The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 396 You Are My Brother After All

Chapter 396 You Are My Brother After All (2)
A group of people rushed out non-stop. Although they cooperated tacitly, they were no match for an army of millions of zombies. Every time they were in danger, they miraculously saved the day.

As for those followers, they have already become members of the lost army and sacrificed. They should have had this kind of awareness when they rushed over, and those who tried to drag the people from the New Hope Base to replace themselves to die, they are simply Terminally ill.

Qi Zhejun, who was in front of him, shook off his sweat and shouted loudly: "No, if this continues, we may not be able to stand it anymore!"

Hu Jun looked behind, then raised his head and asked Ding Ding: "How far is it?"

Ding Ding, who was flying in the sky, looked into the distance with a grim expression, "At least half an hour away."

The factory they found was right in the middle of the base. When walking in all directions, there was no close road. In addition to the twists and turns, the half-hour road was what Ding Dingshao said.

Hu Jun looked at the front and back, and everyone looked very tired. The huge power consumption made them exhausted, and coupled with their high concentration, they might not be able to rush through it all at once. In fact, this was what she expected.

After thinking for a while, Hu Juan raised his head and said to Ding Ding: "Lead to a square or avenue!" Then he turned to everyone and shouted: "In a moment, let's build a fence and take a rest!"

After speaking, everyone's spirits were shaken, with hope, they fell into battle again, and their combat effectiveness increased a little. This is the power of hope.

When Ding Ding led everyone into an eight-lane road, Hu Jun shouted: "Take it!"

It quickly changed from a long strip team to a ball shape, and a high ice wall was built around it, blocking the zombies outside. The speed was as fast as if it had been professionally trained. Thumbs up.

The old cow brushed his hair back, rubbed the sweat in his hands, and said pantingly, "It can be regarded as a rest." Everyone nodded and sat down on the ground, pulling their clothes and fanning the wind.

The little ghost was full of nervousness. He wanted to touch this magical ice layer, but he was afraid of breaking it, so he didn't dare to move. He just watched the ferocious zombies from a distance. They rushed towards the iceberg and died when they touched the iceberg. up.

Fang Jia rubbed his neck and wrists, thought for a while and said, "What's going on? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Ding Ding, who had already fallen down, asked. The most wrong thing about this zombie city is that there are too many zombies.

Fang Jia took the water thrown by Hu Jun, twisted the bottle cap and said, "I always think the monks in that temple are weird."

"Monk?!" Hearing this, Ding Ding laughed, "How can a monk be weird!" Ding Ding felt that the monks in the temple were quite mature, or in other words, in her heart, the monks were all kind and just, and there should be no weirdness.

Before the two of them could quarrel, Ji Jinjiang, who rarely spoke, laughed and interjected, "Those monks are indeed a little weird, and they created everything here."

After saying this, most people looked at him with shocked and incomprehensible eyes, waiting for his explanation.

Ji Jinjiang was not in a hurry to explain, but instead asked them, "Have you ever wondered why our journey up the mountain was so difficult? We kept walking but felt that the mountain was far away from us."

Everyone nodded one after another. This is naturally felt and curious.

"Why does Old Yang clearly dislike us, and wants to kill us quickly, but retains a group of monks?"

"This?" Everyone, look at me and I look at you. They vaguely understand that there is an inevitable connection between the two, but no one knows the inside story, so naturally they can't tell the specifics.

Ji Jinjiang asked again, "Since Mr. Yang is dead, why did he point us to a dead end?"

"Revenge?" I don't know who shouted.

Everyone nodded, that's right, this is someone who has to hold back when dying, it's really vicious, but it's within reason.

After hearing everyone's gossip, Ji Jin shook his head, "No, actually the masterminds of all this are those monks. Mr. Yang is just their pawn."

Having said this, Hu Juan knew it was time to speak for herself, she took Ji Jinjiang's words and continued: "When I was going up the mountain, I asked the little ghost if he felt any supernatural powers, and the little ghost said that he seemed to have it, but he didn't seem to have it. , he couldn't make it clear."

As soon as he mentioned himself, the kid nodded quickly, although he didn't understand why Miss Hu asked himself this way.

"I doubted it. Then, when I entered the base, I think you can also see that there are very few supernatural beings in the base. It can be said that the number is pitiful, but there are many ordinary people in the base. The number of supernatural beings is almost as large as that of supernatural beings." The number of people is not directly proportional. Ordinary people with supernatural powers will not raise so many ordinary people, not only because it is useless, but also because there are too many people and they cannot control them. Doesn’t such a ratio make people suspicious?"

Hu Jun took a sip of water and continued: "At first, I didn't think much about it. I focused all my attention on the three women, and felt that their scheme was to sow discord. Then I went to the temple , in the words of those ordinary people, it seems that those monks are really thinking of them wholeheartedly, and I once believed this kind of statement. But..." Hu Juan changed the subject, and his voice changed from gentle to condensed, "Mr. Yang His death made me vigilant, and the monk who appeared at that time was also quite right. I had to guess a new point of view, that is, to kill people with a knife, and the monk used us to kill the few supernatural beings. However, such a theory It’s not proven, and there’s no reason to prove it.”

Speaking of this, many people's eyes are very confused, yes, why?Since he was a kind monk, why did he kill people, even if he was a wicked person, why did he borrow a knife to kill people, and why didn't the gang of wicked people increase their number? All these seemed to fall into a strange circle.

"If I want to say that I understand the mystery of this, I would like to thank that sloppy man. You may not have noticed that he actually looks very similar to the guiding monk in the temple. Moreover, his reaction to Lao Yang's death was very different. Strange. So, I speculate that Lao Yang actually has the handle of the monks, no, or that the sloppy man has the handle of the monks. Lao Yang is controlled by him and controlled by the monks, so that the three parties have to balance. "After Hu Juan finished speaking, everyone fell into deep thought. They couldn't understand and accept this kind of rhetoric.

I want to ask the truth, but I can't go back.

As for Hu Jun himself, he didn't have the urge to explain any further. Some things are actually not good to say bluntly, so it's better to let them think more about it.

The little ghost was at a loss when he heard it, and he couldn't think of a reason for it. He just listened to the scriptures, so he didn't want to talk about it, because it had nothing to do with him anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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