Chapter 387
Unexpectedly, people guessed it before I said anything, which is so embarrassing.

Hu Jun himself thought it was nothing. In fact, what she did was really for their own good, but in the short term, many people must not be used to it. There is a little rush, and now the brand-new life mode is strange except for strangeness. Who knows whether it is good or not.

No, many people have already packed their bags and are ready to leave, leaving behind some cowardly and honest poor people.

Seeing their embarrassing looks, Hu Juan touched his legs, stood up, and flicked the dust on his clothes, "Don't worry, you can go back, although you are allowed to choose your life freely, it's okay if you continue to stay here , unified management by the monks in the temple, although it may be a little poor, but at least you don't have to worry about your life, you can live with peace of mind."

This is the best of benevolence, and after she finished speaking, she waved her hand and walked away. She still had to tidy up her things and get ready to go, leaving the mother and son with joy in their eyes.

The second time I came to this temple group, Hu Jun always had a lot of time to appreciate such outstanding buildings. The appearance of the temple is full of Buddhist characteristics, and it is built on the mountain, which is even more magnificent. The incense must have been at its peak at the beginning.

The main hall and the small hall are stacked one after another. It seems that there are many monks in this temple, and the terrain is steep. No wonder the group of people did not attack by force, but made some agreement.

Behind this temple is the entrance to the shortcut to the base at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, a group of 31 people are leading down to the entrance leading to the foot of the mountain under the leadership of the monk Hu Juan is familiar with.

Hu Jun asked: "Master, since you know the entrance, why don't you go to the city by yourself?"

The monk smiled and replied: "When we go up the mountain to practice, we have already decided not to go down the mountain again. This path is prepared for lay disciples."

"Then how did Mr. Yang know?"

The monk thought for a while, and answered bluntly, "He is a layman who has been practicing in our temple all year round, and he can be regarded as leading a family." Oh, so Mr. Yang knows, why does this truth sound so annoying.

Someone snorted coldly in disdain, clearly showing some dislike for this monk.

Soon we arrived at the place, where there was a big tree, the monk pushed aside a piece of grass in front of the tree, and signaled that it was here.I saw that it was a big iron door with a keyhole on it.

Hu Jun took out the key he got from Mr. Yang, inserted it in, twisted it, and the door opened.

"Tsk tsk, if we knew it was so simple, we wouldn't waste so much effort." Fang Jia felt a little dissatisfied. This kind of door just needs to be blown open, and what kind of keys are there, and others praised it with their eyes.

The monk glanced at Fang Jia, not in a hurry, and explained with a smile: "Don't just think it's a key, the benefactor, there is a lot of mystery in it." The monk smiled, but he didn't point it out.

Those who can build such a confusing formation that people can't see the way up the mountain clearly must not be ordinary people. Hu Juan has no interest in inquiring about other people's details, so he interrupted decisively: "Thank you, master, and we will leave now."

The monk nodded, watched the 31 people enter the tunnel one by one, and then closed the gate for them.

Hu Jun walked last. The monk seemed to have given her a note just now. She put it in her hand and looked at it by the light of the fire: Be careful!

She looked back at the endless darkness thoughtfully, maybe this monk is much more powerful than she imagined.

Right at the entrance, the presiding abbot came out, saw the monk and said respectfully: "Uncle Master, the arrangements have been made."

The monk smiled: "Okay."

The mountain has already been thriving, much better than what the mother and son had imagined. Most of the people left behind are honest and responsible people. .

The faces of the mother and son were full of joy, and they looked outside the temple, waiting for the appearance of the masters.

I couldn't help but thank Hu Jun in my heart. Thanks to her, they were able to get rid of those blood-sucking devils. I felt a little regretful. They had a bad attitude when they came to exchange things, because they were the minions of those devils. If they knew it, they should have warmly welcomed them in. That's right, unfortunately, I didn't know it earlier.

Hu Jun, who was thanked but didn't know it, was walking at the end of the line. He heard that it would take three hours to get down the mountain, and he thought silently. It would be dark when he got down the mountain, and he didn't know where the exit was, whether it was safe or not. .

"This group of monks looks awesome, why didn't they kill those people?" Everyone walked around and talked, full of curiosity, and the monks who had never thought of it before felt very powerful, completely unbelievable.

Fang Jia curled her lips, "Isn't it the best result if the monks don't kill the monks, and now they don't have blood in their hands, but they can kick the offal out?" Then he said with some self-pity, "Let's be wicked when we come to be wicked."

Hu Juan shook his head and didn't answer the conversation, but he was a little ridiculous when he heard their topic gradually go off track.

"What are you thinking?" It is unknown when Ji Jin will be beside Hu Jun.

Hu Jun shrugged, "It's nothing."

Ji Jinjiang rubbed his nose, a bit self-defeating, the more he felt that Hu Jun was cold, and he didn't want to talk to people at all, he probably would freeze people into ice slag after a while.

"I never understood why you hid the gender of yourself and Ding Ding in the first place."

If you want to say this, everyone can see it, but it's really strange that someone as smart as Ji Jinjiang can't understand Hu Jun's thoughts.

Hu Jun rolled his eyes at him, "There's nothing so curious about it, I'm just worried about the eccentricities of the people here."

They have seen too few weird things, and a woman like this gender is sometimes very attractive. She doesn't want to be stared at by others without doing anything. It's best to be careful.

The two followed everyone around, and suddenly Ji Jin asked, "Having been away from the base for so long, do you miss home?"

Hu Juan froze for a moment. She must be thinking about her family. She misses them because she cares about them. She misses how well they are doing. She misses whether they are sick. If it is not because of her family, she would not have to bear so many things. You can live well anywhere.

She knew that her parents must be thinking about her, but in order for the two elders to live a better life, she had to come out. Once the base was built, she could always be with them.

Seeing that Hu Jun didn't answer for a long time, Ji Jinjiang was not in a hurry, lowered his head, and walked cautiously in the cave. The cave is very long. Perhaps for some reason, the smell inside is not pleasant, there is a musty smell , Touching the wall can also feel a sticky feeling, as if some fungus has grown.

(End of this chapter)

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