Chapter 339 Huge Tentacle

"This?" Hu Jun took the piece of fabric, which should appear on women's clothes.She turned her head and asked Sun Cheng, "Are there any female players in these two groups?"

"Yes, there is, but it shouldn't be her thing. We don't wear such unrealistic fabrics when we go out, especially since she is an ordinary person. She usually wears clothes that are not easy to pull when going out. Such silk is very inconvenient. And the color is too conspicuous." Sun Cheng thought for a while, and told the truth and a little guess that he knew.

Ding Ding nodded, looking at the bright red silk fabric, "Yes, very few people in the base would wear silk clothes, especially this color, it's too rare."

Pan Zhan, who followed the mission for the first time, did not have rich associations with a piece of red silk cloth like everyone else, and said bluntly: "Let's look for it again, maybe there will be other clues."

Hu Jun nodded, "Everyone, be careful and look around." This place should be close to the lake, which is the place where the accident happened. He turned to Tintin and said, "Go up and see if it's close to the lake." It should be safer in the air, the worst case is that there are fish monsters in the lake.

After Ding Ding nodded, he turned around and wanted to fly away, but before he could take off in a hurry, something happened...

Ding Ding was barely a centimeter off the ground when she felt that something had grabbed her. Before she could cry out, there was a huge and powerful force that wanted her to be dragged away fiercely. It happened so suddenly that she was completely incapable of responding. With time, the brain is a blank.

Others didn't know about her vision at all, and didn't notice her vision. Only Wei Tian, ​​he rushed in front of her in a big stride and grabbed her. At this moment, she also shouted loudly: "Help!" The sound was deafening and full of fear.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw that Ding Ding was being dragged by Wei Tian, ​​with a painful expression on his face. Wei Tian stood firmly on his feet, leaned back slightly, and his face was flushed, as if he was in a tug of war.

Everyone doesn't care about Sanqi 21, helping them is the most important thing, and when Hu Jun turned his head, he saw a huge tentacle. He stuck to Ding Ding's body fiercely, as if he wanted to drag her away.

Pan Zhan's decisive tentacles, a huge lightning strike hit the tentacles, and the tentacles were broken at once, and then disappeared with a stab, leaving only a small section still wrapped around Tintin's body, as if still alive, Wriggling heartily, strangled her waist fiercely.This kind of boneless mollusk is the most annoying. With a wave of Hu Jun, he froze it with thick ice, and it fell with a click.

Ding Ding also collapsed into Wei Tian's arms in fright, panting, patting her chest, unable to say what she was afraid of, it was really, it was too scary, she would be caught without any reaction.

Wei Tian whispered softly in her ear, "It's all right."

Ding Ding wanted to be coquettish and talk about how terrible she was, but suddenly thought that the two were arguing, no, they should have broken up, she sullenly said in a stiff voice: "Thank you." Then she stood up, although her legs Still a little weak, Wei Tian wanted to help, but she dodged it.

"What is this? Octopus? Squid?" Xu Langyu squatted on the ground, looking at the tentacle that was solidly frozen but still alive and kicking to escape.

Hu Jun shook her head, she didn't know, "However, it seems that we are already very close to its lair."

"Could it be that it attacked the team members?" Xu Langyu was a little puzzled, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain why.

The surrounding team members have already entered a state of intense preparations. The monster is really terrifying. Not to mention its speed, it can extend its tentacles so far, and its size should not be too small.

Hu Jun's mood was not much better, but he must not be a monster of the same level as the strange snake last time, it was too difficult to deal with, so he had to say: "Everyone be careful, pay attention to gathering, let's get closer and have a look."

As he said that, he strode forward and observed the surrounding environment through his supernatural eyes. Soon, the front was normal, the road was clean, and there was no sticky liquid left by the octopus at all. It appears that the octopus is a tentacle reaching out in the air.

As he slowly entered, Hu Jun soon found the location of the lake. The lake was huge, the surface of the lake was clear and transparent, and its waves were as flat as a mirror. The short turf even has some small flowers, everything looks normal, nothing unusual, and even reveals a feeling of paradise.

Hu Juan signaled them to move forward slowly while exploring the surroundings.

It's not close to the base here, but it's not far away either. Logically, she can ignore the octopus here, but she has to find out what it is. The big red silk makes it feel that all this is not simple.

Compared with Hu Jun who has supernatural powers, the others can only rely on their own feelings and the road they have opened to move forward slowly. I don't know who said, "Ouch!", as if they fell down.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, wanting to see him. At this moment, huge waves surged up on the surface of the lake, rushing towards everyone. Before Hu Juan could turn around, he put his feet firmly on the ground, propped up his hands, and built the building out of thin air. A huge ice cover was built to cover everyone inside. When the ice cover was built, a wave happened to hit, pressing hard on the ice cover and flowing heavily.

Looking up at the top of the ice cover, you can see countless tentacles appearing, looking for something.

Everyone let out a long breath, "It's really dangerous, I was almost washed away by the water just now."

"It wasn't washed away, but captured." Xu Langyu looked at the ice cover and explained, "It looks like this octopus is very unusual." He murmured, and then asked, "Who just fell down?"

The guy who fell raised his hand in embarrassment, "I..." He knew no matter how stupid he was, it was because of his ouch that attracted everyone's attention just now, and he almost died, but he didn't Knowing that this octopus is so smart, he quickly explained: "I was walking well just now, and I didn't know what happened. I felt like I tripped after a while." He pointed to his feet as he spoke, and he was very wronged.

Xu Langyu walked over and looked at the place he was talking about. It was a very ordinary piece of turf, which looked very thick. He squatted down and touched that piece. Suddenly, his hands stopped and he rummaged through it together. When he got up, he actually took out a glass ball from the grass.

He lifted it up, and now the water of the lake receded, the ice cover melted, and the glass ball was crystal clear in the sun.

Hu Jun pursed his lips and frowned, "Look, look around you immediately."

Everyone was still at a loss, as if they didn't know what the glass ball was about, but when they heard Hu Jun's mission, they all lowered their heads to search, and Xu Langyu handed the glass ball to her.

(End of this chapter)

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