Chapter 36
A person with water abilities in the crowd launched a water attack on Hu Jun.

"Be careful!" Xu Langyu yelled, Hu Juan flexibly rolled over and dodged the attack, only to see that the water sword formed a small hole on the ground, showing its power.

"I'll deal with him, ordinary people leave it to you." Xu Langyu hid in a corner and mobilized water, and a water arrow hit it, leaving faint traces on the shelves where the supernatural beings avoided.

"Be careful, he has more abilities than you." Seeing this, Hu Juan also understood that the man had basically mastered the attack ability of the water system, which was not comparable to a rookie like Xu Langyu.

This water ability is worthless to say the least, it can’t be regarded as a strong attack, and it can’t compare with gold and earth in defense. Even the wind element is a bit stronger than it, and it can only be evolved into ice element by secondary evolution.

"Yeah." Xu Langyu nodded sullenly, he also understood the truth.

Hu Jun didn't dare to slack off, and kept attacking the enemy with his pistol. There were a lot of enemies, and most of them were hiding in shelves, containers, corners, etc., so it was difficult to hit them.

With a "bang", a shot hit the ground beside Hu Juan. Fortunately, Hu Juan retracted his head quickly, otherwise he would have been shot in the head.

Holding a pistol in his hand, Hu Juan was cautious, unwilling to hurt ordinary people who were just begging for a bite to eat. He was very cautious when shooting, and only picked people with guns to shoot, but this was a little slower.

Song Junbo, on the other hand, kept shooting, shooting and killing everyone, good or bad. Although Hu Jun would not get bored, he still didn't like it. Maybe it was because of her humble status in the previous life. As long as her interests were not endangered, she always Leave a little room for those poor ordinary people.

Relying on their respective abilities, the two killed many people after a few rounds.

At this moment, Xu Langyu was fighting against the ability of the same system, so he felt his own insufficiency.

The same is water, no matter the range or attack power, they are far behind the opponent, so they can only rely on the level of the gun before, and the ability to add the gun to the battle, barely a tie.

Seeing Hu Jun's sharp marksmanship, he felt that in this apocalyptic world, his previous ability was becoming more and more vulnerable.

However, he has experienced too much, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Try to mobilize the mysterious power in the inner body, that is, the water ability.

That ability is like water, slowly flowing to the fingertips. When it is struck out, it is far less powerful than the opponent. He had to make up for it with a pistol, trying to interfere with the opponent. After several times, he gradually found that his ability was gradually weakening. The same is true.

Can't help but be thought-provoking, this shows that the ability is limited, just like playing a game without blue, and there is no trick.

Xu Langyu laughed when he thought about it.

At the beginning, mainly attack with pistols, slowly recover the ability, and strive for the power of each blow.

But the opponent didn't know whether it was because he believed too much in his own ability or because the gun was out of bullets, and he blindly launched a water attack, but gradually became powerless.

Every time Xu Langyu took advantage of the opponent's pause, he launched a water attack. Compared with the pistol, the water attack had a larger area, so the continuous counterattack and attack gradually suppressed the opponent's attack.

Just as Hu Jun's side was fighting more smoothly and was about to win, Pan Zhan and A Liang fell into a predicament.

What they were dealing with was the three-fire system. A few days ago, the three of them were not terrible. Compared with Pan Zhan's arm-thick lightning strike, the three of them were vulnerable. Unexpectedly, today's one-on-one battle between the three of them not only improved their abilities, but also cooperated. You come and go, Pan Zhan is a little overwhelmed.

Relying on his flexibility, Ah Liang turned over and quickly came to Pan Zhan's side, even so, he was still burned to the corner of his clothes by the flames.

"Brother, what should we do?" A Liang extinguished the fire while changing the bullets of the pistol and looked at Pan Zhan.

"Go over there and see if you can call for help." Pan Zhan's fists were hard to beat, and he could only hope for the success of the other two sides.

"Okay, brother, hold on." A Liang thought for a while and said, he has no supernatural powers, and he doesn't have many bullets, so he can only rescue soldiers, but he really didn't expect supernatural beings to be so powerful, even more powerful than pistols. If, In the future, the supernatural being will become more and more powerful, what should he do?
"I'll cover you." Pan Zhan obviously felt his body was tired and weak, and the electric shock was not as powerful as before, but he gritted his teeth and covered Ah Liang to leave.

Ah Liang first went to find Ah Yin who was closer, and it was almost finished there. Although there were obviously five supernatural beings, their strength was not bad.

But it was not worth a clever word, the boss didn't know what happened last night, he had diarrhea all night, and the whole group of people didn't sleep well.

Today the guards will not go out, the boss is also catching up on sleep, everything is so beautiful and happy.

Suddenly someone broke in, and the people who were still sleeping and playing poker were in a panic.

This boss with extraordinary abilities just died in a dream in a daze, making people wonder if he was making a movie?Come up with some boss abilities, okay?

After the two quickly killed the three supernatural beings and several ordinary people, although the remaining people were not easy to deal with, the bosses were all killed in a daze.

I thought it was the most troublesome side, but it was solved the fastest. It is simply the blessing of the Buddha, Amituofu.

"Boss is about to lose it!" A Liang ran in in a panic, asking for help.

Ayin panicked when she heard this, and without saying a word, left Han Zhe to watch over these ordinary people, and rushed to help with the wind on his feet.

The situation on Hu Jun's side is also clear. Xu Langyu has benefited a lot from this battle. Now he can gather the previous simple water flow into a water polo, which is not only much more powerful, but also has a slightly longer range.

Hearing that Pan Zhan had something to do, Song Junbo hurried over to help.

After a while, Hu Juan and Xu Langyu won the victory. The two had no intention of going to help each other. After all, that was what they had agreed at the time. Moreover, Hu Juan wanted to go to the warehouse to buy some good things first.

"I'll go and have a look around. Watch out for these people." Hu said, picking up two guns on the ground.

After three detours and two detours, we came to a hidden entrance, opened the door with a pistol, and entered the warehouse along the stairs. It was already demolished.

She first went to the warehouse of gold and silver jewelry. At the beginning of the end of the world, gold was still used as the common currency, so she had to prepare more.

Then there are grains such as rice and noodles, hygiene products specially needed by women, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, beverages and snacks, and luxury tobacco, wine and tea.

Tobacco, alcohol and tea are a good thing, but they can’t be seen now. After the base is stabilized, these treasures, which can only be used less and less, will double their value. Although most people still have problems with eating enough, they can There are always some rich people.

After several detours, I came to the clothing section. The clothes, the brand, and the price, in the past, Hu Jun could only drool or wait for a discount, but now it is good, let her take it!
(End of this chapter)

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