The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 348 Plant Supernatural Being

Chapter 348 Plant Supernatural Being (2)
At this moment, a man who was working with him came over to remind him: "Old Liu, you forgot, you have already registered."

Lao Liu obviously couldn't remember anything, so the worker kindly replaced Lao Liu and said to Hu Jun: "Sister-in-law Liu should have registered that grade. A woman came to see sister-in-law Liu a few days ago, saying she was her relative. I want to do a certain job here. The sixth sister-in-law came to see the sixth child at noon that day, and wanted to use his ID card to register to open a small shop. I remember very clearly that the weather was extremely hot that day, and several workers on the construction site suffered from heatstroke. The sixth child. When Mrs. Liu came, the sixth child thought something had happened at home, stood up in a panic, staggered, and almost fell to the ground."

After the worker finished speaking, the sixth child suddenly realized: "Oh, yes, there is indeed such a thing." Looking at Hu Jun with some embarrassment, he said: "Miss Hu is really sorry, it has been too long, I forgot , My mind was also confused that day, and my wife took my certificate directly, and I was confused about what to do specifically."

Hu Jun waved his hand, not paying attention, and continued to ask: "Do you remember that relative?"

Lao Liu said with embarrassment: "I, I have never seen her."

When Hu Jun asked here, he also knew that Lao Liu had no clues here, so he left and went to find Lao Liu's wife.

She was walking on the road, and stopped by a stall where she bought odds and ends, mostly handicrafts, such as clay pots and bowls of earth-type supernatural beings, and various small handicrafts. Products, all in all, are ordinary things, and one of them is selling plants.

Those plants are small and cute, emerald green, carefully cut into various shapes, such as small balls, bunny heads, bears, or stars.

Seeing that there was no one in front of his stall, Hu Jun went up to him and asked, "How can I buy this?"

The man was wearing a straw hat with his eyes closed, his legs crossed, and basking in the sun leisurely. When he heard someone ask, he immediately became energetic, thinking that it was a good deal. When he saw Hu Jun, his eyes suddenly changed from looking at the fat sheep. Turned into awe, stood up all of a sudden, very respectful, "Miss Hu!"

Seeing his surprised face, Hu Jun burst out laughing, "What are you afraid of, I'm not a ghost."

"No, no, I..." The stammering seller didn't know what to say.

Hu Jun smiled kindly and said to him: "Okay, I just want to ask you how to sell these small potted plants?"

The seller breathed a sigh of relief, that's great, I thought it was a post check, the base asked the seller to do something, he was just worried that he would be scolded for basking in the sun, specifically asking about the plants, that's really great.He quickly recommended the plants in front of him and said, "Miss Hu, take whatever you like."

"No, how can I take your stuff for nothing? How can I sell this?" She picked up a three-ball potted plant and asked.

The seller quickly picked it up and wanted to hand it to Hu Jun, saying, "It's worthless, if it's worthless, just take it away."

Hu Jun smiled and didn't take it over, but said: "You just say the price, it's not easy to do business."

The man looked at the potted plants in his hand with embarrassment, "I am dissatisfied with you saying that I am a plant supernatural being able to give birth, so if I have nothing to do, I can get some potted plants and sell them."

"Oh, the spawning plants are sold, how is the business?" Hu Jun squatted down and asked curiously, looking very interested.

"Well, it's hard to say. If children come out to play and the parents are generous, they can sell a few of them, but most of the time, no one buys them. You know, people are not as leisurely as they used to be." He said very In fact, he still sighed a little at the end. Seeing Hu Juan's thoughtful appearance, he thought he was worried about his business, so he said happily: "But I am also a supernatural person, and I go on missions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so this can be regarded as a job. Part-time jobs, it’s okay to stay at home, it’s better to take them out and sell them.”

Hu Jun nodded, "Are there many people selling it?"

"It's okay, there aren't many plants with supernatural powers in the base, and there are only a few that come out for sale." The seller didn't want to, and said honestly.

The two chatted for a while, and Hu Jun still left some points, and then left with the small potted plant.

It seems that the woman who sold potted plants never appeared again.

Hu Jun went to Lao Liu's house, and it was Lao Liu's wife who opened the door. When she first saw Hu Jun, she was a little taken aback, but she quickly welcomed him in warmly.

Hu Juan smiled, straight to the point and explained the purpose of his visit.

Old Liu's wife thought for a while, and then said, "That's right, it's a relative of mine. It's really rare to meet her by accident at the base, but she just came here and couldn't open a small shop, so I thought, help me." She's fine, so I took Lao Liu's ID card and went to help her, what's wrong?"

"Then is she still at the base?"

"It seems that she's gone. She said there was something to do. She hasn't been here for a long time. Later, when I went to look for her, she was gone." Aunt Liu thought about it, and said apologetically.

Hu Juan was stunned, and disappeared, "Not here, does it mean that he left the base?"

Aunt Liu nodded and said, "That's right, when I went to see her at her house, the neighbor said that she has long since lived here."

"what is her name?"

"Huang Ling."

After Hu Jun left, he immediately went to investigate Huang Ling's information, but no, there was no Huang Ling. Not only did no one named Huang Ling come in at the base at that time, but there was never anyone named Huang Ling at all.

Hu Jun himself was taken aback, and hurriedly went to A Yin and asked, "Have the information of all the people in the base been registered here?"

A Yin looked at Hu Jun's surprised expression, and although she didn't know why, she said with certainty: "Of course, the information of all the people who entered the base is registered, and there is absolutely nothing left." This is her accusation, and she can guarantee it.

Hu Juan held up the register and said, "But, I learned about a girl named Huang Ling today, but I don't have any information about her."

Now not only Hu Jun’s expression is serious, but Ah Yin’s expression is even more serious. She searched through the archives and found no, no, indeed no, she couldn’t help asking: “Is this your real name?”

Hu Jun was taken aback for a moment, yes, maybe she was a little anxious, because that plant looked so scary, and she was afraid that there would be a lot of it in the base, so she panicked.

If you think about it carefully, there are two problems with the emergence of this ecstasy grass, one is how it appears, and the other is how to breed it since it is not easy to grow.

"Go and look up the lone women who appeared at the base during that period of time. I wrote down the place of residence on the paper." After Hu Jun handed the note to A Yin, he left.

Let's go home first. After returning home, Mother Hu was cleaning up at home. When she saw Hu Juan, she smiled and asked, "You left work so early today."

"Well, Mom, is there anyone who comes to our house often recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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