Chapter 373
The bear boy saw that his clothes had two pockets. He reached into the right pocket first, but unfortunately there was nothing there. He sighed in disappointment, then reached into the left pocket, but there was still nothing.

"How is it?" Brother Kun saw that he had stopped, and shouted.

The bear boy turned his head and replied with a disappointed face, "Nothing."

Brother Kun laughed for a while, as if laughing at the child's innocence, "Go on!" How can every pocket slow down the delicious food, he picked up a pancake and broke it into several pieces, and after distributing it to the brothers, I still have two pieces in my hand, one is reserved for this novice, and the other has already been stuffed into his mouth, which is counted as a small change that they can get. This is a kind of self-reward that is tacitly accepted.

The pancakes are thick and sweet. It’s the faint sweetness of wheat itself. He hasn’t tasted it for a long time, and he doesn’t want to swallow it now, because he doesn’t know when he can eat it next time. delicious food.

The only good thing is that today's task is not in vain.

The young man turned his head, lowered his head subconsciously, and wanted to find another pocket, but unexpectedly let him meet a pair of bright eyes, which were full of cheetah-like sensitivity, shining brightly under the bright moonlight, which scared him. Unconsciously backed up, but was pinched by the neck.

The bear kid had no chance to call for help, so he could only resist with his hands, but he couldn't shake the man's strength at all. He kicked his legs weakly, trying to break free, but it was in vain. He turned his head hard, wanted to shout to Brother Kun, but used Yu Guangcai discovered that the four brothers were all pinched by someone's life gate and could not move.

The most suffocating thing was that the poisonous supernatural being who was obviously hiding aside was thrown on the ground at this moment, wriggling like a bug, without any trace of his former prestige.

The people who were still drowsy had already sat up, and they looked like they were watching the fun, and surrounded the five people by sitting or standing.

The bear child was picked up by the person who strangled his neck, and he was thrown on the place at will. Before he could resist, he was just like everyone else, his hands and feet were entangled in the soil. That person was also Qi Zhejun, twisted his neck, and looked down The helper said in a low voice: "Tell me, who are you?"

Several people didn't answer directly, but you looked at me and I looked at you, thinking about countermeasures. In fact, they had already had countermeasures, but they never used them, and they didn't have a tacit understanding for a while.

"Please spare us, we are just too hungry, so..."

Qi Zhejun waved his hand, stopped Brother Kun from crying, and said sharply impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense to me, tell me honestly!"


Brother Kun continued to cry, with a pitiful look, "Really, we did this because we couldn't make it through."

Qi Zhejun frowned, and it seemed that he would not be honest if he didn't suffer a little. He swung the thunder whip and whipped Brother Kun, and saw a deep blood mark on his originally rough flesh, and the blood was rushing Flowing out, the pain made him close his mouth immediately, cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead, the pain made him want to roll, but because he was trapped, he couldn't do anything.

Such a scene frightened the others speechless.I finally knew that I had kicked the iron plate, and stealing the chicken would not be worth the money.

Qi Zhejun stared, glanced at several people mightily, and threatened word by word, "I ask, you answer, I don't want to hear nonsense."

To say or not to say, everyone lowered their heads, weighing the pros and cons, and there was no movement.

Qi Zhejun was not in a hurry, he sat on a stone with a big horse, and looked at the five people with a half-smile.

Many people have never seen such a Qi Zhejun. His eyes are very cold, without the enthusiasm of the past, and his words are very ruthless, unlike the previous playfulness.

It turned out that he was not only a good man who loved his family, a smart and keen policeman, a serious and responsible minister, but also a domineering and majestic man.

Such a change caused many people to be a little dazed for a while. It was not difficult to accept, but some people couldn't make the switch.They still remember that sometimes Minister Qi's subordinates made small mistakes, and he just laughed and pretended to reprimand him, not as serious as other ministers. In addition, he loves his wife and daughter, which makes him a well-recognized The good-natured minister.

Ji Jinjiang looked at the present Qi Zhejun with a half-smile, and then turned his head to look at Hu Jun who was calm, wearing a hat to hide his face, as if he was conveying something.

After a long time, no one spoke, and Qi Zhejun clicked his tongue, "Are you toasting and not eating fine wine?" He said, he threw out the lightning whip and whipped it on the ground, with a loud bang, the flat ground immediately cracked. If this is pumped on people!
I can't help but make people's hairs stand on end, and they will die if they are drawn on people.

This whip instantly caused fluctuations in the hearts of these five people to varying degrees. If they didn't say it, it might hit them next time.

After thinking about it, someone finally couldn't help it. He didn't want to die so soon.

When one of the guys opened his mouth and tried to speak out, I saw the guy who was tied up and thrown aside, struggling desperately, staring at the man with terrifying eyes, and whining sounded from his mouth, as if warning He what.

The man seemed to remember something, his eyes froze, he trembled, he immediately shut his mouth and lowered his head.

Looking at the small movements between them, Qi Zhejun smiled, but his eyes were cold and there was no smile at all. He stood up slowly and flicked the dust on his clothes. His daughter sewed it for him stitch by stitch, and he cherishes it very much.

He walked slowly to the poisonous supernatural being, and a huge shadow surrounded him. For some reason, he was a little scared, and swallowed a mouthful of spit unconsciously. Obviously, Qi Zhejun terrified him.

"You tell me." Qi Zhejun said to him condescendingly.

He remained silent, preferring death to submission.

Qi Zhejun stretched out his legs and kicked him violently. With all his strength, he directly broke three ribs. He wailed in pain, and spurted out a mouthful of blood. The pain caused big beads of sweat to fall on the ground. Clenching his fists, he swore in his heart that he would kill this man. When did he suffer such a serious crime? It was really abominable.

Qi Zhejun continued: "Say."

He didn't raise his head, gritted his teeth, and stared at the ground with cold eyes. Seeing this, Qi Zhejun seemed to have already planned in his heart. When he raised his leg, he stomped on his spine fiercely, with one foot and two feet, like a huge hammer. Facing his body, he could feel the overwhelm of his body, as long as he kicked one more time, his spine would be broken, and he would become a useless wreck. The moment he was about to land, he shouted With a voice, "Go to hell!"


Nothing happened, the foot still landed firmly on his body, and there was a click, which was the sound of breaking. He widened his eyes and tried to tilt his head to see what happened, but, he I didn't see anything clearly just to use up people.

(End of this chapter)

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