Chapter 398 Invitation Letter (1)
"It should be soon, I've been out for more than ten days." It was the kid who was brought back by Hu Jun who spoke.

At that time, the process of their return was not too difficult. The most important thing was that, for some reason, there was a sudden thick fog, which made the zombies seem to be unable to see them. As soon as Bin died, he rushed out in a hurry.

Afterwards, he rushed to the base. The little ghost was not afraid of hardships or tiredness all the way. He didn't complain when he got blisters on his feet.

Because of his special powers and his cowardice, Hu Jun let him play while the game was done, and the points would go to Hu Jun's account. He found a job that suits him, except that he spent a little points for Hu Jun when he first arrived, and then he became self-reliant.

Now he is with these guys all because of an accident!

These naughty children were very surprised when they heard about the little ghost's supernatural powers, and after testing countless times and found that it was really so magical, they pulled the little ghost into this small group.Then, the little ghost was the oldest, but behaved like the youngest.

The reason why he is the oldest is because Xiao Xia is no longer the half-grown boy he was before. In a year, he has rapidly matured and his face has become resolute.He officially joined the establishment and started a life of leaving the bowl and then serving in the base.

Like the youngest is because he is timid, he listens to what others say, of course it is all his own lack of opinion.

"I hope," Hu Dong sighed, always felt that my aunt had been very strange since she came back that time, she had changed a lot, and so did my uncle, seeing him less and less.

He suddenly pulled Xiao Qiu and said, "Have you seen Le Chen recently?"

Xiaoqiu shook her head, crossed her legs and looked into the distance, no.

Qi Yiyi sat aside and interjected, "Le Chen will definitely not come out soon, he and Rao Rao had a quarrel."

"We're quarreling again." The two of them looked as if they were used to it, even the little ghost was not curious, and still lowered his head, looking at the swimming fish.

"No, the two of them are just like that, arguing every day and getting angry." Qi Yi shrugged.

Since Lu Jingsheng's accident, the relationship between the two siblings has deteriorated rapidly.

Of course, at the beginning, Lu Lechen unilaterally disliked Lu Lerao. Lu Lerao knew that he was wrong, and asked for peace many times, but who would have thought that this younger brother who was born in a mother's womb would be so hard-hearted. No matter what she said or did, she would just ignore her.

At the beginning, she also reflected, regretted, and corrected, but what else do you want her to do, die?
Originally, the eldest lady's temperament was deeply ingrained, and she waved her hands, so she could do whatever she wanted!She had had enough of being humbled.

As a result, the two completely turned against each other, living under the same roof, but they fought against each other in everything. The Lu couple tried to reconcile at first, but they themselves were very busy, and it was impossible to be a peacemaker all the time. In the end, the couple It is also bearish, maybe it will be fine when they grow up.

"Why hasn't Ah Mu come yet?" Xiao Qiu looked down at his watch, 15 minutes later than the agreed time.

Just as he was talking, a small figure ran over from a distance. It was Pan Mu. When he saw his home, he nodded and didn't speak.

Everyone got up and prepared to go to the training camp, and Ah Mu silently followed behind, with the little ghost walking beside him, and the lively Xiaoqiu, Hu Dong and Qi Yiyi in front.

Obviously everything is getting better and better, but the time and frequency of Hu Jun leaving the base alone are increasing.

Not long ago, Hu Jun left the base again.

No one knew where she was going, and no one asked, because she didn't tell her when asked, and the number of times, Hu's father and mother were used to it.

The only reassurance is that the base is on the right track.

Good defense measures and a refined army can ensure the response to zombie raids, and the successful construction of the dungeon gives the base double insurance.

Now the base is mainly headed by Pan Zhan, Qi Zhejun, and Lu Jingsheng. The three have their own jurisdictions and restrain each other. In addition, Xu Langyu and the Leng brothers have a lot of power in their hands, so that the base has been running smoothly. .

On the contrary, Ji Jin Jiang has been somewhat hidden. Although he has the right to supervise, he seldom takes action and is more willing to watch other people control him. This makes many newcomers to the base not know about the existence of the Supervision Department.

At some point, the former friendly relationship between these managers gradually became estranged, and the days when they had nothing to do and eat together disappeared, and Sun Aixia and Lele, who used to love each other as sisters, also spoke in an official tone.

The children have become the only ties for everyone. This result is a bit sad, but we have to face it.

It's absurd to say it, but this is actually the scene Hu Juan is happy to see, because of the split, so he feels at ease.

Hu Jun stood on the wall of a decaying base, watching the zombies under her feet jumping up like crazy, her face was expressionless.Squatting beside her was a delicate and beautiful young man. The young man was slender but full of strength. Although the reflection in his eyes was an ugly zombie, his eyes looked pure and chaotic.

This young man is Xiao Kong, he has a handsome face, but his behavior is rude, frowning, mouth curled up, complaining dissatisfied: "It's really annoying, there's no such thing." His tone was a little savage, but also a little angry.

If you want to talk about why Hu Jun often runs out, it is not because of Xiao Kong. After Hu Jun returned to the base, he found that Xiao Kong had changed drastically. At some point, the child sneaked out and dug some kind of plant. After eating it, he was surprised. It's getting longer.

As he grew up, he felt the difference. Not only did his strength increase, but he also had more things in his mind. These things seemed to belong to him in the first place, but were imprisoned because of his young age.

Xiao Kong, who got the sweetness, naturally didn't want to be a little fool who didn't know anything, and dragged Hu Jun around in order to let himself grow again. There was a voice in his heart telling him that as long as he grows up, he can know many things. Big things, like who you really are.

"Change to another place." After Hu Juan finished speaking, he didn't miss it and jumped down directly.

Xiao Kong curled his lips, followed her and jumped off. The two-meter city wall didn't seem to be a threat to them.

In the last days, the scale of the city has been greatly reduced, and decadent and collapsed buildings can be seen everywhere.

The base is okay, it is maintained, and people in the countryside can survive on the meager crops. The worst thing is the small cities. At first, they struggled to support, and in the end they fled and fled, turning into empty cities.

The originally densely vegetated forests have also suffered greatly, and large-scale deserts have appeared on the inland territory.

(End of this chapter)

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