The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

364 Chapter 2 The train of thought is distorted

364 Chapter 2 The train of thought is distorted ([-])
Hu Jun nodded, looking at this child who was addicted to his own sorrow, he could understand her in his heart, he was abandoned at a young age, did not learn the concept of right and wrong, good and evil, and gained much stronger power than others, and there was no psychological distortion Guidance by others is like learning to suppress your temper and learn to decompress, but because there is no one to teach you, you have groped the wrong way, found a not-so-good way to vent, and it is interesting to watch others kill each other.

Even if all of this is understandable, Hu Jun can't agree with her actions. I don't know how many people died in her joy. She continued to ask, "Why are there so many strange bodyguards around you?"

The little girl was obviously unhappy when she heard this, and said with her eyes wide open, "What strange bodyguards! They are all my companions!"

Hu Juan lowered his head and looked into her eyes seriously with some surprise, "Accompaniment? If it's really for playing with, why didn't you go to rescue so many people died outside in the first place?" This kind of company is too hypocritical.

The girl replied with a look of reason, "It's their own incompetence, they deserve to die!" Come on, she has learned the theory of the survival of the fittest without a teacher. It seems that companionship and death do not conflict at all, but no, Hu Jun guessed this There should be a lot of people hiding inside.

But Hu Juan wouldn't argue with her on such unnutritious topics. The child's thinking was distorted, so he didn't expect to be able to pull her back, and instead said, "Okay, then tell me, why do your playmates So unusual."

The little girl pursed her lips, and her attitude of refusing to answer this question was extremely clear.

"They are not zombies, but they are not like humans. What happened to make them neither human nor ghost? I think you should understand very well. Have you ever thought that they like this? Maybe one day they will get tired of this I will kill you and escape!" Hu Jun suddenly threatened the little girl.

The little girl who had insisted on not speaking suddenly said loudly, "Impossible, they won't leave!"

"Why not? They have human thoughts, so they must listen to you. You have no skills. It's not a matter of every second to kill you." Hu Jun looked at her with some mockery.

The little girl couldn't sit still for a while, and said loudly, as if to prove something: "They will all die without me!"

Hearing this, Hu Jun laughed so hard that tears were about to burst out of his eyes.As if hearing a very funny joke, the girl was so angry that she felt humiliated.

"Why are you laughing, what I said is true! They will all die without me."

Hu Jun finally sat up straight, wiped the tears from laughing, and said to the girl seriously, "You are crazy, who do you think you are? will die."

The little girl wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, Ah still didn't say it in the end, but just repeated blindly: "What I said is true, I'm just very good, and they can't do without me."

"Then tell me why?"

Upon hearing this, the little girl didn't open her mouth at all, as if there were some secrets that she couldn't tell.

For a while, the communication between the two fell into a stalemate again, and Hu Jun didn't ask any more questions, but now that he has obtained enough information, those people will die when the little girl dies. Why?
Hu Jun can't kill her yet, even if keeping her is a disaster, she always believes that she will figure it out soon, or else there will be other weird things happening in this place.

She took a deep look at the girl, always feeling that she was hiding something, didn't want to say it, didn't want to say it, or couldn't say it?
Hu Jun was not in a hurry, or he couldn't be in a hurry, he just chatted with this girl slowly, when he was hungry, there was food to eat, and the girl's stomach was growling, Hu Jun ignored her, as long as she told the truth.

However, the girl has such great perseverance, so she just gritted her teeth and kept silent.

Hu Jun stayed here for several days, Ji Jin sent them all back to the countryside, and did not wait for Hu Jun to catch up.

Along the way, everyone ate wild fruits and drank stream water, and lived a life like savages, but even so, they recovered their bodies to a certain extent. Looking at the sunset that was gradually setting in the west, someone murmured, "Miss Hu, something happened, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" He had just opened his mouth, but was immediately interrupted sharply, "Miss Hu will never have an accident."

He was a little wronged, and he didn't want something to happen to Miss Hu, but she had disappeared for many days, and the other party didn't seem to be easy to mess with at first glance, he was just worried, not a curse.

But looking at the eyes full of accusations all around, I had no choice but to shut up honestly, without any rebuttal words, so many words were wrong.

Everyone was very anxious, but they couldn't do anything. Every time they proposed to go back, General Ji Jin would directly shoot him. With a very contemptuous look in his eyes, the simplest sentence: "It's up to you." , yes, they can't do anything.

Naturally, there were also people who tried to go back quietly many times, but they were all caught. Among them, Xu Langyu was the one who had the most times. Fang Jia seemed to have a pair of eagle eyes, and could always catch Xu Langyu's whereabouts.

But because of what this person said, everyone began to worry about Hu Jun again, and everyone looked depressed.

Xu Langyu stood up first, he couldn't bear it long ago, even if something happened, she shouldn't be left alone, "I want to go back and save her." This is not a request for instructions, but a straightforward declaration, I want this Do it, no one can stop it.

Someone takes the lead, and someone responds immediately.

Soon, everyone seemed to agree, and the posture was completely eager to rise up.

Only Ji Jinjiang looked funny, I really don't know if they have any brains in doing this, could it be that eating fruit every day has caused their IQ to drop?Hot blood on top?

It shouldn't be, isn't it said that eating too much meat makes you irritable?
I don't want to talk to them idiots at all, but I can't let them go. After a while, seeing that they really want to go back, I finally said: "I can't go back!"

When Xu Langyu heard this, he immediately choked back, "Who do you think you are! Just because you are timid doesn't mean we are timid!"

"If it's really okay, Hu Jun must have come here a long time ago, and she won't procrastinate. Now, don't let your set of things be too late. With her character, if there is nothing wrong, she will definitely join us as soon as possible. Now it seems that she is absolutely Unexpectedly, we can't let her be alone in danger." He was not impulsive, but really worried, and he had considered Fang Jia's concerns, but none of this was a reason.

Seeing that everyone is going to do a big job, Ji Jinjiang doesn't know whether it is because Hu Jun has a high status in everyone's heart, and everyone is even willing to give up their own safety and turn back to save her, or whether this group of people is 100% It's stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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