Chapter 379: A crime (2)
Although Qi Zhejun didn't like the girl's words, but when encountering such a thing, what people said was what, and whoever made the fault was on his side, so he had no chance to quibble.He apologized in every possible way over there, the ponytail was still very angry, even the shawl hair changed his enthusiasm, and looked at Qi Zhejun with a cold face.

He glanced back at Wei Tian, ​​hoping that he would say something, he knew in his heart that these girls were reluctant because they felt that their sisters had been humiliated, and it was for no reason, and Ding Ding had to apologize, but is it possible for Ding Ding?

It's nothing at all, he just persuaded him, Ding Ding had already given in if he didn't do anything, and there was no way to apologize, so Wei Tian could only rely on him, but he remained motionless like a piece of wood.

In the end, the girl who was still sitting on the ground stood up, lowered her head, "Forget it."

At this time, Hu Juan realized that the long hair hanging around her face could not cover up the bright red palm print. Looking down at Ding Ding and then at Wei Tian, ​​Hu Juan probably understood in his heart.

"You're stupid, you..." The ponytailed girl tried to grab the long-haired girl, but the girl shook her head with a forbearance, clearly unwilling to pursue anything, but from the beginning to the end, she didn't look at Wei Tian, ​​as if she was a little Sad.

In any case, it seemed that the matter could be settled. Qi Zhejun hurriedly found two young men to take them home with tiger meat. Wei Tian, ​​who had been silent all this time, finally stood up and said, "I'll send them away."

Before anyone else could speak, Ding Ding broke away from Hu Jun's restraint, pushed Ji Jinjiang away like a mad tigress, and glared at Wei Tian, ​​"How dare you!"

Upon hearing this, the girl with ponytail was about to rush forward, but fortunately Fang Jia had quick eyesight and quickly pulled her back, and Hu Jun quickly dragged Tintin back, otherwise the two of them would have started fighting.

The ponytail girl was furious, "Why are you stopping me!"

Hearing the girl's loud questioning, Fang Jia didn't answer, but pushed her with a smile, "Okay, go back quickly, I think it's getting dark soon, if you don't go back, it might rain, the road is so difficult when it rains Let's go, what to do when we slide."

The other two girls also stood up, and Wei Tian helped the long-haired girl to send them back.

Seeing this, Ding Ding shouted, "If you leave, never come back!"

In the end, Wei Tian ignored her and sent the three girls away.

The two protagonists of the incident both left, and those who watched the excitement knew that it was time to end. Qi Zhejun shook his head, what was going on? He glanced at Tintin, who was biting his lip and staring at the three disappearing, he finally walked up Said, "You went too far this time." Ding Ding clenched his fists tightly, without saying anything, and naturally he did nothing.

After a long time, everyone left, leaving Hu Jun alone. Ding Ding finally sat down on the ground, his tears were like broken beads, and he choked up, as if he had been wronged.

In Hu Juan's impression, Tintin actually doesn't cry, she is a hearty and generous girl, even a little boyish, lacking some femininity, but because of her heroic spirit, she can play with men. The reason why she came out was that if she brought a delicate girl out, it would probably cause a catastrophe just to sleep, not to mention other trivial things.

She is such a girl, but she cried heart-rendingly in front of her. She had never seen Ding Ding cry so sadly. Even in the face of zombie massacres, she was more optimistic and brave than many men. go save them.

She didn't say a word, just stood aside quietly, she knew that it was useless to say anything now, because the person who could really comfort her was not here.

The autumn wind was already a bit chilly, Hu Jun was shivering from the cold, and he was a little hungry, but Ding Ding didn't leave for a long time, just sat on the ground and kept crying, I was really afraid that she would cry himself blind .

The surrounding area was very quiet because it was dark and there was no electricity. The moonlight is not good today, so I can only see the nearby roads, but I can’t see my home. I don’t know if I can find it. She doesn’t remember the way. ah.

Silently, Hu Jun finally came over and patted Ding Ding, "Let's go, go back, don't wait." He won't come back.

Ding Ding didn't move, but asked sadly, "Why did he become like this?"

Who he is, needless to say, Wei Tian has no intention.

Fang Jia also told her what had happened before leaving, but Wei Tian and the girl got closer, and Ding Ding slapped her when he came up, and scolded the girl for being shameless, seductive, and casually talking to another girl. The two girls wrestled together.

Regardless of the reason, the fault was indeed Tintin's, because she struck first, and the girl never fought back.Ding Ding is pushing Wei Tian out.

Looking at Ding Ding who still didn't understand, Hu Juan could only say to her: "Even if you starve to death here, or freeze to death, Wei Tian won't come to see you, you understand his character better than I do, won't he be sympathetic? people."

Hu Jun's words made Ding Ding's body sway, yes, he has never been sympathetic, he has his own ruler, and he will not take an extra step for himself, even when they are the sweetest.

How could she want him to come back to pick her up in vain?

How sad it is to think that you have already understood it, but you have to be told by others.

Ding Ding laughed, but it was more embarrassing than crying. She was obviously his girlfriend, why, he could never put her first?

Seeing that Ding Ding's legs were numb when she stood up, Hu Juan quickly helped her up.

When they got home, everyone had already finished their meal, washed and slept, only the kid was sitting at the door waiting for them, and when he saw the figures of the two from a distance, he hurried over and said, "I've left some food for you, wait a minute. I'll get it." After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

Hu Jun didn't even have time to say thank you. She shook her head. It seemed that the child had a good conscience. At least she remembered them. She helped Ding Ding to sit at the door. It's better to eat outside.

After a while, the kid ran back with two bowls in his hand, "Here you are."

Hu Jun took it and thanked the kid. The rice was a little cold, and he didn't care about it now, so Hu Jun started to eat. Ding Ding took it, but didn't eat it. He just stared at the food in the bowl. Hu Juan said while eating, "Eat quickly, you will have strength when you are full."

Ding Ding turned a deaf ear, the kid didn't know what happened, and thought that Ding Ding's food was cold, Hu Jun shook his head, indicating that it wasn't his fault, it was a crime.

The next day, when Hu Juan got up, Ding Ding was nowhere to be seen. She searched around and found nothing, so she didn't care too much. Anyway, she walked out of the road by herself, so she couldn't care so much.

No one knows what Ding Ding does when she leaves early and returns late, but Hu Jun always leaves her a bowl of rice, but unfortunately, she doesn't touch that meal.

(End of this chapter)

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