Chapter 408 Do some needlework (1)
Pan Zhan knew what Hu Jun was thinking, but this woman repeatedly provoked him, and he couldn't bear to say, "I don't know what happened to you before and what it has to do with Ms. Hu, and I don't speak bad words. , but also ruthlessly attempted to kill someone, failed and did not know how to repent, and still acted like a victim, Miss Yao Yao really deserves to be called a flower of the last days, a vicious cannibal flower."

These words are really vicious, and they also named Yao Yao's behavior just now, and satirized her for being ugly and immoral.

Even Shen Jiacheng interjected, "You are so cruel and merciless, you can kill it too much, why pretend to be pitiful." Tsk tsk, these words are really pleasing to the ear, Hu Juan thought to himself.

Except for Fatty Wu, no one else interfered with Yao Yao's affairs, and Fatty Wu was not a person who outspokenly stood by Yao Yao.

Yao Yao didn't answer the phone again, as if she had acquiesced.

This meeting can't go on anymore, the meeting room is full of water because of the fight between the two just now, everyone had to leave, the most pitiful thing is Fatty Wu, who was messed up again, ready to talk , now can only stay in the stomach.

In the end, they had to break up unhappy.

Yao Yao was also supported to leave. Those who were brave enough looked at Yao Yao's back and spat out, "What the hell!"
Unexpectedly, Yao Yao lowered her head and smiled.

On the way back, Hu Jun and the others were very calm, as if they were not the ones who just started.

When approaching the house, Lu Jingsheng suddenly said, "I'm afraid this Yao Yao will take revenge on us for what happened just now."

Hu Jun didn't take it seriously, "Revenge? She also needs to have that ability."

Lu Jingsheng looked at Hu Jun with indifference, as if he really didn't care. After thinking about it, he finally said nothing and followed her into the room.

Within a day, news of Hu Jun and Yao Yao's fight spread throughout the base.This kind of thing can't be hidden if you say it, and there is no need to hide it.

Xiao Xia looked at Hu Jun with a sullen face.This matter was found out by myself today, and Hu Juan didn't mention it when he came back yesterday.

Hu Jun shook his head, knowing that he wanted to take revenge, but it was really not worth it. If she wanted her life, she would have taken action immediately, but if she did, no one would deal with this fat man Wu.

Xiao Xia took a piece of pancake and left, she really didn't want Hu Jun to be so useless.

He was thinking about something, when the knock on the door made him sit up immediately, outside the door was General Ji Jin who rarely appeared.He is like a legend at the base, and he is rarely seen, and sometimes he won't show up in meetings.But if it really appeared, it must be a trap in the base's eyes.

Since the establishment of the base, he has only taken care of two things. One thing is about the potion. At the beginning, the potion was precious, but later it was produced too much. Coupled with physical problems, there were not many people who could be selected.So someone, relying on his identity as a registrar in the logistics department, conspired with others to sell the medicine, mainly for those who had limited physical conditions but were extremely eager.Not to mention their use of power for personal gain, they also harmed many people.The second is the emergence of small underworld organizations in the base, amassing money in private.

His handling is very decisive, as long as all those related to such a matter are killed, there will be no interrogation, and even the supernatural beings will not be spared.

Although the methods are pungent, Xiao Xia admires them, and the management of the base should be like this. He can't understand the soft methods formulated by Hu Jun.Even if he knew that she was out of good intentions, he had experienced a lot when he was young, and his heart was more ruthless than others. He couldn't do that kind of blind dedication.

Since the base provides the living conditions, even if it is to ask the residents to do more work, it should be done. Besides, many people are living a normal life from [-] to [-], and they are already very slack.

"Is there something wrong?" Xiao Xia spoke flatly, not as enthusiastic as she was when she was a child.

Ji Jinjiang didn't answer in a hurry, he glanced at Xiao Xia's room, it was a double room, Xiao Xia and Ran Tao lived together, and Ran Tao was not in the room at the moment.

Xiao Xia stood in front of her bed, and Ji Jinjiang sat down casually, and then slowly said: "If, you were bitten by a dog, what would you do?"

"Kill it to death." Although he didn't know the purpose of Ji Jinjiang's words, Xiao Xia still replied very quickly.

Ji Jinjiang nodded, "However, wouldn't it feel dirty if you beat him to death with your own hands?" After speaking, he stood up and left.

I thought Yao Yao would come to her, but whoever expected it, there was no movement for a long time.

Hu Jun was flipping through old magazines boredly, when someone ran over there and shouted, "It's no good, people from your base and the people from the Rose Base are fighting over Jessica!" Is it Yao's base?But, why is it for Jessica?
Hearing this, Hu Jun was stunned.

When she arrived at the scene, she saw bloodstains all over the ground. The people at the New Hope base only had hands, and there were already several corpses lying on the ground, and Jessica stood aside, looking a little panicked , Maybe I haven't seen a real murder scene.

At this moment, a group of people also came over, "What's going on!" The people came with a fierce look, but after seeing Jessica, they looked a little slavish, "Miss Jessica, are you okay?"

Jessica shook her head, before the man turned around, someone immediately told the story.

To put it simply, when Jessica went out to play, she first met someone from the Rose Base, and when they saw the beauty, they stepped forward to tease her. Jessica immediately became unhappy, and then a hero came to save the beauty from the New Hope Base that appeared.

So, for the beauty, the two gangs ran into each other, and the bosses of the two gangs had conflicts before, so it became normal for them not to fight in groups.

Hu Jun glanced at the people present in his base, there were only four of them, but their tempers were very chivalrous, and to put it bluntly, they were aggressive!She lowered her head and asked Xiao Xia who was following her, "Why did the four of them go out?"

Generally speaking, Hu Jun restricted them from going out, and even if they went out, they had to follow a calm person, lest they might conflict.

Xiao Xia thought for a while, "It was a temporary decision, and the meals they shared were all vegetarian. They wanted to come out and buy some meat." Looking at the current situation, she explained: "Everyone else has something to do."

Hu Jun nodded, probably understood.

In just 2 minutes, Yao Yao ran over, looked at the scene, she looked stunned, her eyes were like beads with broken strings, they fell down with a clatter, kneeling on the ground, wanting to go Touching the corpse, but without the slightest fear of frightening them, he withdrew his hand.

Seeing the pitiful look on my face, the little steward immediately persuaded me, and then repeated the incident.

After listening, Yao Yao stood up suddenly, and cried to Hu Jun and others, "Isn't that enough! What more! Are you just so disgusted with me! Why do you target these poor ordinary people? Come find me!"

(End of this chapter)

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