Chapter 366
The little girl rolled her eyes, as if she understood something, she clenched her teeth, "If you don't let me go, I will kill them, I will do it."

Her eyes kept looking at Hu Jun, trying to find something on her face, but Hu Jun's expression was too indifferent, and she was not nervous at all, so she nodded, "Anything you want."

The bodyguard mentioned these little devils, his eyes rolled over them, if they were killed, they could be eaten, and the saliva almost flowed out unconsciously.

These useless guys only know how to cry and struggle, which has no good effect.

Xiao Jing couldn't stop crying, fear occupied her heart, she didn't want to die yet, so she could only blindly say to Hu Juan: "Sister Hu Juan, please, please save us, please!"

Only the coward seems to understand something, and keeps winking at his friends, but unfortunately no one cares about him.

Since you don't want to die, why do you have to rush out?
I thought it was fun when I came out, but now I regret it to death. Why are they so innocent and thought it was a fun and exciting thing, but they don’t know that now it’s like walking on a tightrope, accidentally falling into the abyss, and it’s safe to be smashed to pieces.

The little girl looked at them, then at Hu Jun, and dared not say anything for a long time. If they did, she would be back to the past again, um, this is not good at all.How about killing one, she thought to herself.

Hu Jun, who didn't seem to care at all, has been paying attention to the little girl's expression from the corner of his eye. When he suddenly saw her eyes change, he knew that something was wrong.

She lowered her head and touched her own nose, but shot those brats with the corners of her eyes. They were all crying, not paying attention to Hu Juan's movements at all, which made Hu Juan secretly anxious.

Suddenly, seeing a little boy looking at Hu Jun, Hu Jun quietly gestured to him, hoping he could understand.

The coward felt that his courage was going to be frightened. He watched the little friend beside him crying, but he rarely shed tears. It was not that he became bold, but that he was so scared that he didn't know how to be afraid. In other words , The level of shock is too high, I don't think it's a shock, but my brain is running at a high speed, but I'm sober.

Seeing Hu Jun's movements from a distance, it seemed that he was asked to do something.But when he wanted to ask something, Hu Juan had already put it aside and ignored him at all, and he didn't know whether he was giving him a signal, but watching the little girl who was pressed under Hu Jun's feet, who obviously had the final say, tried to ask Speaking, he mustered all the courage in his life and shouted: "What's so great, isn't it just being killed, killing, I don't want to live anymore! What is the difference between dying and living! I live in fear every day. Days, I was afraid that I would die in the hands of zombies if I was not careful, now it’s all right, it’s all over, come on, you kill me first!”

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at this guy with an extremely incredible look, are you crazy?
The little girl had a gloomy face, "Are you sure?"

The coward held his head high, because the roar was too loud just now, and now his face was flushed and his veins were exposed. When he heard the little girl's words, he didn't hesitate at all, and yelled with wide eyes, "I'm sure, come and kill, kill if you have the guts!" me!"

This aura is simply stronger than that of a murderer.

The little girl stared at him, "I'm serious!"

"Hmph." He seemed not to care at all, with his head held high, as if he was brave enough to come on, watching the enemies beside him drooling, whether they could have a full meal right away, that's great.

For a moment, the little girl suppressed the idea of ​​killing someone. It wasn't that she didn't dare, but that she didn't know what was going on with this person. There must be fraud in this trick, and she didn't dare to do it. This woman is so insidious, she My friends must be very insidious, and I must not step into the trap.

Hu Jun smiled in satisfaction, and turned to look at this delicate child, very clever.The action she did just now was to wipe her neck. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and could understand the deep meaning.

In fact, Hu Jun's doing this is a dangerous move, and it is also possible that the little girl will immediately attack the boy after hearing this, but she is betting that although the little girl is young, she has a cunning part. Well, it must have made her suspicious and afraid to act.

Sure enough, she won.

She knew it well, but everyone was stunned. They didn't know why he said that. They thought he was dead just now. She looked at him with eyes of admiration and admiration, and secretly regretted in her heart, not whether the thing that provoked him before would take revenge.

As the protagonist of the incident, when he said it, he was filled with righteous indignation and even a little substituting. He did complain in his heart and felt that it was tiring to live, but he really didn't think about dying. His back is definitely covered in sweat, let him do it again, he will never dare, risk his life.

For a while, it fell into silence again, and Hu Jun suddenly asked the little girl, "What did you get bitten by?"

Being asked such a sudden question, the little girl froze for a moment and didn't speak.

She didn't speak, but made Hu Juan suspicious. In fact, the question was just a casual question, and the answer must be a zombie. But the little girl's silence gave her a subtle answer, which was that it might not be a zombie.If it's not a zombie, then what is it, the suspicion in my heart suddenly rises.

However, she didn't choose to directly ask what it was, and instead said, "I think it should be killed by you."

Originally the little girl lowered her head, but after hearing this, her head drooped unconsciously again, as if she was avoiding something out of fear.

"Is it still alive?"

No matter how Hu Juan insinuated, the little girl just didn't say a word.

Indeed, the little girl can't say it, even if she dies, she can't say it.

Hu Jun suddenly leaned close to the little girl's ear, and said in a gentle voice, "Are you afraid of it?"

Hearing this question, the little girl trembled unconsciously. Obviously, she was afraid, deep down in her bones, so afraid that she dared not bring it up.

This is really interesting. Hu Jun looked at the little girl huddled together, and then turned to look at the large group of people inside. The matter was more interesting than she imagined, and she seemed to get a very unexpected answer.

She is looking forward to it.

The little girl's life is short, but full of unhappiness, it can be said that it has been full of endless pain.It's not just the misery of childhood, being dependent on others, even now, her life is not good, she has no way to say it, and she can't say it, she has to learn to swallow the bitterness in her stomach at a young age and force her to mature.

She was tightly wrapped in this vine, the vine was very rough, sticking to the flesh, it was very uncomfortable, as if a very small gravel was squeezed on her body, her whole body was in a panic.And for three days, she was tied up and didn't move, her body was already stiff, her legs hurt, her arms hurt, she had a headache, her whole body hurt, she was so sad, so unhappy, she really wanted to go out, but no one cared about herself Could not find a way.

(End of this chapter)

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