Chapter 404 You're welcome (1)
Xiao Xia, who had been listening to others all the time, saw that the time was right, so she said, "I'm going out for a walk today, to find out some news."

"Oh?" Everyone was quite curious about what the news was. Xiao Xia's method of inquiring about the news was excellent. Even though everyone knew that all the news was sent to Hu Jun's case through him, they were cautious, but he would always get his way. It's like, you obviously know that you are a thief, but when someone steals from you, you still can't find out.

"This base was not established by Fatty Wu. At first, it was managed by the army according to the instructions from above. Fatty Wu just recruited a small official with food at that time. Later, the world was in chaos, and the army established itself as the king. Not long after, something happened. What, Fatty Hu will replace it."

"Is this news true?" Pan Zhan asked with a frown.

Xiao Xia looked at Hu Jun who was frowning tightly, and then nodded to Pan Zhan.

After listening to the inquiry, Hu Jun tapped his finger on the table, interesting, really interesting.

On the contrary, the two children look at me and I look at you, and say hello to each other with all their thoughts, but they don't know that this will be a rare lesson in their lives.

Hu Juan swept away, and everyone's expressions were serious, as if they had encountered some major event. She felt relieved, and couldn't help but say a few words of relief: "It's just a small base, at most it's just a fight, and it's no big deal. No matter how powerful that fat man Wu is, There is a trick, but there is no reality in the end."

This way, everyone can feel at ease, yes, their fists are not easy to mess with, and there are a lot of turbulent ones.

The first time we met, Hu Jun returned to the room, and after a while, Xiao Kong ran in. He was no different from a man or a woman, lying on Hu Jun's bed, and said, "This place is smoky, do you want me to go out..." His eyes It's full of killing intent, which doesn't match his fresh and refined appearance of a handsome boy.

Hu Jun rolled his eyes at Xiao Kong: "This is not the city of the dead, you don't need to look for trouble." In the past year, the number of times the two went out alone has increased dramatically, and naturally they spend more time together. This kind of wanton, free and easy, willful and unrestrained things are too numerous to count.

It was fine in those cities of the dead before, but not now, she wanted to take this opportunity to get a good feel for the details of the bases near her own base, knowing herself and the enemy would never be imperiled in a hundred battles. This principle is not only applicable when fighting, but sometimes it is also applicable when dealing with neighboring bases.

Being reprimanded by Hu Jun, Xiao Kong didn't think so, turned over, yawned and said, "You can do whatever you want." No matter how big the storm is, it's enough to keep Hu Jun and himself alive. As for the others, hey, it has nothing to do with him.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, we don't know which strategy this base will use to deal with New Hope Base.

In just three days, someone came to visit, but this person was quite surprising.

The person who came was a young girl who looked pure and lovely. She lay on the door panel, showing a small head, and said staggeringly, "Is Miss Hu Jun Hu there?"

Such an abrupt voice made everyone eating in the restaurant look at her vigilantly, with sharp and scrutinizing eyes.

The elders in the room suddenly looked back at her, so frightened that she quickly raised her hand in a surrender, and explained hurriedly like a frightened little rabbit: "I just knocked on the door, but no one answered it, just happened I came in when the gate was open."

Her delicate appearance and big innocent eyes made it difficult for them to reprimand her, and she always reminded them of those petite girls in the base.

Lu Jingsheng stood up, invited her out of the restaurant with a smile, stood in the living room and asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I was sent to show Ms. Hu Junhu a tour of the base." The girl smiled when she spoke. It seemed that she was a well-protected girl.

"Then just wait a moment, Miss Hu will come out in a while." Lu Jingsheng poured her a glass of water very politely, and then went to call for someone.

This girl is not afraid of strangers, she looks at the house with big bony eyes.

After a while, Hu Jun came down.Hu Juan was wearing a dark blue trouser suit today, he was handsome and charming, even this girl was taken aback.

"Wow, so beautiful!" The girl's starry eyes reappeared in Jianghu, Hu Jun nodded coldly, can't it look good, the little girl and daughter-in-law at the base can be considered to show their fashion skills, those fashion books read before the end of the world There is also a place for it to be used, and a basket of clothes is made, which is a pain for Hu Jun to try on over and over again.

But you can't say this to her, Hu Juan waved his hand recklessly: "Sit."

Only then did the girl feel that her behavior was a bit inappropriate. She stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, sat down, and hastily explained her reason for coming.

After listening to the girl's remarks, Hu Jun did not answer immediately, but picked up the water glass, took a sip, and then slowly said, "It's good to visit."

Seeing that Hu Juan didn't agree at first, the girl raised her heart, fearing that she would not agree. After Hu Jun agreed, she fell back into her stomach again. This was a job she had just won with great difficulty.

The girl's name is Xiangzhu, and she was very active in introducing the base to Hu Jun. Here are shops, there are residential buildings, where the food is delicious. She seems to regard Hu Jun as a new resident, warm and kind.

In other words, this kind of introduction is actually inappropriate for other base lords, it is a bit superficial and should not be taken seriously, but it is appropriate for this person to replace Hu Jun.

In fact, the base is just such a thing, and Hu Jun has seen it a lot, so he doesn't think there is anything interesting.Looking at the girl's beautiful side face, she couldn't help sighing, Fatty Wu understands women's thoughts very well, if it were any unruly person or man, Hu Jun would not go out, but such a straightforward and dumb Girl, it's hard for her to refuse.

Xiangzhu didn't know that Hu Jun wasn't on the street at all, but she was extremely happy, the adults at home usually wouldn't let her out, and most of the bases in her belly were learned from other people's mouths, and now she saw it with her own eyes. That was even more joyful.

She had been begging for this opportunity for a long time before she got it.

She couldn't wait to go out early in the morning. At the beginning, she heard that Hu Jun was arrogant and difficult to get along with, not as good as another sister Yao Yao, but now she thinks that Hu Juan and sister Hu are very nice, and there is no boredom on her face look.

"Look, this lady is even prettier than the previous one!" When I came to the busiest market, I heard someone pointing in a low voice.

Xiangzhu itself has a big personality, and I don't think it's a big deal. On the contrary, I feel a little proud. Look, I took this beauty to visit.

While thinking, subconsciously puffed up his chest, proud, proud.

(End of this chapter)

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