Chapter 343 What to Do with Me
Continuing to walk in, there are some random clothes, and a big bed also made of stone, and there are many small parts and accessories beside it, each of which is neatly placed. Besides, there is nothing else, it seems that the life of this ugly girl occupying the mountain as king is quite happy.

After reading this, other people happened to come in. They walked in and reported directly: "It's all been solved. There are many of them, but they are really weak."

"All ordinary people?" Hu Jun was a little surprised, she thought there would be at least one or two supernatural beings.

Xu Langyu shook his head and said, "Yes, it should be like this."

Hu Juan rubbed his forehead, walked back, and saw the bound people outside, "What's the matter with you?"

The people who had calmed down immediately made two different voices. A group of people shouted, such as the theocratic arguments, such as, the saint is born, the messenger of God, etc., and another group of people cried and shouted, saying that they are It's a helpless move, it's forced, it's a pitiful argument.

Hu Juan sighed when he heard them chattering like this. Although his views were not unified, he managed to figure out the truth by patchwork.

The ugly girl can command all beasts, that is, as guessed, she is a controlling supernatural being.Zhanshan is the king. She claims to be a saint. She saves the society by the will of God. Everyone must obey her. Only in this way can they survive. She hunted down many ordinary people. Those who are obedient will kill and eat meat, and all women will go to work, without exception.

Obviously, the men at the base were the disobedient types, all of them died under the mouth of the octopus, even the only woman was no exception.

Hu Jun nodded, indicating that they should take this group of men away, but she wanted to hear what this ugly girl had to say. She understood that Zhanshan is king, but why didn't she take in the supernatural beings and expand her team? To tell the truth, she understands that this ugly woman killed a woman, so as to avoid wasting food, but what about now?

As soon as the ugly girl was released, she immediately stared at Hu Jun fiercely, bared her teeth, and was about to go on a rampage, but Hu Jun whipped her past, causing her to scream.

Suddenly, Hu Jun lost interest in asking questions. What is it worth for her to understand the heart of such a strange human being?No matter why the ugly girl did it, it has nothing to do with her.

She lowered her head and raised her hand casually, this ugly woman was beaten to death, life is so fragile.

Going outside, looking at the poor people gradually gathered below, Ding Dingfei reported: "There are more than 500 people, of which nearly 100 are the lackeys of that ugly woman, more than 400 are workers, and more than 300 are women. Ding Ding couldn't help but continued, "Those women are miserable, they were tortured beyond human form."

Hu Jun turned his face sideways, looked at the moon that was gradually climbing uphill, and said softly, "Do you want me to take them back?"

Ding Ding nodded, yes.

Hu Jun turned his head, looked at Ding Ding's face, and said bluntly, "Who told you to count the people?"

Surprised and puzzled expressions immediately appeared on Ding Ding's face, she opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, shouldn't this be done?

Hu Jun gently twisted the thumb, index finger and middle finger of his left hand, "Next time, don't act self-righteously. Many things are not as simple as you think, and you don't have to follow the script. Tell everyone, we retreat." After saying that, he didn't look at Ding Ding again, and left.

Ding Ding looked at Hu Jun who was going away, and couldn't help shouting: "If you don't bring them back to the base, they will die!"

So, what does it have to do with me?

Hu Jun didn't say it, but it already represented her thoughts.

Looking at Hu Jun like this, Ding Ding felt so cold. She was not like this before. She was very kind and cared about everyone. Last time, she brought many people with mental problems back to the base. Why is she so cold-blooded now!

Everyone was ready to leave when they heard Hu Jun's order to retreat, but Ding Ding stood still for a long time, Wei Tian thought for a while, came over and said in a low voice, "Let's go."

"Why don't you ignore them? They are obviously very pitiful. If you don't ignore them, you can only die." Ding Ding directly exploded at Wei Tian, ​​she didn't understand why she didn't save them.

Wei Tian opened his mouth, looking at Tintin, who was obviously irritable, he didn't know how to persuade him with his clumsy mouth.

It was Sun Cheng who came over and said bluntly: "Miss Hu will definitely not take them away. Such a big burden, going to the base is a drag, and the base is under construction, so busy, how can I have time to take care of them."

Ding Ding retorted: "Those people before, who are normal people! Even the refugees who go to the base now look like they are dying, and they are no better than them! Why don't you take them away, you go and see them How pitiful, how much I have suffered with such a perverted woman!" Rather than saying that Ding Ding felt sorry for them, it was better to say that he was emotionally transferred to that ugly woman.

"However, they have the ability to take care of themselves and can persist to the base. They want to live, but they don't have the guts to resist. Going to the base is nothing but free food. There are so many people in the base, they can't do anything, why save them? "Sun Cheng took it for granted that he thought Hu Juan's idea was very good, so people shouldn't be saved like this.

Sun Cheng seemed not satisfied with what he said, so he continued to tease: "How come you have become so kind now? I remember you were not very cold-blooded before? Why do you learn to worry about the country and the people now?"

Ding Ding was shocked suddenly, kind?She didn't even know that she had changed.

As her boyfriend, Wei Tian obviously felt this, but he couldn't say anything.It seems that a good living environment has changed her character. Because there are fewer hardships and more gains, she wants to contribute more and hope everyone will live better.

However, such dedication should not be based on the hardships of the base.

As Hu Jun himself, why not save him? It’s just because this kind of person who has been brainwashed for a long time has weak willpower, and it is very likely to have a negative impact on the people in the base. She is not a shelter. save.

The people below who thought they were there, when they saw these people leaving, they immediately understood something, cried and said: "Please, help us!" With a burst of tears, it was almost like being alive.

What's more, if you want to climb up, you can't wait to keep their legs and not let them go.

Obviously, seeing those servants being tied up, they understood that the good times are not far away, that ugly woman will be dealt with, and it will be better if they don't leave now.

But they didn't answer at all, they walked steadily along the path to climb back.

It seemed that they knew that they would not save themselves. Those who lived like slaves immediately changed their attitudes, and there was a phenomenon of swearing at them, scolding them for being cold-blooded, cruel, and ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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