Chapter 356 Too Difficult (1)
Wei Tian really wanted to wipe away her tears and tell her she was fine, but it really hurt too much. It seemed that his right arm was not his own anymore. He had never felt that kind of strength since he became a gold-type power user. It was too heavy. , It seems that when I went back to the time of ordinary people, the experience of being knifed is better than this, it is completely like being hit by a chainsaw.

The others were suddenly aroused to fight, especially Fang Jia and Xu Langyu, who were bound to tear them to pieces!

Hu Jun glanced at them, but didn't seek medical treatment right away, and even blocked them who were impulsive.It's not that she is cruel, or afraid of the person opposite.However, it can be said that the most defensive gold-type superpowers will be caught like this. How strong is the opponent?As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles. She hopes that 30 people will come out and 30 people will go back, so that no one will be missing.

She can't recklessly expose her own ability, turn her head and look at the other side sullenly: "Who are you?"

Who are they?

This is destined to be a question that will not have an answer. They smiled, as if they were watching a group of clowns perform, and looking at their angry faces seemed to satisfy their inner pleasure.

The enemy does not move, I do not move, this is Hu Jun's state of mind.

Damn, before the war, I should always be qualified to figure out the species on the other side. Is it a human, a zombie, or something new? Things like chaotic warfare are too low-grade, and they are completely brainless.

Hu Juan just looked at the people on the other side like this. Of course, they were all around, so these 28 people surrounded the city in a small circle, with Hu Juan at the front and the injured Wei Tian in the middle.Ding Ding looked at the other person with angry eyes, but unfortunately her abilities were limited, there was nothing she could do.

It's all her fault, why talk too much.

The people on the opposite side seemed to think that this stagnation was too boring. One of them grinned and stretched out his hand to greet: "Little bugs, which one of you will come first?"

Hu Juan said lightly: "Far attack."

As soon as the order was issued, it was definitely fireballs, ice arrows, soil balls, and wind blades flying all at once, smashing towards the opposite side with all their might, as if they had already suffocated their strength and were waiting for this moment.

At the moment of the shot, at a speed invisible to the naked eye, a figure rushed up. He went straight to Fang Jia's heart.

The man jumped away nimbly like a monkey, and turned to look at Qi Zhejun.

Qi Zhejun took a step forward. This is to prepare for the battle. Compared with Fang Jia of the fire department, the Qi Zhe army of the thunder department is undoubtedly stronger. idea.

But Xu Langyu gave him a hand, and his eyes signaled him to come back. It's better to make a good start now. He has a feeling that the fire may become cannon fodder.

The sneak attacker resolutely gave up Fang Jia's target, and rushed towards Qi Zhejun with great interest, as if he was playing a game, and didn't care who the other party was, because everyone was the same.

Lightning strikes followed by roaring attacks again and again. When everyone seemed to be shocked, the opponent was not discouraged, but showed a happy smile and rushed towards Qi Zhejun again and again.It turned out that he didn't have any special abilities, only strength and speed.

The strength of each shot is absolutely no less than the concept of a jack.

If it is said that supernatural beings conquer the world purely by relying on supernatural powers, then these tentatively human beings here rely on strength and speed, or in other words, the wildness and brute force in their bodies.

Qi Zhejun frowned, looking at this difficult opponent.With a sudden blow, his skin was torn apart. He obviously should have stopped, but he didn't hesitate at all, and continued to move forward as if he couldn't feel the pain. This made Qi Zhejun, who had just relaxed his brows, frown again.

Not only Qi Zhejun frowned, seeing this, if others don't understand how the battle is going, they are living in vain, how can they be so powerful, every time they attack, they are about to hit, but they can be dodged skillfully, like springs on their feet, As light as a feather, it appears in front of people like an afterimage.

Everyone's hearts were raised, and they were very worried about whether Qi Zhejun could defeat this monster-like person.

Relying on years of combat experience, coupled with a large area of ​​long-distance attack ability, Qi Zhejun gradually gained the advantage, and also found some shortcuts and methods, and fought at his own pace, but even so, the battle was not easy. The other party seems to like it very much now.

Even though his body was already covered in blood, he could still rush up again and again without pain, as if he would not give up the attack as long as he was not dead.

Obviously, he enjoys the joy of fighting and likes to fight crazily.

Seeing this, a supernatural being next to Qi Zhejun couldn't help but want to help, but was stopped by General Ji Jin.

"What are you doing!" He glared at Ji Jinjiang displeasedly, why did he stop himself, can't he see the current situation?As long as he makes a move while he's not prepared, he can solve this guy.

Ji Jin raised his chin, he looked in one direction, and saw that someone was already staring at him eagerly, as if ready to make a move at any moment, for some reason he shivered, Ji Jin looked there and lowered his head and said: "As long as you dare to make a move, you will die miserably. Not only will you die, but you will also implicate us."

His heart darkened, the other party was enjoying the pleasure of such a one-on-one battle, and he was sure that the victory must belong to them. I understand that Hu Jun doesn't want anyone to get hurt, let alone see death.

There are countless ways to win, but it is difficult to find a way that everyone can retreat to victory. For the first time, Ji Jinjiang also had no way to do it, just because he didn't know the other party, so he lost his train of thought.

Why are there so many illogical things in the last days? Damn it, he couldn't help being a little angry.

However, the last days are like this, and its appearance is already illogical. Under such a situation, isn't everything logical?

Just as Ji Jinjiang was thinking of a way, the stopped passionate young man also came to his senses. Seeing so many enemies around him, there were so few of them, and if they fought in groups, they would definitely not take up any of them.So he shrank back.

At this moment, Qi Zhejun suddenly fired all thunders, almost like the rhythm of sweeping mines. All within two meters of the man were struck by lightning. It was inevitable that he hung up. The high-intensity voltage directly scorched him. .

It was hard to get rid of one, but it was exhausting.

Those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. This person is obviously the type who can risk his life, and his agility, speed, and strength, as if he has bugs, are hundreds of times stronger than others.

In such a situation, it is really too difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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