn't decide. He claimed that he knew Hu Jun, so he sent him here.

Hu Jun knew his past, and didn't care why he was awakened now, as long as he came to join the battle, it would be great, since there were few people, so she quickly arranged for him a main position.

It had been a long time since he had an actual combat ability, and Pan Zhan was still a little uncomfortable standing in such a position suddenly, but after coming here a few times, he found the feeling and became proficient in operating it.

He must be strong, fortitude, and revenge. His wife's life cannot be wasted. He must live with her faith, for his family, for himself, and for his dead relatives.

Together, start now, starting with protecting the base.

"Not bad." Qi Zhejun leaned over, looked at the man, and praised him very much.The same Thunder type, the two are obviously different, one takes a large-scale route, and the other takes a boutique route, but both are very strong.

"It's really good." Cheng Feng also sneaked a glance, wow, it's so cool to knock down the supernatural zombies with one move.

The two were talking about it, but they didn't know that Ayin was behind them. She looked at her brother's focused expression with mixed feelings, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

It was sour, but also happy, my brother finally woke up.

With the addition of Pan Zhan, it naturally brought excellent results. The supernatural beings felt a strong boost and became more confident. Sometimes confidence is not only because of ability, but also because of self-confidence. More powerful ability.

The sky gradually turned white, and the last wave of zombies arrived. There were so many of them that they could not be counted. At a glance, it was all dark and dark. Anyone with dense phobia would probably pass out on the ground. up.

People's spirits are highly tense, and their bodies are a little weak and trembling. They are really sleepy, too tired, and in too much pain. Their heads ache from exhaustion of mental energy, as if more than a dozen needles are being stabbed wildly, and their bodies are weak. Hands have become a difficult thing, and the ability is completely exhausted. Even if it is by swallowing the crystal nucleus, it is difficult to make up for it. Everything depends on willpower and control.

Not only the supernatural beings have reached their limit, but even those excited ordinary people are in a state of embarrassment at the moment. It is undeniable that their eyes are bloodshot and painful, and everything is doubled. The hands that pull the bow and arrow have already been aimed thousands of times. The shot broke the skin and bled.

Even those men, because of moving the stones crazily, their muscles cramped, and their arms were worn out. The funniest thing is that they used up all the stones, which shows how hard they worked.

Even Pan Zhan, who had just appeared on the stage, was a little out of breath. The sudden big battle overloaded his body, coupled with his long-term irregular diet, or not eating at all, he was very weak.

Seeing this, Qi Zhejun knew that something had to be done, he pressed Cheng Feng beside him and said, "You look after this place."

Cheng Feng was taken aback. Qi Zhejun's expression was wrong, which made people look a little worried. He subconsciously asked, "Where are you going?"

"I want to leave the city." Qi Zhejun replied seriously.

"Out of the city?" Cheng Feng didn't understand what it meant for a moment.

"I'm going out of town to fight zombies."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng immediately retorted and questioned: "Are you crazy? Going out is courting death!"

"No," Qi Zhejun said with a sullen face, "going out of the city will save energy. The distance here is too far, and getting closer will save energy." It's the last wave, and it's time for him to devote his last strength.

"I'll go too!" Cheng Feng decided to join when he heard this. If he can win, he will keep the base. If he dies, hehe, there is nothing to regret.

If the two wanted to leave the city, they naturally needed Hu Jun's consent. After hearing what the two said, Hu Jun didn't agree outright, because it was too dangerous to do so, but there were so many zombies, it seemed that this was a decision she had to make. After pondering for a long time, he finally said, "Be careful."

When the soldiers heard that Kaesong was going out, countless people raised their hands. Even though some of them had trembling hands, and some of them were not supernatural beings at all, they still wanted to go out with them. This is an attitude, a kind of For the attitude of the base.

In the end, Hu Jun asked the doctor to examine them, and all qualified supernatural beings were released from the city, and those who couldn't stand up by themselves, don't count on it, and ordinary people don't even have access to it.

Those brave and fearless supernatural beings rushed out of the city gate shouting, and directly confronted the zombies head-on.

The momentum was monstrous, the mountains and rivers were shaken, the two armies faced each other, and gunpowder was everywhere.

Each supernatural person occupies a small area, and General Ji Jin did not transport people to the back of the zombies, but joined the battle, and so did Hu Jun.

Ran Tao and Chen Zheng were no exception. Controlling zombies to fight themselves was also their own way of fighting.

Everyone risked their lives, either he died or I died. Such a cruel fact does not allow the slightest sloppy.

The various abilities of the supernatural beings are thrown out crazily, red, green, blue, white, purple, black, gorgeous like a fireworks show.

Countless people were knocked down, poked, and touched by the zombies, but without fear or flinching, they just waved their arms and attacked their targets fiercely.

They were covered in blood, overcame thorns and thorns, fought bloody battles, and were invincible.

Such a scene moved countless people. The old and weak women and children in the warehouse knew that this was the final battle of success or failure, and they all stood up one after another. Looking at the struggling people below, witnessing such a historic moment, the children were even more excited. Looking at everything that happened in front of them with a pair of pure big eyes, this will be deeply imprinted in their minds, allowing them to understand the truth of hard work.

A person throwing stones sighed, "If the base I was in back then had this courage, how would I run?" The stones were exhausted, so they had to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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