The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 389 Deception is too much

Chapter 389 Deception is too much (2)
Hu Jun raised his hand slightly without changing his face and heartbeat, and the menacing fire dragon was immediately frozen into ice slag, turned into water vapor, and disappeared.

The pupils of the fire-type supernatural being in the lead shrank. It seemed that Mr. Yang had already been killed. This, no.

He turned his head and gave a wink, the two behind nodded, and the three of them waved their six hands at the same time, and saw a huge fireball appearing in front of them. It becomes the moment of greatest shot.

Unexpectedly, the three of them have the same ability, and it seems that Mr. Yang has spent a lot of trouble in choosing the candidate.Hu Jun shot suddenly, and an ice shard was heading towards the fireball. This is not an anime, and it also gives the bad guys a chance to prepare a big move. Only a fool would do such a thing like raising a tiger.What Hu Juan wants is to surprise the enemy with one move.It looks like a small icicle, but its power is astonishing.

It hit the center of the fireball directly, pierced the fireball from the middle, and shattered it. The fireball that was supposed to rush out quickly changed its direction because of this sudden blow, and hit the supernatural person himself, scaring them to dodge quickly.

At this moment, icicles had already been erected around them, surrounding them like a cage.The leader of the supernatural power user was so anxious that he couldn't help but use the supernatural power a second time, but when the flame was close to the icicle, it was frozen by the huge cold air, and it had no effect at all. Howled in pain.

Hu Juan signaled the others to disperse, approached them and asked them seriously, "I want to know, how many factories do you have here?"

At first, the few people were still taking chances, but now they finally realized that they had hit the iron plate.

When I thought about it, if it was really Mr. Yang who was no longer around, then why would I bother to compete? In addition, this woman's supernatural ability was too fierce, and I was not enough to look at her in front of her. They survived and became petty officials because of Knowing how to wink, they will not do things like hitting a stone with a pebble, and no one will look at it when they do it. When they think of this, they don't want to be stubborn and pretend to be tough guys.

Once I figured it out, I immediately explained honestly that there are several factories here, which process food, and the workers are basically ordinary people, Barabara and the like.

"However," they exchanged a look, as if they had something to say.

Hu Juan stared at their small movements, "Why?"

One of them shivered in fright. It was originally surrounded by ice, but now that Hu Juan's aura leaked out, he immediately said submissively, "There is a supernatural person in the factory who is very powerful, and we are all too." Do things with him."

"How powerful is it?" Hu Juan moved his wrist. In this way, the supernatural person is the leader of these people.

The man stammered, "Very, very powerful." His eyes were full of fear.

Hu Juan waved his hand, interrupting his description, and looked at the people who came back to indicate what he found.

Qi Zhejun shook his head and signaled, "This is a factory for processing grain. There is nothing special about it. Most of them are ordinary workers. We gathered them in a factory. However, according to the workers, there are several earth-rock processing factories not far from here." A large factory building, but because they didn’t use it, it was abandoned. Moreover, to go there, you have to pass through a factory building, which is the last step of the food processing process. I heard that the workers who went there have not returned.”

did not return?

Hu Jun glanced at those people, they nodded desperately, their eyes were full of panic, they seemed to be very afraid of that place.

Hu Jun left a few people to sort out the equipment here, and took them away if they could. Hu Jun pointed to a person in the ice cage and said, "You, take us there."

The man shook his head in fright, and looked back at the people beside him. Everyone retreated to the corner silently, and thought to himself, it was really lucky that they were not called away.

"What?" Hu Juan saw his moaning expression, so he had no choice but to come out from inside with a bitter face, his face full of reluctance.

All the way with his head down, he walked like a turtle.

Fang Jia urged him from behind, "Hurry up!" It was getting dark, so there was no time left.

He didn't chew loudly, and his speed didn't necessarily increase.While walking, we passed by many factory buildings. Everyone didn't say much, and suppressed them directly. After they resisted, they suppressed them again.

I thought that Hu Juan's abilities were very strong, but it was only after a while that I realized that this group of people were all people with abilities, and their abilities were very strong. Those who were so fast had no room for them to fight back. It was simply a one-sided situation .

He didn't even have time to remind him, which made his little heart beat wildly. Should he be glad that he was the first group to be attacked, or he would be the one rolling on the ground with his head in his arms now!

I don't know if he was scared or worried about walking slowly and getting beaten. He walked faster and faster, and soon he brought Hu Jun to the destination, and the number of people around Hu Jun also dropped sharply. I was arranged to go away. If I'm lucky, I can return to the base today, long live!
Pointing to a house, he said, his voice trembling slightly, "That's right here."

Hu Jun nodded, and walked to the door without him leading the way.

Hu Juan kicked the door domineeringly. The people in the room didn't even know who was outside, but they suddenly attacked, and a flower came out? !That's right, it's a flower. The flower is huge and looks more than one meter in diameter. The petals are layered and dark red. The place where the stamen should be is like teeth, and there is a faint smell of blood.

Hu Juan hurried to the door, only to hear the creaking sound. It was obviously ice, but was bitten into the mouth by this weird creature one by one. It really has good teeth and is not picky eaters.

Everyone was petrified by this sight, what is this, a piranha?Under the faint sunlight, seeing such a twisting thing, the whole person feels bad.

The person who led the way was so frightened that he wanted to run away. Luckily, Wei Tian, ​​who was in charge of him, dragged him here until he could not escape. What do you want, is it possible to feed the flowers?

Just as everyone was curious, the flower slipped open, and there was a man standing at the door, with a scruffy beard and messy hair, he looked like a tramp, the most noticeable The other is a pair of triangular eyes, looking very fierce, he sneered, and said, "Lao Yang was killed by you?"

There was no regret, sadness, or hatred in his voice, it sounded as if he had expected it a long time ago, and there was also a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Hu Jun looked at him, did not speak, no one spoke, only the sound of machinery roaring from the factory behind this house, the sound of clang clanging was loud.

(End of this chapter)

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