Chapter 371 What's Wrong
Hu Juan could only sigh, fate.

Put away all the equipment needed, sorted out the supplies here, in fact there was nothing, everyone went back together all the way, don't go back, Hu Jun and others still have some things on the farm.

Along the way, there was very little talking and joking, mainly on the road, eating and sleeping in the open, but everyone was in a good mood, all because they survived, even Jinzhu was very grateful that Xiao Jing and the others were safe.Especially the children are obviously more obedient and sensible now, and this makes him happier. He is getting older, and sooner or later he will not be able to take care of them. It is great to be able to practice now.

It's a pity that Jin Zhuan was disappointed. Their cuteness was not because of their sensibility, but because they were afraid of Hu Jun. They always thought that she was a very beautiful big sister. Only now did they realize that it was not like that.

It was already night when we returned to the countryside, and it was hard to say goodbye, so Hu Juan thought he would just stay through tonight.

The moonlight is bright and clear, reflecting the dry earth.

Hu Jun was sitting outside, whirling that beautiful ball in his hand.To this day, she still doesn't understand why Erfa changed her mind and what the ball was given to her.

However, she guessed that this must be different, so she has been keeping the news in the space, hoping that one day the mystery can be solved.

In the early morning of the next day, Hu Jun bid farewell to BRIC.

The heroic BRICs naturally forbade it. These people have done so much for their own countryside, how could they just leave like this.However, Hu Jun was determined, and Jin Zhuan thought that he had a lot of people to support. Although he wanted them to stay, he also understood that they had their own affairs, so he took some food for her as a way of expressing his gratitude.

The food might be quite a lot, but Hu Jun had more. She wanted to decline, but seeing the gold bricks were serious and determined, with an expression that if you don't take it, you look down on us, Hu Jun still accepted it.

Some lamented that education is really important, and we must pay close attention to education when we return to the base.

People at the New Hope base began to pack their bags, or borrow cooking utensils to make simple food in the fastest time. It was very hot and lively.

When everyone was busy, Hu Jun was not idle. He took out a pot, noodles and other materials from the space, and started to make pancakes. This stuff is durable and can resist hunger after eating. The most important thing is that the taste is also good. Adding water to the pot makes soup, which was learned by Hu Jun on purpose.

The coward came over slowly, watched Hu Jun skillfully rolling the noodles, hesitated for a long time, and then asked in a voice like a mosquito: "Sister Hu Jun, are you leaving?"

Hu Juan had noticed him when he came, but she couldn't figure out what his plan was, so she was busy with her own. She nodded briskly on this question, yes, she has to go.

Afterwards, the two fell silent.

Hu Jun was busy with work and didn't have the time to pay attention to him, but the coward just stood there blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, someone ran over: "Sister Hu, everyone is ready!"

Hu Juan responded, "I'll get ready and set off later." After taking the order, the young man ran back again, and Hu Juan also stepped up and started to finish. Seeing the coward who was still here, he took out a pancake, "Here, This is for you, go back."

The coward was startled, looked at the delicious pancakes, blushed and wanted them very much, but put his hands behind his back and didn't take them.

Hu Jun knew that he was timid, so he stepped forward to give it away again, "Take it, it's a reward for your cleverness last time."

Hearing the praise, the coward was very happy, but he still couldn't take it. The coward pursed his lips and saw that Hu Jun had put the cake aside, packed up his things as if he was about to leave, and finally plucked up his courage and said: "I Can I go with you?"

"You?" Hu Jun suddenly stopped what he was doing and turned his head.

Perhaps Hu Jun's self-esteem was hurt by the stark suspicion in his eyes. For the first time, he didn't turn around and run away, but mustered up his greatest courage and said, "I, I can do many things."

Hu Juan laughed a little in his heart, but he still said tactfully, "I'm sorry, we are going to a very far place, it will be very dangerous." The subtext is that you have no ability to protect yourself, and carrying you is a burden.

The coward blushed. He knew that he would be rejected, but since he had made up his mind, he didn't plan to turn back. He said desperately, "I, I have supernatural powers."

Hu Juan's pupils constricted for an instant, and he looked at him carefully from beginning to end, as if he wanted to see a hole in him.

In the end, the coward followed Hu Jun and others on the road.

In fact, there are quite a few people looking for Hu Jun. For example, they have searched with four eyes, and others have found other people in the New Hope Base, but they can be summarized here. Hu Jun agreed to this, which seems to be really powerless. little guy.

When they left, seeing the coward who left with the burden on his back, not only the jaws of the people on the farm were about to drop, but even Hu Juan's own people were full of doubts. They more or less knew that there was such a cowardly coward guy.

"Coward, why did you leave!" A child asked loudly in puzzlement, obviously they were playing together, why did the coward leave, or, he was dissatisfied, why wasn't he the one who left.

"Forget it, don't shout, you are a white-eyed wolf." Some of the people spoke in an unpleasant way, thinking that he had betrayed everyone.

But no matter how others looked at the coward, he didn't back down, just kept his blushing face down, and followed at the end of the team.

Hu Jun didn't say anything, they will know one day.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I thought I could stay for two more days." Someone asked puzzledly on the road. He wasn't greedy for comfort, but he just came back after a long time. It's not too much to rest for half a day.

Everyone didn't know what happened, they just expressed their thoughts.

Hu Juan didn't answer, he couldn't stay any longer, if he stays and stays, it's better to break up now.

However, this was indeed a good topic, and the road was boring, so the group chatted wantonly, without considering that there was a child who came out of the farm in the team.

"That place is not bad, there is food and drink, and the life is comfortable. In addition, the village should develop better if it is closed."

"That's right, but the gold bricks don't seem to be in control of them."

"Yes, it's a pity that he is nice, but he is not material for great things."

While the two were chatting, someone else interrupted, "Why do you say that? I think Brother BRIC is a nice guy, righteous and forthright, and he has nothing to say about his brothers."

"Your kid is really stupid. It's because of this that we say that we can't do big things. He doesn't have that much ability and wants everyone to live well. Isn't this a death?" A blank eye is attached to express inner disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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